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Friday, February 18, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #18: The Tantrum


 Previously, the bird had a better agent, so top billing for it. [HERE]

#18 The Tantrum 

Season 3, episode 1b

  We head into the final season of the series, that's season 3.   Also runs from 1999-2002, meaning the channel had probably held some stuff over through the time.  "Fairly Odd Parents" became a series in 2001,  and "Chalk Zone" in 2002.  Season 3 is the shortest, and many of the shorts featured were new episodes of the I guess "mini series" they were doing.  Interestingly enough, there was no Chalk Zone shorts.  

        The Tantrum was created by John Fountain,  who also wrote, directed, character designed, and did the voice for the main character.  (source )
      The idea is that it's a comedic superhero cartoon with a hero that is triggered by frustrations like "The Hulk"   our main  character is  boy named Travis who sees a toy on TV through an ad and asks his parents for the toy, and the parents say he has enough and being patient is good. 

    Travis  tries to not get angry but he does end up turning into his superhero powers, as the Tantrum to get his frustrations out.  I like that creative idea, that's kind of cool to see a kid hero who does kid stuff like  being frustrated and channels into constructive rage. 
  In this case he fights a fire and saves a toy store, which most of the toys are alright, but the one he wanted, because that's a law of cartoons.  He goes to see the president who nervous about aliens coming and I see someone liked "Independence Day"   An alien named commander Twang condemns the president because of space junk and wants it cleaned up. (Which I kind of like the idea of aliens being mad that there's space junk and not just wanting to invade the Earth) 
     Tantrum uses his tantrum powers, and the alien has a sleep ray (I wish that was real, that could help alot of people)  and puts the boy to sleep. Then tantrum wakes up, and he thinks everything was a dream and realizes no, this was the dream.  Then he really wakes up. 

    He uses his scream powers and makes the aliens give him anything he wants and then they leave, I guess he asked for the toy, it cuts to his house, his parents decide to surprise him with the toy for being good. The twist is the alien gave him a real robot so alright then.

       This one is creative, but there are some weaknesses. I do wonder if the executives would have been against the idea of a series based on a superhero based on tantrums just because tantrums. Even if the boy only does it as super powers versus the other way. The story is alright,  could have been fine tuned and it's hard to be too mean to it, since it seems it was very one guy working on it focused. 
     I do think a comedic kid saves the world series would work, there is some creativity, some things would have to be changed. Again, it was short/pilot so there could have been some fine tuning, but anyway.  
      That's it for now, tune in next time, when we scream for 50 minutes until we pass out! 

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