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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

CBS This Morning , 11 months later

Straight Forward Reviews CBS Morning Shows
 By Skyler
CBS This Morning     It's  about a year  since CBS  changed to their new morning show , "CBS This Morning " , I gave a review the first day it aired,  in which I gave it a high marking.  Now it's 11 months later, the almost 1 year mark, what are my thoughts as the show has settled in.  I still think that it's a good quality program for morning television , the formatting and content has not really changed since  , there was a host change with Norah O' Donnell taking Erica Hill's spot.  As compared to "Good Morning America" and "Today Show" ,the CBS approach has been more news and discussion  and less on  why Lindsey Lohan keeps getting arrested or how to make a cake. They still have your local weather person doing your local weather instead of a national weather person being wacky and using a low scale map , then toss over to your local station.
   Over all CBS has done a good job , fixing the problem the Early Show from 1999-2011 had trying out soften the other two national network shows, and built upon Early Show of 2011-2012 with more news. Giving viewers a different choice , which was needed.  CBS has always struggled in the Morning show world but I think this show gives them proper footing  The show hasn't got alot or press it's first year , probably because the "Today Show" story is so juicy not to cover ,but that maybe a good thing as long as CBS doesn't have exceptions of getting first  in 3 years ( It look GMA 16 years) , they will be good to go.
    In the morning the content on "This Morning" is much for rich and the news doesn't stop because the clock says 7:30AM.  and it's interviews are pretty good.  The hosts click very well together each bring a style and personality to the program, Norah O Donnell with her news background, Charlie Rose with his interview style, and Gayle King with her energetic and  good interview style.  It also shows the best of CBS' journalism.
    The ratings still have it in 3rd place but anything can happen , if "Good Morning America" now beats "The Today Show" then  CBS could move on up a few years time.

"CBS This Morning" airs on CBS Mondays-Saturdays  7-9AM ET ,taped-delayed to other time zones.
website : 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CBS 2013 Mid season schedule

Straight Forward CBS 
   CBS has announced their mid-season line up.
  Monday Nights  starting February 4th : to fill the gap of "Partners" being canceled  CBS adds season 7 premiere of "Rules of Engagement"  Mondays starting February 4th at 8:30/7:30c.
Survivor returns February 12th  at 8/7c airing Wednesdays at 8/7c
"Golden Boy" a New CBS drama is set to premiere Friday March 8th at 9/8c  , there will previews of the series February 26th  at 10/9c and March 5th at 10/9c.
   "The Amazing Race" returns  Sunday February 17th at  8/7c, airing Sundays at 8/7c
  "CSI:Newyork" is to have it's season finale on Friday February 22nd.

Monday, December 10, 2012

CNN morning change ?

Straight Forward   
Written By Skyler
  The New York Post 's page six has a report that CNN may be making changes in the morning slot.
With Erin Burnett , who just started her show  "OUTFRONT" last year and CNN currently has two morning shows . "Early Start" and "Starting Point" both programs started Earlier this year. Page Six says that incoming president Jeff Zucker may end up moving Burnett to the mornings.
  I wouldn't that's a good idea, both these programs are young and still need a chance to grow, plus over hauling things on day one is not a good idea.  It's also not right to Soledad O' Brien , who currently hosts from 8-10AMET (Starting Point). To make a good morning show , you need to build an audience to view , you can't build that  in  a year  it takes time for people to get used to a new morning habit . Erin Burnett has not had the best ratings but her show is a good fit in the evenings between  the  serious Wolf Blitzer and whatever Anderson Cooper is doing.
  It would also make me wonder what the president of CNN (the channel) would feel about his programming decisions being subverted?

Sunday, December 09, 2012

[Opinion] 5 things I think CNN needs to do

Straight Forward  
written by Skyler
        Former NBC Universal Chief and Current EP for "Katie" , Jeff Zuker, has been announced as the new president of CNN-WorldWide. CNN has not had the best of ratings in the past couple years , it slipped from being 2nd place to 3rd place behind MSNBC. That very much concerns the network, and it wants to at least get back to 2nd behind the 10 year high rated Fox News Channel. To point , MSNBC moved up to 2nd by changing it's core. and instead of being an unbaised news channel it moved to being a home for liberal talk  and Joe Scarborough , with a few news programs squished inside at odd places , while Fox News Channel targets a more right leaning audience, usally between  6-9AMET, 4-6PMET,8-11PMET, on weekdays.  I don't think it would  be good for CNN to try to "out-liberal" MSNBC or "Out Conservative" Fox News  and so far they been trying to be the channel that focuses on news unbiased. During the elections they plainly said they were the only news channel to not pick a side. I also don't think they should go the route of their sister news channel HLN, which lives it's own paralleled  universe.
     1. There is more than politics.   CNN , during the election season covered it like there was nothing else as much as they could. CNN seems to have a love for political stories , that's probably why Wolf Blitzer is on for 3 hours (sometimes 2 hours or 4 hours depending on the year).  But there is a whole bunch of other news out there.  Maybe CNN should have a show focused on the west coast  , that's a large segment of the country that usually gets jipped.  Or get more news updates for the west coast use that live across the whole country thing to an advantage.  There's more than what D.C is doing. We also don't need to see every stump speech or rally, that's not news.
   2. Give me the world .   CNN has a great channel , for rest of the world called CNN International , it focuses  well... on the world. CNN has started , the 12PMET/9AMPT hour of CNN NEWSROOM , does that , I would love to hear more international stories not just about the middle-east  but the world the good , not just the bad. Give Americans something more to understand the world. CNN I has shows  about international business, travel, food, and issues, and I think that would a good thing to give the American audience, something the networks don't care about as much and use those CNN I resources they have.
 3.Don't Lean Forward. Like I said before ,CNN shouldn't go the routes of the other 2 channels, because it would not help it.  Be a  News Channel that a democrat, Republican, anyone else can trust  and sometimes be offended by. Be an honest channel , try to get the facts  and if they aren't facts don't use them . Better to be last on a  story and correct, than first and wrong and it's better that you don't have a horse in the race in politics and other stories you are covering.
4. Balance the News.  Make sure there is a good mixture of  Hard news topics and softer news topics we don't need  tons of time devoted to whatever celebrity says or does, just as much as we don't need to hear the same political nothingness for time on end.  Nothing can be "Breaking News" all day , that's not breaking any news if it's all day,it defeats the purpose. Seeing that yellow banner all day for the same story or everything you go back to that story has no sense.  15-16 live hours of news a day means you have time  do stories that other's don't do for an assortment of reasons.  
  5.Somethings are working ok.   CNN is not bad set up right now,  they have many good programs and hosts, my favorite being Erin Burnett and her program. I also think that it's good they don't cover car-chases , that's a policy that should stay and other channels should pick up that idea car chases are important to a national news. If someone lives in Dallas, why the heck would they need to know about a car-chase in LA? That's not going to affect their trip home, there are some local news stories that don't belong national. So it's good that CNN doesn't cover car-chases.
   I don't work in TV, or claim to be, I am person who watches the cable news and always has questions and think about what could be different.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

