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Sunday, February 04, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 6: Best/ Broken

The Weekenders Disney 

Previously: you poor soul. [read here

Episode 6a: Best 

   This episode's title has a lot riding on it, I mean "Best" is a bold name. Is this episode the best?  What's best about it? This is about those school year book thing the best hair, best dressed, stuff like that. Tino hasn't been given a best of most thing and he's not happy about it.  He didn't even get Best Tino. ( I think he's best Tino)  Tino also demands a recount ,which might come back into play. 

       This has caused him to worry what his legacy will be and he has a spot of how he sees his friends doing well -20 years in the future- and he's not doing well in that future.  He's decided that he's going to focus on the next year and try to get the most or best thing.  Like he goes around smiling, whistling (which goes badly), he messes up a bush.  Later, he tires to have the best physique, which is bold for Tino. 

            The friends want Tino to get out of this funk and try to think of ideas to help.  Guy had to be wheeled home and the friends come over and give him the Best Friend Award as they explain why he's a great best friend.   It's a great moment there. 

            We get a rare Monday appearance as the kids go to school and that recount thing comes in to play where there was one vote for "Most Sarcastic" which Tino is.  

             I love how the recount thing came into play at the end, it could have just been a simple random line, maybe someone thinking about the 2000 election when they made this ,but it was nice to see it come in to usage. It fits that Tino is very sarcastic at times. The other part where the friends give him that award and tell him he's a great friend worked because this is season 3 and we've seen how he does do a lot for them when they need him.  It did that well, without being to sappy.

        There's some funny moments that work great  here as well. I think it's a fun episode, not the best, but it was most(ly) fun.  I give it 7.5/10 

More after the jump 

Episode 6b: Broken 

   Another one word title episode and this one concerns me. Guess we'll find out what's broken.  The show remembers Dixon and he's made Tino a special scooter. There's going to be a parade.  Carver asks if he can ride it and there's a funny exchange on how he's able convince him,  Then here's where the broken part of the title comes in , Carver crashes it and it gets mangled. Carver says he going to go and get it fixed.  He's going to come and get it the next day and  do it.  

            This didn't happen. He may have forgotten because he is that easily forgetting things. He shows up with fancy roller blades that apparently are expensive. They are like wheelies but made by people who hate walking. Tino is annoyed, but he doesn't want to remind him because he doesn't want  Carver to think that he's naggy. (which the spell check says isn't word) 

        Tish and Lor try to figure out away to drop hints. Then Tino decides to get mad and leave when Craver asks to borrow a napkin, which is a question on it's own there to be examined.  How does one borrow a napkin and would one want it back?  Tino's mom with the episode's obvious solution that was already mentioned. 

        His mind decides to not allow him to do that and decides best idea is to just Carver dirty looks. (bold strategy) Then Carver ends up remembering and now he feels bad.  He even gives up the sneaker-blades to let Tino borrow them. Then Dixon and Tino's Mom show up with his soccer fixed. 

            The episode is alright, very obvious solution and kind of stretches out something that shouldn't have to make an episode.  There are at least some funny moments and things that work for it, but it's not the strongest of the episodes.   I give it 6.5/10. 

        That's it for now, tune in next time when we remember to ... oops. Later days! 

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