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Saturday, February 03, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 5: The Most Dangerous Weekend/ Charity Case

The Weekenders  Disney 

        Previously,  Tino  tires to be a lone wolf, that goes not well.  [read here

Episode 5a: The Most Dangerous Weekend 
                Tino has sprained his wrist.  This is an interesting plot as in many cases we as people do something and then it goes wrong and we might not want to do it again. Sometimes, this is a good thing like this is how we found out that fire burns and hurts and passed that down to the masses  at some point.   Sometimes it goes wrong. Tino went skating without his wrist guards and fell down causing his sprain.  I love how Tino's mom takes over his 4th wall break to explain what happened.  Also doctor is also a magician which is something. 

            Tino has now got it in his head that average everyday things you do can be dangerous. (not reading this blog though. Switching tabs on the other hand, is bad.)  He has decided to "take precautions" by padding the kitchen and rest of the house. He's gone out dressed like he's going on a hike. It is funny he is trying to be safe but also using a putty spreader for the sun putty wouldn't that be dangerous, Tino?!  I hope SPF-182 was a Blink 182 reference.  

            The friends, mostly with Tish, have decided to work with Tino in the hopes he'll snap out of his paranoia.  I think that also goes badly as it seems to have spread to them. Though they are kind of able to shake it and working again to help Tino.  They after waiting all day for him to get ready for the beach, they give up and leave. Tino's Mom helps (again) to bring up the idea that maybe all this worry might affect his friendship.  So he comes to clarity. 

                  This one is fine. Really the concept over thinking how something can be dangerous is very human and having an experience where something you do normally then it going wrong and causing injury can have an affect on what you think about things. The episode doesn't rachet it up to take it too seriously. It does fit Tino's character as he does tend to get into a thought of over reacting. The friends really did stick with him long  enough until they justifiably get mad when it takes him six hours to get ready and making them miss a beach day. Again six hours.  I give it 7/10. 

More after the jump 

Episode 5b: Charity Case 

             Tish gets to introduce an episode this time and she's talking about a girl named Bebe Cahill. According to Tish, the girl is a poor unfortunate soul , socially at school. So, she's going to help her. This might not be the best plan.  The other kids don't want to do this as a plan.  

            The girl, herself, doesn't  also seem to interested in being brought into Tish's plans. She also isn't interested in Weekender gang's movie either she'd rather watch a talking animal movie. They end up getting banned for two weeks, since she talked.  Later, she insults Carver's shoes, which is a big thing for him. He drops out and leaves. (same)  Bebe doesn't really want to hang out with the friends and shows it clearly, and she thinks she's doing them a favor. 

            Bebe is also annoying and even insults Shakespeare. I like how Carver was the most sane one here.  I love the moment that Carver and Tino have with the walkie talkies. Of course, Tino's mom is there to bring logic here. Saying that this isn't a good idea either.  

            Of course, in the best twist, Bebe really did think she was helping Tish and the rest, but she wants to hang out with her friends, two kids we've seen before in the show -Bluke and Frances.  They learned their lesson it seems.  

            This episode seems to be a flip for our cast. Sometimes the cast has been shown, themselves, to want move up the social ladder. This one, has them trying to "help" move someone up the social ladder which again is something different. It's also interesting that it was Tish who was the one who started the idea, it wouldn't seem to be something she would normally do.  Pretty straight forward message too.  The idea of the reason they were helping someone and kind of thinking they were better than someone else, and the classic not judge a book by the cover thing.  I think the ending was a great one to punctuate that. Bebe also being unpleasant kind of worked too, and showing that she didn't want to be around them then turning around and having her ditch them because she wanted to be with her friends was a well done move.  Yeah, pretty good episode. 7.5/10. 

That does it for now, tune in next time after we banish all paper, curse paper cuts!  Later days! 


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