ABC Mid season arrangements

ABC , Midseason 2012-13 

   ABC has announced their mid-season plans,  "Suburgatory"  is moving back to it's 8:30/7:30c Wednesday slot on April 3rd  after the finale of "The Neighbors" the week before.  The New comedy "How to live with your parents (for the rest of your life)" premieres April 3rd at  9:30/8:30c.  "Happy Endings " and  "Don't Trust the B... in apartment 23"  end seasons in March , replaced by "Dancing with the stars :results".
  "Private Pactice" which has been canceled gets replaced by a new season of "Body of Proof" Tuesdays  at 10/9c.  Starting February 5th
 "Last Resort" ,another canceled show gets replaced by a new show "Zero Hour" Thursdays at 8/7c  Starting February 14tth.
 "The Taste" , a new show starts Tuesday January 22nd from 8/7c to 10/9c then returns the next at it's normal 8/7c hour slot.
"Red Widow" starts  March 3rd at 9/8c to 11/10c, it's replacing the canceled "666 Park Avenue"  will settle into the 10/9c slot the next week
"Dancing with the Stars" returns March 18th from 8/7c to 10/9c ,with results show on Tuesdays starting the next Tuesdays.
"Celebrity Diving " starts March 19th at 8/7c
"Family Tools" starts May 1st  at 8:30/7:30c.

For anymore updates we will have them here.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Favorite Top 10 Christmas/Holiday specials

 By Sarah F Aa nd Skyler M for mychiller
  Finally, it's Christmas time  so  we can take a look at our top 10 favorite movies/ and tv specials for Christmas. First, off there are so many that could go in our list it was a hard process but we went with our collective favorites as you will see. These are also in no special order.

1. The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold
  This one may not be remembered by many off hand unless they see it, it was made back in  1981  it's  classic Rankin and Bass stop motion. It's about a sailor who digs up a tree and an old sea hag (that's the term people!)  who is evil comes to life again , She wants the leprechaun's gold  before Christmas.  It has aired on TV repeating alot , though it has been cut back on , but we say it's a really good special , it's also one where there's not really Santa.

2. A charlie Brown Christmas
  To be more correct , all of them , all counts as a favorite, first "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is  where Charlie Brown was tired of the commercialization of Christmas , this is in the 60's mind you.  He gets a skimpy tree instead of a flashy one ,and Linus tell us the what meaning of Christmas is.   "I want a Dog for Christmas Charlie Brown"  Has Linus and Lucy's little brother Rerun, really wants a dog and Snoopy's brother, Spike comes over from the dessert  he a very skinny dog with a cactus friend.

from Youtube
3. A year without a Santa Claus
    What would happen if Santa Claus took a year off?  Santa Claus wasn't feeling well so he decides to take a year off since nobody cares about Christmas anymore. This is the specail with the heat miser and the cold miser songs.  Which are just great.

from youtube
more after the jump

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Top 5 Halloween all the time shows

TV  HOTLISTS  Halloween 
By Skyler 

  It's Halloween season , and there are so many different Halloween movies and specials  out there. Then there are those shows that  take what we like in Halloween and are fun at any time .here our my top 5.  

1.  The Munsters  (Ran on CBS from 1964-1966) 
   Of course, The Munsters had to be on the list.  The Munsters are the average American family well ,atleast in their eyes. 

2. The Addams Family  (Ran on ABC from 1964-1966) 
 We had to have The Addams Family ,  to the list , unlike the Munsters , their strangeness didn't show up until you met them. And how could not love the hand named Thing ,and "Kitty-Cat" , a lion .  
 3.  Sabrina , The Teenage Witch (Ran on ABC from 1996-2000, and The WB 2000-2003) 
   A girl who finds out that she's half witch, while at the same time she is  a teenager who is now living with her Two aunts and a talking cat? What possibility?
4. Alfred Hitchcock Presents  (Ran on CBS from 1955-1960,1962-1964, NBC 1960-1962, 1964-1965 )   

  5. Charmed (Ran from 1998-2006 on the WB)      

What is your favorite ? or what do you think should be on this list?  tell me in comments.     

Thursday, October 18, 2012

NBC pulls "Animal Practice"


  When NBC announced they are scrubbing  the October 19th premiere date for "Whitney" and "Community" it caused wonder.   Today it was announced that "Animal Practice" ,which airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on the network will be pulled and replaced by "Whitney" On November 14th. This is the 2nd show to be canceled this season , first was "Made in Jersey" on CBS.

