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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day: I love the Chipmunks Valentine Special

Valentine's Day 

            No, that's not me saying I love this special, that's the name of the special. I Love The Chipmunks Valentine Special first aired on NBC on February 12, 1984 in primetime. (That means it was lucky)  This is during the era of the big 80's series had just started and this was the second ever special. 

            It starts with the Chipettes, the girl chipmunk characters created in the 1983 series.  It stars in their very nice tree house with the girls making valentines for the respective chipmunk boy the like.  Eleanor made Theodore a whole dang cake.  Britney wonders why Alivn hasn't called her for the Valentine's Day dance. (drama reasons, duh?)  

             It goes to the boys where it's Simon and Theodore making Valentines for the girls but stop when Alvin shows up because he doesn't like the holiday apparently. (Good thing it's not Christmas that's how you get visited by three ghosts.) I don't know how old he's supposed to be but apparently he had a bad experience on the date and that's why he doesn't like it.  He won't ask Brittney because he thinks she might reject him. ( Which going by 2 minutes earlier, she wouldn't but hey we need a story here. ) 

        Britney is apparently popular and all the boys want her, lots of human boys, but we don't ask questions  because that would be alot.  She really wants Alvin to ask her out, but he's not doing it. The other boys tell him that she wants him to ask her out. (Alvin is  a blockhead)  Alvin calls Britney but hangs up, so Simon and Theodore work to get him out there. 

            They try a tape to work on his mind when he's sleep. I forgot the chipmunks were also a music thing so yeah there's a song. Alvin is riding as the lone ranger like figure and goes to find Brittney and ask her to the dance, but she didn't know who it was.  This plan is not going well when Alvin wakes up from his sleep walking he's going to be confused.  

Chipmunk afterhours didn't work as a show 

            Awake Alvin hopes that asking  Brittney out will go well. Theodore and Simon are sure that she'll say yes.  We saw that she will not since she is going out Captain Chipmunk, which again the name he gave during his sleepwalking thing.  Funny enough,  Captain Chipmunk doesn't show up. 

         So Alvin brings a fake girl and  Brittney brings Jeanette dressed as Captain Chipmunk.  Alvin's date pops when a ribbon is put  on her and Alvin and Simon find out that Jeanette was playing Captain Chipmunk. (That's rough buddy) Alvin and Brittney aren't having a good night.  They have a song together where they give up on love. 

Your date is a bit off there, Alvin. 

             During sleep, Alvin accidently hits the tape player with the tape still in it this causes him to sleep walk again and become Captain Chipmunk and the special gets to reuse audio and stuff again.  This time Alvin is awoken by water and eventually realizes he's Captain Chipmunk. (I'm shocked)  He rides the horse to see Brittney and set things straight and causes window damage. 

         When she insults Alvin, he decides not tell her and will just go as Captain Chipmunk. He decides to be a not very good date the decides to leave early.  Then he hears Brittney crying about she wished she'd gone out  with Alvin.  (There's alot of drama going on here. He shows up as himself and dances with her. They make it as king and queen of the dance.   One more song. 

            I can't say this special wasn't entertaining, it was simple but alright. There's a charm to the normally confident Alvin being nervous about asking for a date.   The sleep walking stuff was fun to how it was played with where Alvin became a guy who is confident tor ride a horse to see Brittney. I enjoyed the Alvin and Brittney song the most of the songs in this special, though the Captain Chipmunk song was nice.

           Also it is fun to see Brittney and Alvin's dynamic. Of course they were characters made to be girl chipmunks  to complement the boys and they paired them off for such, but there isn't a blandness to them and do provide their own characterization. It's funny when Brittney does find out that Alvin was Captain Chipmunk.  This one is alright for Valentine's Day.  

            That's it for now, tune in next time when we make figure out who this masked person who comes by every night is. 


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