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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Oh Yeah! Cartoons! #35: Cat & Milk-Man


         Previously, a company that gets it's kicks from taking down villains [here

#35 Cat & Milk-Man

Season 1, Episode 2c

            Cat and Milk-Man is a short created by Miles Thompson.  We've covered another work by him in Oh Yeah! Cartoons before.  This would be the first short that he did that came out for this series. 

        This one goes for a classic cartoon thing of having two different things against each other like Bugs vs. Daffy,   Tom vs. Jerry, etc. so is cat vs. a milk man fitting and interesting?   I do have to knock something off with this short, as yeah cats shouldn't be drinking milk, especially cow's milk. It's some weird thing that seem/s/ed to exist in cartoons especially.  I will not be taking it to seriously here though , just like to point that out at times when I need too.  

            Anyway, a cat who I guess is called Cat is looking for food in a trash can and throws a lid that causes a milkman who I guess is called Milk-Man to crash.  The cat sees the milk and wants some but the Milk-Man  doesn't want to give him any.  He goes on his route and gets loved on by an old lady and leaves, but Cat shows up to take her milk and he helps her.  Again I think most of this could be avoided if he gave the cat some milk. (He doesn't negotiate with terrorists) 
             He goes to the next house and give a military man some milk and Cat shows up again and the cat makes the man mad because he caused him to wet the flag.  You can guess where this cartoon short goes where it's pretty much Milk-Man does his thing, Cat shows up to try and take the milk and things go south.    Eventually, Cat takes Milk-Man's truck. and more chaos ensues. 

              Milk-Man gets squished and ends up in the hospital, and apparently his mother's name is Mrs. Milk-Man (family name power) and she's told he might not make it.  He runs away when he sees the cat though, because sure. 

             Very simple mostly goofy cartoon where most of the action is gag based and pretty much at Tom and Jerry like action of two characters going head to head to fight each other.   Though, the idea of him getting crushed and injured  was the darkest part but ends with him being able to run in a full body cast, so the short knows what humor it wants.  You can tell by the animation style and story that it was inspired by old time cartoons, there's even a Popeye like reference, but kind of constrained by it being 1998 and can't go as off the wall as it could have with some violence or something.   I do like the animation style and character designs are nice, 

         Do I think this could have been a full series, not for 1990's early 2000's. I think the full gag type cartoons were kind of not in the wanting at the time and I think in this mode it would have had a harder time.  I can see why a network didn't pick this up. This doesn't mean I think it's bad, because it could have been a series of shorts and would have worked, but it was just not the right time period.  

  That's it for now, tune in next time when ... why is there cat pointing a...  

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