TV look Fall 2012   TV NBC
 By Skyler

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Welcome Back to Fall TV : October and November 2012

TV  FALL 2012-13 TV Season 
By Skyler  
email us  mychiller  
  tweet us  @mychiller  #joshuaonline

October 2nd
Raising Hope Returns for season 3 at 8/7C on FOX
Hart of Dixie  Returns for season2 at 8/7c on the CW 

October 3rd
 The Neighbors  , a new comedy series makes it's time slot premiere at 8:30/7:30c  on ABC
Super Natural  , makes it's return at  9/8c on the CW

October 4th 
30 Rock    , Returns at  8/7c on NBC 

October 7th 
America's Funniest Home Videos  returns at 8/7c on ABC
The Cleveland Show  Returns at 7:30/6:30c on FOX  

October 8th 
90210   Returns at 8/7c on the CW 
Gossip Girl returns at 9/8c on the cw

October 10 th 
Arrow  A New series starts at 8/7c ON the CW 
Nashville  A new series  starts at 10/9c on ABC
Chicago Fire A new series starts at 10/9c on NBC 

October 11th 
The Vampire Diaries  returns at 8/7c on THE CW
Beauty and The Beast a new series starts at 9/8c on the CW

October 14th 
The Walking Dead  returns at 9/8c on AMC

October 16th 
Emily Owens MD  returns at 8/7c on the CW 

October 17th 
Suburgatory  returns 8:30/7:30c on ABC
American Horror Story Returns at 10/9c onFX

October 19th 
Whitney   Returns at 8/7c on NBC 
Community  Returns at 8:30/7:30c on NBC
[Update NBC as of 10/8/2012 has put this on Haitus ]read more here]  
NIkita  Returns at 9/8c on the CW

October 23rd 
Happy Endings  Returns at 9/8c on ABC 
Don't Trust the B--in Apt. 23  Returns at 9:30/8:30c on ABC

November 2nd 
Last Man Standing  returns at 8/7c on ABC
Malibu Country returns at 8:30/7:30c on ABC

Welcome Back to Fall TV : September 2012

TV  , FALL 2012-13 TV Season 
By Skyler  
email us  mychiller  
  tweet us  @mychiller  #joshuaonline  
    Welcome back to fall TV we have a   schedule for you  to find when your favorite shows return and the new shows start.  
Doctor Who , Returns for Season 7 Saturday September 1st 2012 at 9pm/8c ON BBC America  
The NFL is Back  Returns  with Super Bowl Giants  versus the Dallas Cowboys  Wednesday, September 5th at 8/7c on NBC  

September 10th 
 THE VOICE   Is back for season 3  Starting at 8/7c ON NBC   
Hoarders         Is back  at 10/9c  on A&E

September 11th 
Go ON     The New Comedy starts  at 9/8c on NBC
The New Normal  The New Comedy starts at 9:30/8:30c on NBC
Parenthood   Returns for a new season  at 10/9c on NBC 
Sons of Anarchy Returns for a new season at 10/9c on FX  

September 12th 
The X-factor   Returns for season 2  at 8/7c on FOX 
Guys with Kids  A special sneak preview of the new comedy airs at 10/9c on NBC

September 13th 
GLEE   Returns for season 4  at 9/8c on FOX
The Real Housewives of Miami   at 9/8c on Bravo 

more after the Jump

Thursday, July 19, 2012

2012 Prime time Emmy Nominations

TV  Emmys 

Outstanding Comedy Series
"The Big Bang Theory"
"Curb Your Enthusiasm"
"Modern Family"
"30 Rock"

Outstanding Lead Actor In A Comedy Series
Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
Don Cheadle, "House of Lies"
Louis CK, "Louie"
Jon Cryer, "Two and A Half Men"
Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm"
Jim Parsons, "The Big Bang Theory"

Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series
Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Lena Dunham, "Girls"
Edie Falco, "Nurse Jackie"
Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, "Veep"
Melissa McCarthy, "Mike and Molly"
Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"

Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series
Ed O'Neill, "Modern Family"
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, "Modern Family"
Ty Burrell, "Modern Family"
Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Max Greenfield, "New Girl"
Bill Hader, "Saturday Night Live"

more after the jump 

Monday, July 16, 2012

2 Media Things for you to know for 7-16-2012

By Skyler

1. is gone (for now) , On July 15th  1996, cable news channel, MSNBC was launched Mircosoft and NBC, so was their website, now on July 15th , 2012 is gone. NBC has taken full control of the website and renamed it NBCNEWS.COM .  The 2 reasons I can factor why NBC NEWS did this , is A) they wanted full control of their web presence , and B) MSNBC TV has moved more to a left leaning opinion channel that they wanted to separate the MSNBC and NBC NEWS NAME, msnbc to get a new site in 2013.  
related link  : A question : Is NBC NEWS trying to distance itself from msnbc?

2. CNN  changes morning hosts. CNN's morning show "Early Start" , which started earlier this year , is changing co-host Ashleigh Banfield  with former ABC NEWS reporter ,John Berman. He joins Zoraida Sambolin as co-host.  "Early Start" airs on CNN Weekdays  5-7AMET. 2-4AM PT.  Banfield is moving to a daytime news position on CNN. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Face the Nation 7-15-2012 #Sundaytalks [Video]

Video Sunday Talks 

By Shelly Crossler

Here is today's Face the Nation , due to glitch at mychiller it is here on Jol today until We are able to get back to the main site. watch after the jump

#SundayTalks Meet the Press 7-15-2012

VIDEOS  Sunday Talks

By Shelly Crossler for mychiller  

  It seems that Mychiller site is down , until it's back up the post for The Sunday Talk shows will be here on Joshuaonline. We will get them back up to mychiller As soon as we can.
Here's today's Meet the Press after the jump

Monday, July 09, 2012

The Media 5 : 5 things to tell you about today

1. A week after Ann Curry was forced from the Today Show as co-host , Savannah Guthrie is the new co-host. here's her first minutes. 

2. If you like "Good Morning America" , it's spin off that will run for 9 weeks called "Good Afternoon America" will run weekdays at 2p/1c on ABC , it replaced a low rated show called "The Revolution" , a show that started in January after replacing "One Life to Live"."General Hospital moves up to this time in September. 

