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Thursday, October 05, 2023

Halloween: A Really Haunted Loud House


        Back in 2021, I wrote about a live-action Christmas movie adaptation of  The Loud House series. I thought it was really enjoyable and pretty good.  At the end of that post I wrote,   " I think I'd like to see them make more Loud House live-action stuff."  Well they did, they made a live-action series under the name "The Really Loud House"  Which began in November 2022. Now, we're back here with a different holiday movie, for Halloween and from 2023, it's  A Really Haunted Loud House 

        This movie starts the day before Halloween with Lincoln and Clyde planning out their Halloween tricks or treats plans. [ I speak in the language of Peanuts]  This movie has lot of stuff thrown at the viewer to set up but it uses it ALL later, everything in first part is used later for the rest of the movie.  The family has made their house really spooky and ready for Halloween. Something from the animated series them multiplied by 100.   

Big Spider/ Copyright Paramount 

         The details in the movie are things like Lisa has grown a giant pumpkin named Esmeralda, that she seemingly had  been talking to so much that she's grown (heh) attached to it.  It's also nice to see it more than just Lucy putting together the house celebration. They also do a nice twist on Lucy doing a scare, and even having Lynn trying to take the role is fitting because she's competitive. 

          Rita has been in control of candy. Lynn Sr. has been so bothered by Lynn Jr.'s scaring is that he's beginning to lose it. There's a Lana candy shooter, Luan made a giant Franken-Coconuts.   There's a dentist appointment scene, this also fits into the plot to move it along. Even Lynn Jr's scaring thing comes to play when she accidently scares the nurse and causes the nurse to inject the dentist with Novocain.  Lisa is able to finish the stuff and tells everyone they have tons of cavities. 

You are the weakest link/ Copyright Paramount 

        That's when Lincoln gets to introduce us to Xander,. Who's Xander? (Who is Xander, I need to know!) Xander is a character they made up for this movie. (oh) He seems to be new but has gained popularity because *checks notes* plot reasons.  He seems to be one of those internet influencer kids, because that's  how you do fellow kids? 
Join our coat gang, we wear coats even in summer/ copyright Paramount 

            Xander Cottington (no offence to the real  Xanders out there) is having a party. (I  should have read what he was going to write, oh well, Xander is cool name) Lincoln wants to go instead of tricks or treats.  Clyde thinks he's gone mad, and tries to change his mind with Ace Savvy  costumes. Then Lincoln tells him that he spoke to Xander.   Since Lincoln took the idea that they are too old to trick or treat seriously.  Then Xander shows up and invites Lincoln and Clyde.  Whatever they paid the kid playing Xander, it wasn't enough to make him say "Hashtag" in a sentence,  I don't think kids speak like that. 

         Lynn Sr. tries to hide from his junior because of her scaring thing and is hiding in the basement. Lucy needs help with something, and  accidently gets cut with something. The necklace is teeth of a werewolf and Lucy tells him that he'll turn into one.  She tells him some of the symptoms and he starts to lose it.  The joke is that Lucy finds out they weren't werewolf teeth, but it's too late for the man, he's lost it.   

          Lincoln and Clyde tell the news to the family about them not doing the Halloween thing at the house. That disappoints the family who really need the Lincoln finale.  Also Lincoln and Clyde aren't sure what one does at a middle school party. (Get drunk on 7up and ice cream and pass out at 10:25pm?)  They went to visit Rusty, Liam, Stella, and Zach. Zach and the group's plan is to hunt down a 'cryptid'.  I like how Stella figures out they should just use the internet. 
Need Monster hunting Lincoln friends spin off / Copyright Paramount 

        It's Halloween night. That dentist thing comes into play some more. Rita has decided to become the tooth brush house. That's right the house that's going to give out toothbrushes.  Lana's scream and I know this is going to be bad.  Lynn Sr. starts to go more mad in the basement as he thinks he's going to be part man's best friend soon.  A big thing I like about the writing of this thing is how things are written to tie together, and things don't seem to be unused. The dentist visit is used to bring Lincoln and Clyde away to a party instead, it changes what Rita plans to give out- which will make things go a different direction. The friends looking for a strange creature, whilst Lynn Sr. seems to think he's becoming a werewolf ties together nicely.   They cooked up a cake and every ingredient didn't go to waste.  

        Brian Stepanek's comedic acting is allowed to shine in this as well. The part where stuff happens and makes it look like he turned into a werewolf is wonderful. I also like how he's not really one it's just weird happenings coming together.   

He Awoo / Copyright Paramount 

     The Loud House is apparently the most popular place on Halloween for people to show up.  Lana tries to warn Lori about the brushes, but Lori doesn't have 15 seconds and things do have to go badly. Eventuality after the fun Halloween show, it does when Lana shoots out the toothbrushes and causes outrage. (America)  The song was fun, though at least, and yes I would be mad if I went all that way for a toothbrush, they aren't even battery powered.  (Eggs) The angry mob really doesn't want butter or other non candy things. Rita decides to go get candy. She earlier threw away the candy because they have money like that. (Hey! I wanted to say that) 

They want Candy or they are taking down the house/ Copyright Paramount

        Interspersed in with the song is Lincoln and Clyde at the party and not doing that well.   Lincoln killed Xander. (Special's over folks) 

     Rita goes to find Lynn Sr. and asks him to go candy and he acts like a werewolf and goes outside to find Candy.  Again Stepanek, is great in this movie even more than normal.  I wonder who will find the strange man, as it cuts to the friend group waiting outside to see if anything comes by.   

