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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3:Episode 8: Careers/ Tutor

The Weekenders  Disney 

 Previously, Lor's the boss [Here

Episode 8: Careers 

               It's one of those career episodes that seem to happen in shows but I'm not sure what happened in real life ever. The group has taken a career test to find out what would be good for them. Tish gets librarian which she thinks is not a fit for her at all.  Lor gets experiential physicist, which she finds to be a good fit for her.   Tino gets announcer, which he thinks would be a good fit.  Carver gets gym teacher, advertising executive, or animal trainer.  I like how there's no imagination spot for Carver to think of his life a gym teacher.  

            The others tell him that he doesn't have to do the jobs on the list, but he remarks the tests are destiny.   The next day, Tino pretends to be an announcer and Tish is annoyed about being pointed in the direction of a librarian. Carver tries gym teacher but maybe he won't be good at that.  Next, he tries the advertising  thing.  (Wait, do whales have lips?) 

            I enjoy Tish doing library things but still denying it, Lor doesn't do the best science though. Carver's parts provide the funniest parts of this episode, this episode is very funny. He's going to try the animal trainer thing. The family dog doesn't seem to like Carver. He decides to give up and says he'll be world famous shoe designer. His imagination spot there is funny.  

             Coach Colson shows up and tells them that the tests were suggestions of what jobs could work for them. Lor looked at the wrong column she got more appealing suggestions, Tino finds out his says " except radio or TV" which seems like a rude test.  The coach tells him that he if wants to do TV or radio go for it! Other people show up to say how their tests went  Coach laughs at Carver's test thing at gym teacher. 

        This episode  was fun. I think it had some really funny moments especially with Carver trying ads or Carver's future spot. It was a well paced and pretty interesting episode. There was blend of how they responded to the tests.  Lor thinking it would be fun to be a scientist was nice and then finding out the real careers she really lucked out there too.  Good message too.   8/10. 

More after the jump

Episode 8b: Tutor 

             For this episode the description says  "Once Again, Lor's grades are slipping..." like calm down there.  Didn't have to do all that synopsis person.  Of course there was an episode where the Lor had grade troubles  and the friends helped her.  So what happens differently in this episode? 

            The group is at a movie and they seem bored because they are at a romance film that Tish wanted to see.  The episode also remembers Thompson and Lor's crush on him. (Everything here is like The Weekenders Greatest hits here)  She bumps into Thompson and stammers. Then her father tells her that her grades are slipping and he's gotten her a tutor , I wonder who that could be... oh it's Thompson. He also has a  last name and it's not Thompson, it's Oberman. 

          Lor decides that it's like a date and wants to set up romance. The group goes and gets romance films to help Lor fall in love with Thompson.  (Probably not the best idea)  Tish tells Lor that she's making the biggest mistake of her life. Lor is really sure into the doing this. (ends in tears) It is funny how Carver managed to get Lor's father and brothers to leave the house.   

         It's time for Thompson to be at Lor's house and she's put on a classic dress and made him a sandwich.  The candles don't go over well as she's done scented candles.  Thompson isn't having a good time and she tells him what's been going on. He remembers the past episodes she and he have interacted him.  He agrees to stay if she acts like her self and he tutors her. 

        I'm not really interested in Lor's crush episodes as I've found out here. This episode wasn't very strong as much as just Lor doing something weird and then having a message that the episode even points out that Thompson would rather like Lor as Lor.  I even like that friends kind of got bored as like we should be of the plot. Kind of sad that a Lor episode has this let down, but hey can't hit an episode out of the park all the time.  It's passible with some funny moments that do come in.  I give it 6.5/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when your career is local dog catcher , later days!  

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