3.  Fox News Channel's  "The Five" turns 1 years old this week, the show was originally a temporary replacement for "Glenn Beck" who left to start his own web TV channel, But it was made permanent and it has some good ratings. 

4. If you love Baseball, the mid season break has begun that means Home Run Derby tonight at 8PMET/5PMPT On ESPN and All Star Game starting at 8pm/7c on FOX 

5. And something of notice, like sister network , Style,  E! has  new tagline called "Pop of Culture" they also modified their logo.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

AND SO ..I heard this : NBC could be preparing to make Ann Curry Step down

  By Skyler

   The NewYork Times is reporting  that NBC is preparing to replace Ann Curry on the "Today Show". Ms. Curry started as the co-host as replacement  for Meredith Vieira  last year , she has been on the Today show since the late 90's as a news desk anchor during the Couric-Lauer era (1997-2006) ,and the Lauer-Vieira era (2006-2011).   
  There could be an assortment of reasons one including, when GMA(Good Morning America) beat it a few times back in April and May.  
The other reason cities from the New York times story: 
“She got her dream job, and she doesn’t want to let it go,” one of the people said. But Ms. Curry has also expressed dissatisfaction with “Today,” where her journalistic curiosities sometimes clash with morning television realities. Accordingly, she may be moved into a foreign correspondent role, reflecting her strengths in reporting from disasters both man-made, like the ethnic killings in Darfur, and natural, like the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
  The morning show arena, except for CBS and some cable shows , doesn't have a larger focus on news as much as lifestyle , celebrities, musical acts  they are saying as  challenge for Ms.Curry , who was  a foreign affairs reporter. That's if that is correct, then we have the other side saying that it was "dream job"  seen as passed over in 2006 when Katie Couric was leaving  , and  the job going to an "out-sider" Meredith Vieira.
   The idea is who would replace her , also comes  to mind, and when?  NBC ,which has broadcast rights to the Olympics  , and the Today Show will do as it normally does and move to the host city of the Olympics , this is year in London. With that starting in late July  time is almost up. (If this report is true). 
   Mr. Lauer has said that the ratings have put “Today” on notice. In early April, just before the win by “G.M.A.,” he renewed his contract at “Today,” putting to rest months of speculation about how badly the show would be damaged if he departed. Ms. Curry’s departure, similarly, could hurt “Today;” if viewers perceive that she was forced out, they may become alienated and literally turn it off as a result. 
  Yes , if it's seen as a push out that would badly hurt the "Today Show" , and people could leave to GMA, CBS This Morning, a cable station, or local news that's maybe running at the same time.  It also could hurt the person who replaces Curry.  Perceiving the show as the one that got rid of Ann Curry because they got beat by GMA a couple times.  

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fox announces Fall premiere days

FOX  TV  FALL 2012 

    By Skyler
 Fox has announced when the shows in it's fall line up will start.
Here are the dates.
September 12th and 13th
"The X-Factor" Returns  September 12th  and has a part two in September 13th  at 8/7c  both days it's the second season premiere with new judges.
Also on September  13th , Glee Returns for a new season that's at 9p/8c

September  17th
"Bones" returns for  a new season. at 8p/7c
At 9p/8c a new series "The Mob Doctor" starts.

September 25th
at 8/7c  A new episode of "New Girl" the season premiere is at 9/8c
The new comedy "Ben and Kate"  starts it's series  at 8:30/7:30c
And at 9:30/8:30c "The Mindy Project" series  premiere.

 September  28
8/7c "Kitchen Nightmares" (new episode)
 at 9/8c  Fringe starts it's new season

on  September 30  at   8/7 "The Simpsons" returns  with it's new season  followed by at
8:30/7:30c  "Bob's Burgers"  with it's 3rd season premiere, then that night  at 9/8c "Family Guy" and
9:30/8:30c is  "American Dad"/

 October 2
8/7c "Raising Hope" New season starts

October 7
7:30-8 p.m. "The Cleveland Show"

Fri., Oct. 26
8-9 p.m. "Touch" 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The CW 2012 upfront line up

By Skyler
   The CW has made some major changes to it's line up alot of shows will be changing days except for "Vampire Diaries". The CW was the network that would start early but now they will be starting later around early October.
8/7c  90210  (New Night)
9/8c  Gossip Girl (Final Season ) (New Time)
    The Carrie Diaries (New series) (January)
8/7c Hart of Dixie (New Night)
9/8c Emily Owens ,M.D (New Series)
8/7c ARROW  (New Series)  
9/8c  SuperNatural (New Season) (New Night)
8/7c The Vampire Diaries  (New Season)
9/8c Beauty and The Beast (New Series) 
8/7c America's Next Top Model  (New NIght)
9/8c  Nikita (new night)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

CBS fall upfront 2012 line up

CBS  TV 2012upfront  
By Skyler
    CBS has announced it's fall line up for the 2012-13 season. There is no new information on "Rules of Engagement" They have also made some dramatic changes to their line up as well. Including "Two and Half Men" will be changing days and times moving to Thursdays at 8:30/7:30 after "Big Bang Theory". New Series Include the Dramas ELEMENTARY, VEGAS, MADE IN JERSEY, Plus the New Comedy PARTNERS.  Last year's  hit "2 Broke Girls" takes the Monday 9/8c slot.
8/7c  How I Met Your Mother (New Season)
8:30/7:30c Partners (New Series) (Comedy)
9/8c   2 Broke Girls  (New Season) (New Time)
9:30/8:30c Mike and Molly (New Season)
10/9c     Hawaii Five-O  (New Season)

8/7 NCIS 
9/8s NCIS  LA
10/9c Vegas (New Series) (Drama)

8/7c Survivor 
9/8c Criminal Minds 
10/9c  CSI 

8/7c Big Bang Theory
8:30/7:30c  Two and Half Men
9/8c Person of Interest 
10/9c  Elementary (New Series ) (Drama ) 

8/7c CSI :NY
9/8c Made in Jersey (New Series) (Drama)
10/9c Blue Bloods

8/7c Crimetime
9/8c  Crimetime 
10/9  48 hours mysteries

7/6c  60 Minutes 
8/7c  The Amazing Race
9/8c   The Good Wife
10/9c The Mentalist 

information about the shows  after the jump

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ABC's Upfront 2012 season line up

ABC TV Fall2012-13
 By Skyler
 ABC announces it's fall TV line up , some changes are that "Revenge" will be moving to Sundays ,  In November Comedies are coming to Fridays. 

