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Monday, February 12, 2024

The Brady Buch: Kiss the Boy and Make him ill? (Never Too Young)

The Brady Bunch 

      Back to The Brady Bunch and an episode you won't find streaming (as of this writing) and that's from season 5, it's the 4th episode "Never Too Young".  

          I may have stated this before, but if not, Bobby is my favorite of the Brady kids, always has been, though I can say Alice was best character overall.  I say this because this episode centers around him and  since this is season 5 that means it's the final season. I will say I do think that the final season does have alot of weaker episodes, they kind of feel they were felling crunched to write things for this show. This is the season they had a backdoor pilot  for a spinoff and the controversial addition of Oliver, which I'll get to in the future. [ I hope.]    

         This also means the series has gone long enough to the point where Bobby would be close to the age Peter's character was in the series when it started.  That means that maybe he might be getting close to be interested in girls, the fun way. Greg and Peter are going to meet up with girls and don't want to play basketball with Bobby. (Though when Greg and Peter get married, they'll be more interested in basketball, laugh track)  Bobby even says he'd rather kiss a basketball or catcher's mitt "...than any dumb ole' girl." I wonder what's going to happen in this episode. 

                Then a girl named Millicent shows up.  She's played by Melissa Sue Anderson, whom you may know from "Little House on the Prairie" if you don't know her from "Little House on the Prairie" then ok then. (Are you sure?) This actually would be a year before that series even started and she'd only a role on Bewitched   which (not witch) ended a few weeks after her episode aired.   Here though she's Cindy's friend mostly as a reason to have her randomly show up , I guess.  She's not come to see Cindy, she's come to see Bobby. (who isn't Cindy) She then kisses him to thank him.  Get it? He'd rather kiss anything than a girl then a girl comes and kisses him, laugh you! 
I'm not a basketball/ Copyright Paramount 

           Bobby sees fireworks, which I think is the show saying that this wasn't just a ewww a kiss this oh boy a kiss! (science!)  He wants her to promise that she'll never tell anyone she kissed him. Cindy knows because Cindy has been established to be a snoop and eavesdropper.  Bobby is caught up in the kiss and caught up in the skyrockets of love. (that should be a song) 

             There is a side plot with the parents doing a 20's dance thing  seems the kids are going to be part it too. (Fun fact the 20's in distance of time here is like the 1970's in 2020's in time, be scared!) The parents are concerned that Bobby seems to be in a daze about the kiss. What was in that kiss?  I do  hope that this episode isn't [currently] streaming because of the use of the hit 1928 song "I Wanna Be Loved by You"  even though they were covering it and not using the exact song. Either way, as of 2024 the song is public domain so.. what was I doing again? 

          I thought Greg going to see a girl? Why is he... anyway Cindy decides that likes to tell people secrets and finds her siblings to tell them she has a secret.   (She knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried?) Bobby is having love visions of him kissing Millicent and then practicing kissing in the mirror.  Bobby goes to Cindy to find out what the secret is about?  She plays a game to stretch out the time a bit and  he figures out she knows about the kiss. He begs to her to keep the secret. 
I want your soul/ Copyright Paramount 

            The other siblings show up to find out what the secret is.  So what does she do? A) Tell them.  B) Makes up a secret C)  Doesn't tell them   D) Bobby tells them.  Well...  you have time.   The answer is C) doesn't tell them and tells them she never had one. 

            Bobby goes to his father about the facets of kissing. He wonders what the skyrockets mean. It fun to see that Bobby still goes with kissing then eventually equals marriage. (Well it does, what are you saying?)  With some fatherly advice he goes to see her and see if another kiss would cause sky rockets in flight.  (Thinkin' of hers been workin' up his appetite)  He geos to her and kisses her but oops we have news. (good news?)  no, bad news! 

Door to door sales boys really needed to calm down/ Copyright Paramount 

        Millicent says that he shouldn't have done that why? because she might have the mumps. This is back before a vaccine was readily around or something. Silly 70's. (laugh at them)  That means the rest of the plot is now about Bobby worrying about his family finding out he kissed a girl because of the mumps. He also needs other people to know unless he wants to cause a small pandemic. I'm not using the word correctly, because I don't want to.  

              He decides the best plan is to not tell his family, try to stay away from them and watch them reenact the 1920's. (minus them getting drunk on illegal alcohol) He calls Millicent to see if she is sick so that he be relieved or not, but there won't be any answers until 10 AM, the next day. (on most of these ABC stations)  There's nice to little charm to Mrs. Brady going into the boy's room (Greg had moved the attic, at the end of season 4) and tucking in Peter and Bobby. Though, she won't find Bobby  and gets nervous and calls out to find him.  They do find him since the genius decided to play music while laying in the doghouse.  (They used to have a dog) 
I miss our dog/ Copyright Paramount 

            The episode yadas everything we already knew and cuts to after Bobby explained everything. The real moral of this episode is the mumps are scary.  I do find it funny, in season 1 Mike never had chicken pox, and he also here never had Mumps. Man was avoiding all plagues like a king. He has to wait and the secret gets out.  Anyway, she doesn't have the mumps.   We get a nice a Carol and Mike moment. The 20's dance contest plot seemed to go well too. 

The 1920's?  this is how people dress now/ Copyright Paramount 

          This isn't a weak episode of the show, but not a stand out one either. Or far out, but it's a nice Bobby story about him experiencing his first kiss and feelings around that.  It's fun to see him wondering what's going on and why he feels that way.  There's a nice little charm to him not wanting his family to know either.  The mumps plot then comes in and that's really oddly added in I guess to have it make sure he tells his family that kissed a girl and liked it.  There are other ways he could have tried to hide it and it getting out and seeing the results, but alright.  Funny, enough we never see his brothers' reactions to it.  Cindy deciding to not tell her siblings was a nice thing for her character good to see her reaction and taking some consideration for Bobby there. 

        I do like this episode, myself, whilst not the best episode, it's pretty fun and a good Bobby outing. And with how this season does go weird at times this was still pretty nice episode and still grounded.     

That's it for now, tune in next time when we go back and time and give everyone a mumps vaccine. 




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