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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 7: Father's Day/Follow the Leader

The Weekenders Disney 

Previously, don't want to seem like nagging, but you should read the past episode incase you didn't [here]

Episode 7a: Father's Day 

        Tino's father is a background presence in the series, meaning  whilst the character hasn't shown up we've seen things that have to do with him and the impact that has.  Tino's mom dating Dixon comes in to play and knowing that Tino doesn't see his dad much, but the man is alive.  Tino is the only member of the group with a single mom and a divorced family. 

            Tish, Lor, and Carver are at the pizza shop. Carver is trying to get over his fear of worms before he and his father go on a Father's Day fishing trip.  Lor and her brothers are going to amusement park, Telsa Park, thankfully her large family gets a discount. Tish is going do some old country tradition of brining cheese to the needy. (What?)  Carver breaks the wall this time and tells us that the group decided to not talk about Father's Day around Tino since his father lives on the east coast and doesn't get to see him much. (west coast show) 

            Carver lies that he wants to be a worm-ologist and that's why he looking at worms.  The friends try to hide Father's Day, which also makes me wonder do they know if Tino looks at calendars. Also the a running gag that Lor doesn't know how many brothers she has shows up here. It's over 10!  Thanks to Carver's lie he's been brought to the museum's warm exhibit. (Amazing timing really!)  I kind of wonder if Tino knows and is deciding to mess with Carver to see how far he'll go. Also some writer on this show saw Fear Factor and decided the museum should have an exhibit that apparently lets a patron get covered in worms. 

            Tino helps Lor's lie of her 10+ brothers get get well presents for their multiple knee surgeries. Tish, herself, isn't doing well with all the cheese she has eaten. Tino is messing with them after all. It is admirable that the trio cares about Tino that much to get terrorized, spend money on stuffed dogs, and eat tons of cheese just to make sure he's not sad, it's sweet.  Tino says he's fine and they shouldn't have tried to hide Father's Day. 

            He lets them mention what they are doing with their dads on Father's Day, but then he starts to feel like he does miss out. That evening he's having dinner with his mom and Dixon. Dixon invites him to spend time with him and his daughter, but Tino squeaks that he's fine.  
             Tino has a strange dream where his favorite comic book character Captain Dread-Not gives him advice on how he's feeling to talk to someone. I also love the transition card for the days being used when Tino says midnight for it give a quick orange Sunday.  He decides to find someone to talk to, again at midnight.  Talking to Carver doesn't work since again it's midnight.  That morning, Carver wakes up and says he needs to help Tino. I also like how his father also hates fishing but thinks Carver likes it, a reversal of Carver thinking the same.  

            Carver calls Tish to help him.  Then it cuts later, where Tino wakes up and everyone is at his house.  That means his friends and their fathers and Lor's brothers, and Dixon and his Mom. 

             Tino is alright with his parents' divorce that's been depicted in the series, in "Dixon" he wasn't bothered that his parents were divorced. He was alright with Father's Day in this episode until he realizes that his father and him don't see each other much and he can't do the things his friends were going to do on the day.  It's a relatable problem, in a way that also can work with kids and maybe even adults with deceased fathers too.  I liked the solution here of talking about how you feel, it's a simple thing and yet a smart idea. 

        I'll re-mention the first half of the episode too. The friendship connection here is shown strongly that the trio go out of their way to make sure Tino doesn't feel bad about Father's Day. I think it was a sweet thing and the episode plays with it with some humor so it doesn't feel overly sweet. Tino messing with his friends there was funny.  It's a great thing to see and fitting for characters we've seen for 3 seasons and knowing them how they interact this is a great way to show the show really understands their characters.  Then later, Carver seemed to not be focused because it was midnight, but later races to help Tino when it's morning is well done scene and shows their bond.  

        The middle part of Tino's Mom and Dixon eating dinner with Tino was well placed. I liked that Dixon offered to spend time with Tino on Father's Day inviting him. Later, Captain Dread Not giving  an answer to help was different too. The ending was nicely done and shows that Tino is a valued person by so many and it's great to see.  This episode taking place on a Father's Day weekend does a great story and something different with the day, it's nicely done, fun humor too. 10/10. 

More after the jump

Episode 7b: Follow the Leader 

       They aren't sure what do for the weekend. Tish thinks of someone to be a leader to decide everything the do that weekend. After three hours of trying to decide who will be leading, it ends up being Lor.  

            This feels like it might end in chaos or tears or both. So the first day,  Lor does her power and it seems to be going well for Tish and Carver.  Tino seems to bothered a bit more. Also the funniest part in this episode is how Tino's Mom has gone out with Dixon and leaves a voice message to tell Tino that when he gets home, she also phoned in her advice to help him.  Ultimate move. 

            It seems that she was right, that the power will go to Lor's head and that Tish and Carver will decide that its better to think for themselves. They decide to remove Lor from office but this doesn't go well.  Like I said, tears.   The other friends do feel bad because it was their fault for making her leader.  They go to say sorry and she realizes she was wrong too.   

        Tino makes me wonder how the day would have gone with Tino or not. 

         This episode is not very "meaty" in what happens versus the last one.  Tino agreed to the idea but instantly finds it annoying when the plan was put in place.  Tish and Carver seem to enjoy it until the Sunday when Lor seems to have gone a bit more overboard in her role.   This is probably an episode where fitting the three days into its pacing slightly hurts it because everything has to go paced quickly. Tino really starts to not liking the idea pretty quickly to where you wonder what set him against the idea. Unless it was because he lost the thing they did to chose the leader.  The rest of the cast were into the idea until they weren't.  The ending was nice both sides realized they were wrong.  I give it 6.5/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we accidently create a new form a government. Later Days. 

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