8/7c  Dancing With The Stars (New Season) 
    8/7c The Bachelor (January) 
10/9c  Castle  (New Season)
8/7c  Dancing With The Stars :Results show
  8/7c  How to Live With Your Parents (For The Rest of Your Life) (New Series) January  
8:30/7:30c Family Tools  (New Series) January
9/8c  Happy Endings  (New Season)
9:30/8:30c  Don't Trust the B-- in Apartment 23 (New Season)
10/9c  Private Practice (New Season)
8/7c The Middle (New Season)
8:30/7:30c Suburgatory (New Season)
9/8c   Modern Family (New Season)
9:30/8:30c  The Neighbors (New Series) 
10/9c  Nashville (New Series) 
8/7c Last Resort (New Series)
9/8c Grey's Antimony (New Season)
10/9c   Scandal (New Season) 
8/7c Shark Tank  (New Season) 
9/8c What Would You Do? (New Season) 
10/9c  20/20
College Football
7/6c America's Funniest Home Videos (New Season) 
8/7c Once Upon a Time (New Season) 
9/8c  Revenge (New Season)
10/9c 666 Park Avenue (New Series)  

Fridays (November)
8/7c Last Man Standing 
8:30/7:30c Malibu County (New Series) 
9/8c Shark Tank 
10/9c What would you Do? 

about the new shows after  the jump

Monday, May 14, 2012

FOX Fall Upfront 2012

TV, FOX ,Fall2012-13  
By Skyler
   The New season on Fox will be  bit different since "House" won't be on that line up for the first time a few years, and "Glee" is changing days it's moving to Thursdays.
8/7c Bones (New Season)
9/8c  The Mob Doctor (New Series) Drama  
      mid season: The Following (New Series) Drama 
  8/7c  Raising Hope (New Season)
8:30/7:30c  Ben and Kate (New Series ) (comedy)
9/8c  New Girl
9:30/8:30c  The Mindy Project (New Series) (comedy) 
8/7c  The X-factor  (new Season)
Mid Season : 8/7c American Idol  (New Season)
8/7c The X-factor (New Season)
  Mid Season : 8/7c American Idol (New Season)
9/8c Glee (New Season)
8/7c Touch (New Season)
9/8c Fringe  (New Season)
8/7c College Football
    Cops and repeats (mid season)
7/6c The OT  (during Football season)
7:30/6:30c  Cleveland Show (mid Season)
8/7c  The Simpsons (new season)
8:30/7:30c Bob's Burgers
9/8c  Family Guy
9:30/8:30c American Dad

mid season : Goodwin Games (Comedy , Tuesdays), Hell's Kitchen (Fridays)
read more about the shows after the jump.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

NBC's for season 2012-13 Initial fall Line up announced

TV , NBC , Fall 2012-13
By Skyler
   NBC has announced it's fall line up. Here are some things of note : "Rock Center With Brian Williams" , NBC's newest news magazine show  will be leaving it's awful Wednesday slot to move to Thursdays at 10/9c, I say that's good move it probably won't be number 1 at that time but will do better than now. "Community" and "Whitney will be moving to Fridays. NBC will also have comedies  4 days  a week.
8/7c The Voice (Returning)  notes: It will have a fall cycle and a spring cycle.
10/9C  "Revolution"   (New Series)  (Drama) 
8/7c  The Voice (Returning)
9/8c "Go On"  (New Series )  (Comedy) 
9:30/8:30c  "The New Normal" (New Series) (Comedy) 
10/9c  Parenthood (Returning)
8/7c "Animal Practice"   (New Series) (Comedy) 
8:30/7:30c "Guys With Kids" (New Series) (Comedy) 
9/8c  Law and Order SVU  (Returning)
10/9c  Chicago Fire (New Series ) (Drama ) 
8/7c  30 Rock  (Returning)
8:30/7:30c  Up All Night (Returning)
9/8c  The Office  (Returning)
9:30/8:30c  Parks and Recreation (Returning)
10/9c  Rock Center (Returning)
8/7c Whitney   (Returning)
8:30/7:30c Community (Returning)
9/8c  Grimm (Returning)
10/9c Dateline (Returning)
Encore shows
7/6c FootBall Night in America
8/7c  Sunday Night Football
Sundays (post football )
7/6c Dateline (Returning)
8/7c  Fashion Star (Returning)
9/8c The Celebrity Apprentice
10/9c  Do not Harm  (New Series) (Drama)

Information about the new shows are after the jump.

Monday, May 07, 2012

ABC NEWS and Univision to launch news network

 By Skyler
  Back in February there was a report that  ABC NEWS and  Spanish Network, Univision were going to launch an English language news channel. Today that report is now true and confirmed. Disney (ABC NEWS parent) and Univision are going to be launching this new news network. Based out of Univsion's HQ in  Miami  launching online in the summer and on air early next year.  
  As of this writing , there is no name for the network , and also remains in questions of what will happen to ABC NEWS NOW , ABC's current news network. Cable carriage agreements will also be important. 
  ABC News president Ben Sherwood's comments are  after the break. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

UK: TV Quiz 1

TV UK  Olympics 2012 
By Skyler
The Olympics are on their way later on this year, we thought it would be a good idea to get you used to somethings from the UK , since they will be hosting The Olympics this summer. Across the mychiller websites (including this one) we will featuring something about the UK from April until after the Olympics at various times. Since Joshuaonline is  a TV and media blog why not do a quiz about British TV. Quiz one ,if you accept, is not to hard. We will do more of these if you like them.
    1. In the UK , the public broadcaster is the BBC  (British Broadcasting Corporation). It doesn't use commercials for it's money. Unlike PBS here in America, they don't do telethons for money, so how they make their money?
     a) Tax Money
     b) Funded by Donations
     c)  TV licences