        Xander isn't dead, this movie can't be that dark.  Anyway, all the kids get a text about how there's a house giving out toothbrushes instead of candy. Which apparently causes outrage for the kids who aren't even going there in the first place. (Just like real life)  Lincoln gets an idea, an awful, and stupid, it's also dumb. An awful stupid dumb idea. He says  that they should mess up that house that is giving away toothbrushes. (He doesn't know.)  Lincoln created an angry mob. 
I say we take down the world/ Copyright Paramount

        The family seems to be alright as the original mob was gone. Lynn Sr. is still outside somewhere.  Also a funny moment where a boy really wants butter that they are giving away. Lynn Sr. gets chased by the friend group as they think he's the Cryptid or something.  

         Lincoln and Clyde find out that the house they are going to attack is the Loud House.  The movie has jokes directed at the main show I see. Re: Time Machine.  Lincoln decides instead of just telling the boy that it was his house and mistakes were made, he decides to play double agent and help his family take out the mob. (He's going to get them arrested for tax evasion) 

This is how they always take down mobs/ Copyright Paramount 

            Here you get a fun mad battle. I'm glad the movie just went with a fun battle for a while, seeing how the Louds take down an angry mob in creative and fun ways.  It actually it gets more fun when Lincoln devises a plan to get Xander to get drone attacked (like a redacted joke I was going to tell here,)  You also get a fun use of Lincoln wearing the costume from earlier and pretending to be someone else and stopping Xander with drones.  This is pretty fun sequence.  That super secret finale thing came in to play too. 

Ahhhh/ Copyright Paramount 

      Liam  puts a shock collar on Lynn Sr. (what the heck is that sentence) and the group is chasing the man.   He's strongly invested in finding candy, like his total commitment is finding candy. 

     What? There's still like 20 minutes left? Uhhh ok let's see... they are going to use that plot from earlier where Lincoln says they should attack the house comes back to haunt him. The family members are disappointed and since we have 19 minutes left, they won't let him explain either. But we also have time left so we need a new... oh look Xander is committing a crime. He's stealing the pumpkin.

We will save the pumpkin from death/ Copyright Paramount 

         Lincoln decides that he will save the pumpkin to not let Lisa down.   Plan is to get into pumpkin as it's being towed then uhhhh profit?   

      Having Flip dressed up as the devil is a little too on the nose. (It's so on the nose, it's a pug nose now) Flip helps hide Lynn Sr. from the the squad. He's able to get away and Flip gets sprayed and netted.  Looks like that plot is over.  

Some have the devil inside, he... / Copyright Paramount 

        Lisa sees that the pumpkin has been stolen, and they could call the police for theft or property if it is a pumpkin. It is a large one. But I'm not a lawyer or whatever.   I also have to admire how much Todd hates that pumpkin, out of jealous spite, he's a strange robot. 

       I'm glad that they thought about how to make plot convenient things work here, like Xander being an "Influencer" live streamed on his phone that he and his brother took the pumpkin and are going to crush it with a car crusher at the junkyard. (Truly, evil. Crushing cars like that) The family listens to Lilly who tells them that Lincoln is in the pumpkin. Car chase let's go!  

Let's Ride/ Copyright Paramount 

          Xander has created a pumpkin crushing party. He also doesn't know Lincoln and Clyde are in there, so he's going to commit murder... manslaughter.  Lynn Sr. gets hit by his wife on the road, he's alright.  Fun way to crash the plots into each other.  I'm also glad that the crushing is slow, and Lincoln and Clyde really should just say something, I'm sure Xander doesn't want to go through the legal troubles. 
This Munsters remake is odd/ Copyright Paramount

              There's a nice sweet moment, and Xander is angry.  Now there's an old-fashion junkyard battle.  (old fashioned?)  They had an Oprah car joke in the year of our Lord 2023.  Xander decides he's not done, his plan  is to commit a crim, and crush the Loud van?  That's some sort of crime.  Lisa decides that'll sacrifice Esmeralda to save the van. The pumpkin liquefies and takes down down Xander and his brother.  

                 The movie ends with everyone getting candy and a cover of "Who Wants Candy" with some extra lyrics.   

          This was a fun special, another Loud House-based live-action thing doing pretty well.  The way everything was used and comes in to play later was great and it feel worth it to be invested in. I'm glad there wasn't something that done randomly for funny just to not be part of the plot in someway. The movie is pretty funny at times too.   Stepanek's parts in playing Lynn Sr. going deranged were a strong highlight.   I actually like how the movie didn't try to force in a misunderstanding thing or something  boring like that.  The house battle was really entertaining and creative, so was the family vs Xander's group at the crushing place. 

        I think the Friends plot was funny, but I can see how many would think it drags there and really adds nothing to the plot, except to hold up Lynn Sr. I still think it worked in as a fun event and they tied it well to the main plot.  Lincoln's role here can be conflicting since it was very stupid of him to call for pranking a house, even if he didn't know it was his. Does show how something can spiral out of control.  The plot point of trying to impress a cool kid is kind of bland, by itself, so the movie saves itself by not having that be a full centerpiece.  
           The first song was pretty fun, and hearing "I Want Candy" was pretty nice. The movie had nice pacing. The shots were pretty good and it kept a good mixture of comedy  and tension. I think it was another great live-action outing. Good Watch! 

        That's it for now, tune in next time when we sue a kid for stealing our Lada and crushing it.  



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