2.   In America our first morning show , "Today" started back in 1952 , "Good Morning America" started in 1976, and CBS has been in Morning TV for a long time. In Britain  , they call morning TV .Breakfast programs. But what was  their first national morning program?
               a) Breakfast Time
               b) Great Britain Today
               c)  Wake up  UK
3.   Great Britain launched it's first Commercial network in September 1955, and has been broadcasting ever since.
 Named ITV  or Independent Television. It took until 1982 to launch  a second commercial network , what is the name of this network.
                a) ITV2
                b) Great Britain Network
                c) Channel 4
4. In 2011, America got it's own version of this reality  of this singing reality TV show that started in the UK.
      What was the show?
              a) The Voice
              b) The X-Factor
5.The Longest Running TV Soap in the UK is?
          a) Coronation Street -ITV1
          b) Eastenders            -BBC one
          c) Emmeradale           -ITV1
6. Though, The BBC Had a leg up on the Breakfast TV game , they weren't the only ITV  started their morning programms back in 1983 one month after BBC 1 . They infact were for a long time considered their own networks, but do you know the names?
              a) Good Morning , UK AM , Breakfast Live
              b) TV-AM , GMTV, Daybreak
              c) Wake Up Sleepy,  Before 9am
7.  The World's longest running Children's program is from UK it's been on TV since 1958 what's the name?
               a) Blue Peter
               b) Seasame Street
                c) Horrid Henry
8. The UK does have local TV, news and for a while they had local TV programs as well and some of the ITV stations produced shows to be networked. But how is local tv divided?
                a) by City
                b) by county
               c)  by region
9. In America we call usually Call TV hosts , anchors for news shows, and hosts for talk shows and game shows but in the UK they are called?
               a) broadcaster
               b) on air person
               c) Presenter
10. We in America know our first 24 national news network is CNN, what is the UK's.
            a) BBC NEWS Channel
            b) Sky News Channel
            c) ITV News Channel

Time's up all the answers are below.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Morning America Afternoon

TV Daytime ABC 
  ABC announced that daytime show "The Revolution" will be ending after it launched back in January as a replacement to "One Life to Live" the show was suffering with low ratings. To replace it a 3rd hour of "Good Morning America" will be taking the slot over the summer.  In the fall this will make room for Katie Couric's new show to take the slot .  The 3rd Hour of GMA will be produced by the same staff as the rest of GMA.
 Soap fans have something  happy about : "General Hosptial" will be renewed as well.
   Katie Couric's show will be airing on many ABC -owned -stations , as the show is syndicated.
So the General Hospital will be around for  a 50th birthday, and this is one of first years since 2005 where a soap has not been canceled.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Current Fires Olbermann

CURRENT TV  Olbermann
 By Skyler
 NewYork Times' Brian Stelter tweeted :

And Now Current Has confirmed it   in this letter
    We created Current to give voice to those Americans who refuse to rely on corporate-controlled media and are seeking an authentic progressive outlet. We are more committed to those goals today than ever before.
Current was also founded on the values of respect, openness, collegiality, and loyalty to our viewers. Unfortunately these values are no longer reflected in our relationship with Keith Olbermann and we have ended it.
We are moving ahead by honoring Current’s values. Current has a fundamental obligation to deliver news programming with a progressive perspective that our viewers can count on being available daily — especially now, during the presidential election campaign. Current exists because our audience desires the kind of perspective, insight and commentary that is not easily found elsewhere in this time of big media consolidation.
As we move toward this summer’s political conventions and the general election in the fall, Current is making significant new additions to our broadcasts. We have just debuted six hours of new programming each weekday with Bill Press (“Full Court Press” at 6 am ET/3 am PT) and Stephanie Miller (“Talking Liberally” at 9 am ET/6 pm PT).
We’re very excited to announce that beginning tonight, former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer will host “Viewpoint with Eliot Spitzer,” at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT. Eliot is a veteran public servant and an astute observer of the issues of the day. He has important opinions and insights and he relishes the kind of constructive discourse that our viewers will appreciate this election year. We are confident that our viewers will be able to count on Gov. Spitzer to deliver critical information on a daily basis.
All of these additions to Current’s lineup are aimed at achieving one simple goal — the goal that has always been central to Current’s mission: To tell stories no one else will tell, to speak truth to power, and to influence the conversation of democracy on behalf of those whose voices are too seldom heard. We, and everyone at Current, want to thank our viewers for their continued steadfast support.
Al Gore & Joel Hyatt
Current’s Founders

NBC to change up Saturday Mornings

NBC Children's programming 
You can say it's corporate working together,NBC will be leaving the Qubo children's block for a new block called NBC Kids produced by part-sister network PBS Kids Spout , which is a mash up of  PBS , Sesame Workshop , Apex Partners and NBC Universal.
  The New NBC Kids won't be like it was in the 1980's , it will be targeted to the expanding preschool TV market. 3hours every Saturday.  NBC Kids will include the U.S. broadcast premieres of quality, preschool series "The Wiggles," Sprout's "Noodle & Doodle," Jim Henson's "Pajanimals," "Poppy Cat," "Justin Time," as well as the popular "LazyTown," designed to encourage healthy eating and exercise.
 In case you are wondering about QUBO, it will continue as a 24-hour channel and  as a Wednesday-Friday morning block on Ion Television.  The block starts July 7th.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weather Channel makes a Another Line up change

THE WEATHER Channel Where's the Weather?
By Skyler
 This really goes in the category of  NBC Ruined the Weather Channel ,since the Weather Channel was bought in a consortium back in 2008 , they have made  changes to the channel including cutting back on LIVE weather "News" programs and adding reality programming.
This was in The Holywood Reporter   back in 2010.
NBC Uni posted a video interview with Peacock Productions executive Sharon Scott about the company's intentions for the network, which include reducing the amount of live weather coverage. Scott points out we have iPads now, so this whole covering weather on TV is just getting silly (try telling that to NBC's local news stations).
         Instead, live weather news will increasingly get folded down to a scroll during weather-themed reality programming. She compares the move to CNN and MSNBC, but it's also similar to how TV Guide Channel tackled their branding vs. growth problem. 
Since 2011, this has happened, they cut back "Weather Center " an evening weather news programming down to 3 1 hour backs at 7PMET, 10PMET, and 1AMET. In between that  they added reality shows, with a weather theme, if that.
 And more to come according to this. read here
Effectively today, The Weather Channel has cut back it's program "DayPlanner" which aried from 11AMET-5PMET, is being cut to 11AMET-2PMET , and  a new 1 hour block of "Weather Center Live" is airing from 4-5PMET. now every 3 hours from 4PMET-4AMET  you will have 4 live Weather news shows and  tons of reality shows.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

CBS announces early-renewals of shows

TV LOOK season 2012-13 Fall 
 CBS has announced that they will be renewing  the following shows:
"The Good Wife," "Blue Bloods," "Hawaii Five-0," "Mike & Molly," "NCIS," "CSI," "NCIS: LA," "Criminal Minds," "Survivor," "48 Hours," "60 Minutes," "2 Broke Girls," "The Amazing Race," "Undercover Boss," "The Mentalist," "Person of Interest," "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Big Bang Theory."

We will keep you updated if this changes or any more shows are added to the list of the Returning shows.  

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Dear the Media.. Things aren't news

Dear the Media
 By Sarah F for mychiller
    February is over and once a gain the media wasted a month on stupid episodic things and everything is political issue. What was it the lack of primaries and debates?The media has issues of talking about Whitney Houston for  a week, they talked about contraception , they talked about  Rick Santorum how he was the front runner because he won 3 states, and not looking at how many delegates he has which at the time was less than Gingrich. They wasted time debating things that don't need to be debated for days on straight, Maybe  ,they hate good economic news or think the economy is better so they aren't focusing on it?   They were also beating the drum for war with Iran, maybe they have money for their war coverage budget now and forgot that the US was in 2 wars and has yet to pay that debt of.  

 By Sklyer 
     CBS Evening News has had a great  February it beat ABC World News with 25-52 yr  old demo   one week. I do think it's because the newscast is different from NBC's and ABC's that it''s doing more serious stories and less entertainment and light stories.  
       NBC did something stupid from the start in February , what did they do? They moved "Rock Center with Brian Williams" a weekly news magazine , from Monday nights at 10/9c to Wednesday Nights at 9/8c.  The stupid thing about that is the time slot. 9/8c on Wednesday is friecely packed, with top rated shows, "Modern Family ", "Happy Endings"on ABC and "American Idol" (which has been slipping) on FOX. So now in March they are moving it to 10/9c , where it will compete with lighter shows, though it could still get beat by "Revenge". And to think NBC is the fourth place network ,there's a reason for that. 

Friday, March 02, 2012

Good Morning Cable :FOX AND Friends to Expand.

  By Skyler
 The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that "FOX and Friends", FOX News Channel's morning show  is expanding into 5AMET , it will called "FOX and Friends First" a name that the network used from 2001-2008 for it's 6AMET hour. The 5AMET hour will be hosted by Fox & Friends Weekend" hosts Dave Briggs and Clayton Morris. Fox News' Heather Childers, Ainsley Earhardt, Heather Nauert, Juliet Huddy, Julie Banderas, Anna Kooiman, Arthel Neville, Jamie Colby and Patti Ann Browne will also contribute to co-hosting the new hour. The main hosts, will still be on from 6-9AMET.   This is a trend of cable news channels starting earlier ... MSNBC started with "First Look" in the early 2000's , which still airs at 5amET, "Way To Early" started at 5:30AMET , CNN started 5am ET LIVE , last year with AM:Wake up Call and now it's the first hour it's first morning show" Early Start".

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FOX March 2012 Schedule Changes

FOX  TV  2011-12 TV season 
 FOX is changing up it's line up with the series finale of "HOUSE" coming.  The new series "Touch"  starts March 22nd at 9PMET  it air Thursday at 9/8c after the "American Idol" results show. "Finder" will have it's spring finale, March 8Th at 9/8c.  "Bones" will be moving to Mondays at 8/7c starting April the 2nd ."House" will move to it's final time slot  Mondays 9PMET ,starting April 2nd. May 21st will be the last day of "House".
Fox's 25Th Birthday special will air April 22nd at 8/7c-10/9c.

Thursdays Starting  March 22nd
9/8c "Touch"

Mondays Starting April 2nd
8/7c "Bones"
9/8c  "House"

Dancing with the stars contestants announced

 "Dancing With The Stars"  announced it's new cast for it's upcoming season . Starting March 19th at 8/7c on ABC.
Here is the cast.
Jack Wagner, star of "Melrose Place" (pro partner: Anna Trebunskaya)
Melissa Gilbert, star of "Little House on the Prairie" (pro partner: Maksim Chmerkovskiy)
Donald Driver, Green Bay Packers all-time leading receiver (pro partner: Peta Murgatroyd)
William Levy, telenovela star (pro partner: Cheryl Burke)
Sherri Shepherd, co-host of "The View" (pro partner: Valentin Chmerkovskiy)
Katherine Jenkins, opera star (pro partner: Mark Ballas)
Gavin DeGraw, singer (pro partner: Karina Smirnoff)
Martina Navratilova, tennis star (pro partner: Tony Dovolani)
Roshon Fegan, Disney star (pro partner: Chelsie Hightower)
Maria Menounos, TV host (pro partner: Derek Hough)
Jaleel White, URKEL! Star of "Family Matters" (pro partner: Kym Johnson)
Gladys Knight, music legend (pro partner: (pro partner: Tristan MacManus)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Morning Show Hotlist 2-27-2012

Morning Shows

1.Former Governor Barbour on the GOP Race (FROM CBS/ CBS THIS MORNING)

CNN NEWSROOM makes some changes

CNN TV NEWS is reporting that CNN will be making some changes to their daytime hours of  "CNN NEWSROOM". Anchor Carol Costello will be moving to CNN HQ in Atlanta  where she will anchor  the 9-11AMET Hours of "NEWROOM" , Current 9-11AMET, Kyra Phillips

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscars 2012 winners

OSCARS 2012 

Achievement in Cinematography : "Hugo"
Art direction :" Hugo"
Costume Design :"The Aritist" Mark Bridges
Make UP: "The Iron Lady"
Foreign Language Film : A Seperation
Actress in supporting Role :Octavia Spencer - The Help
Film Editing :The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Sound Editing :Hugo
Sound Mixing : Hugo
Documentary (Feature) Undefeated
Animation ( Featured Film) : Rango
Visual Effects  : "Hugo" 
Actor in a supporting Role : Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Music ( Original Score} : "The Artist" 
Music (Original Song)  "The Muppets- "Man or Muppet" 
Writing  (Adapted Screen play )  "The Descendants " 
Writing (Original Screenplay )    "Midnight in Paris" 
Live Action (Short Film) : "The Shore"
Documentary (Short Subject) : "Saving Face" 
Short (Animated) "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore"
Directing  : " Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist
Actor in a leading Role - Jean Dujardin - The Artist
Actress in a leading Role - Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Best Picture  - The Artist 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

[VIDEO] Puppies Predict The Oscars

TV  FROM NBC's "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" 
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Puppies Predict the Oscarsfull video after the jump 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Primary Debates 2012 by the numbers

TV  Choice2012  Politics Media 
  By Skyler 
There were 20 debates for the Republicans this election season they it all started back in May 5 2011. 

CNN – 7
Fox News -5
ABC – 2
NBC – 2
MSNBC – 1 (plus an NBC simulcast on 1/8/12)
CBS – 1
CNBC – 1
Bloomberg – 1

Florida – 4
New Hampshire – 4
South Carolina – 4
Iowa – 3
Arizona – 1
California – 1
D.C. – 1
Michigan – 1
Nevada – 1

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Joshuaonline turning 6 years and why I started it

By Skyler
  Joshuaonline is Mychiller's TV and Media Blog , where share TV news and media news, with opinions. It launched in 2006 with not a major plan or a goal  that's the honesty of it . This site here has changed many times it did news ,  it had politics it was everywhere , the slogan was "Everything Here" infact. Then around 2008  I started sharing TV news here about the new TV seasons and shows coming up, and finally by 2010 the direction of the site really has changed.
    Our Slogan is "TV and Media Straight Forward" what that means is alot, it means that TV and Media news and opinion is shared in a straight forward way that opinions are saying directly what they mean, if there's something in the media we like we say it , something we don't we  say it. TV is interesting and changing , we've seen many soaps go off the air, we've seen a few TV seasons go by. We hope that you have been enjoying this blog for the 6 years it's been around. We are not a large and famous blog but we are here for people to read and enioy and think. Joshuaonline is the name of the site, even though it wasn't started by a person named Joshua it was started by me (Skyler).
    The media's job in the United States , atleast in the news part , is that they are supposed to inform the people and be a watchdog of government and consumers. Our goal is to make sure the media is being the watchdog not the lap dog. I would like to thankyou all for reading even if it was just the past week you found this site, the goal is to try hard at what we do and never waiver from that.

PS:  JOL  turn 6 in April

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

[Open Letters] Thanks NEWSWEEK and CNN

Open Letters 
  By Skyler
      Your February 13th week issue did the right thing in talking about what Christians go through in the Muslim world. It's been uncovered by the media in the past years. It's been open dissuctions on should a Muslim Community center  should it be built in  NewYork City  (close to ground zero). The United States , you have the First Amendment right to believe or not believe in what you want and not be persecuted  the government or others. Has this blinded the media? I can say maybe it has the media of the United States has been blinded and not been covering others being attacked for their beliefs. Thanks to NewsWeek magazine for covering this and I hope you do more of this.   (If you want to read this article your self  the link is right there on Feb 13 wording)
    Dear CNN,
      The Election coverage you have been doing has been great, I love how you have been devoting reporters and people to states the rest of the media has cut back on.  When last Tuesdays, Colorado, Missouri, and Minnesota went to vote, MSNBC ditched to having their regular shows on,and tape at 11PMET , when Colorado wasn't done.Though MSNBC's coverage wouldn't have been that good anyway.  FOX NEWS Channel ditched last week too. But CNN did a great job but ... beyond that like in Nevada, you in Colorado, Missouri , and Minnesota  had reporters showing us the caucuses and giving numbers that no one else had because you had them first. Thanks CNN and do more of this.
We may do more media open letters  soon , if you have an idea email us at mychiller , or tell us on google plus search for mychiller  , or on 

Thursday, February 09, 2012

FOX Business is making Changes

Cable Tv NEWS 
 FOX Business Network   FOX Business Network Made announcement  today about schedule changes , including the end of Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano , Power and Money with David Asman ,and Follow the Money with David Asman.  Replacing these shows will be repeats of The Willis Report, Lou Dobbs Tonight, and  Cavuto.  A new show with Melissa Francis , who joined the network from CNBC earlier, is coming soon it will be at  5PMET . When that happens Wills' show will be at 8PMET.
   The Press release says:
Judge Napolitano will continue his role on both FOX Business and FOX News, providing key legal insights surrounding the growing intersection between Washington and Wall Street. In addition to co-hosting The Five on FNC, Eric Bolling will also lend his unparalleled expertise on oil and energy stemming from more than 20 years on the trading floor to both networks as a commodities contributor.
     David Asman will be still CO-hosting "After the Bell".

     This starts February 20th. John Stossel's show will still air Thursdays at 10PMET.