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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 11:Baskets for Bucks/Pru

2The Weekenders Disney 

Previously, not a Doug crossover episode (here

Episode 11a: Baskets for Bucks 

                Tesla park  has a new ride and the friends would like to go, but don't have money. In a moment of boredom they decide to watch "Scramble Vision"  which is just them watching a TV channel that's scrambled because it's a pay per view channel. (Oh this is the most late 90's early 2000's thing this show has done, and they had an episode with Jennifer Love Hewitt)  Then there's a radio thing they want to listen to, called "Baskets for Bucks" (roll credits)  They have to call into a show and answer a question to get a chance to enter the contest for $10,000.  

            Tish gets the question right, and it's time for Lor to practice. The friends think the odds of Lor getting all three will be hard, but they say they are going to stay positive for Lor. This actually might not be a good idea.  I like how Tino, Tish, and Carver think they can buy cloning, a band, and helicopter or sports car or hovercraft for $2500 even in 2001 money. (ooh  2001 money)  Lor seems to be getting stressed and worrying about if it goes wrong, she might lose her friends. (That or thinking her friends might squish her to death?) 

            Instead of Tino's  mom we get Lor's Dad and he's of no help. (like wow)  It's the big day and Lor is feeling horrible. I like how the episode showed the friends trying to be helpful were being too positive and it made Lor  tense and worried. It's a good showing of being too positive can also hurt. She missed the third shot and she saw her friends weren't there. 

            She realizes her friends were still there for her, and she gets a consolation prize for the new water slide. 

         It's an interesting episode, where the idea of being too positive could affect pressure on someone, even if you unintentionally didn't mean too. The episode doesn't get dark or sappy, but it does a well enough job showing what Lor was feeling and going through with some humor , but not detracting how she was.  I liked it , pretty fun.  I give it 7/10. 

more after the jump

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 10: Tish's Hair/I Want to Be Alone!

The Weekenders Disney 

   Previously,  Don't be envious, it could be worse. Read here 

Episode 10a: Tish's Hair 

        This episode's answer is simple one, but let's take a look at the journey to see how well it does it. In this episode Tish gets a new hair style and loves it, the friends don't think it's very cool, but they don't want to hurt her feelings. You can see how this episode might be going.  Tino thinks they should tell her what they think, but that's hard. 

           It's a hard thing to do, because she's so happy about it.  They decide instead to hide Tish from people they know. They go to not IKEA where they think other kids wouldn't be, but there was at least too.  (They almost sent Tish to Venezuela)    Tish wants to have fun, so they go their normal hang  out - the museum and drag Tish out because  two other kids are there. 

        Carver thinks of a way to have it be where they can tell Tish, by not telling her.  They try some creative ways that all fail because plot reasons. I do like how Tino's Mom says there's no clear answer. Which, I like because there are things were there's no clear action of what to do. The friends don't have a clear answer what they want do to. Their conflict is pretty interesting and makes it hard to see how the episode could go. 

            They were about to tell her how they feel and then two kids tell her that her hair is cool and they back off saying something.  Then the show goes to Monday. (I'M scared the show is going to Monday, things are usually done by now, what's going on!)  They start to notice that a bunch of kids have the same hair style and then they see Tish has gone back to her down hair.  

            Back to how I started the post (yeah the 'previously on' thing wasn't that ...oh) I hope I threw you off there by saying the answer is simple. The only simple answer is there is no simple answer. Tish was exploring a new look to see if she liked it and then at the end decides herself  she doesn't and goes back. That works because that's how it happens sometimes. Trying a new look then going "eh no way" and changing herself.  The friends had a valid concern that they were worried about if someone might not like her look and it might hurt her. At the same time, they didn't want to hurt her feelings. The episode does a good job at doing all that. It's not saying the friends were right or wrong, that's good. I like that they didn't think there was a clear answer. You could say that the friends should have supported her new look, and be there for her if anything goes wrong, you could say they should have been honest with her. I do like how there's a moment where Tish thinks Carver's sister is making fun of his shirt and she says she wasn't going to say something, but... that could have been a good clue as to how Tish thinks, but she still told him after someone else , in her mind, said something. 

            Pretty well done episode, that also seemed to be self aware of the show having plots that usually fit neatly and going off the model for a nice ride. I enjoyed this 8/10. 

More after the Jump 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Arthur: Season 25: Episode 1: Binky Wrestles with a Story / All Will be Revealed

Arthur PBS 

       Episode 1: Binky Wrestles with a Story 

              Back to the Arthur and the final season, which I did cover the final episode of the series because that's how I go- out of order.   PBS ran the final season on PBS Kids Channel all in one day in 2022 and that was it. Though, I do think that they had like 3 or 4 seasons produced at once and broke it up, this one has 4 episodes or 8 segments so that's a thing.  Let's go.


             The cold opening:  Honestly the episode must have been made when  Batman vs. Superman was out or close enough after it, that's not what the episode is about, I just wanted to point out their Superman and Batman parody characters are doing their own versus movie.  Anyway,  you might think I was bored of this intro and not really, instead they want to you watch the episode anyway so let's get to that. 

        The episode:  Mr. Ratburn announces that the next day is take a student to work day.  Anyway, Binky gets Buster's mom. Remember she works at the newspaper.  On the one hand, I'm happy the never updated the job or changed her work at a website or something.  (she'd be gone in a round of layoffs anyway)  Binky thinks that newspaper job will be fun because he thinks newspaper reporters stop crime.  (do they stop crime, and just choose not to?, this is a joke for one person who takes things seriously)  He founds at the job is mostly talking and not adventure. (he wanted talk radio) It's a low crime rate town so no robberies that much. 

            He does get to go to a press conference with the mayor and finds that boring too.  Binky keeps looking for excitement.  Good thing it's not awkward for Harry and Buster's mother since they don't date anymore. Anyway, Binky talks to Harry about being bored, he says get there's nothing wrong with boredom. (We're bored right now!)   He also tells Binky for his report for class try to make it exciting.  
the pen is mightier than I don't know/ copyright WGBH 

             It's a nice moment to Binky and Bitzy working together. There's also a dream sequence of Binky pretending editing is a wrestling match (that's why the episode is call this)  It cuts to Binky doing his report at school, as if he was presenting it to us after all.  huh? 

        It's alright. ... sorry wait... 

             EEEEE! That was fine. I can't really oh no! It's simple for an episode, it's nice. To me that's how I felt so it's that.   7/10. 

            More after the jump

Thursday, March 09, 2023

One Shot Posts: Bartless

The Simpsons One Shot Posts FOX Disney 

              I'm actually jumping ahead and doing a post about a more recent episode of "The Simpsons"  from like when I'm posting this- aired on the Sunday the same week. (Wow!) I'm going through the post season 9 episodes of the series since I was never a hard line it dies after season 9 person, but also lost some favor in watching it around season 27 or something around then. I've watched in and out and was looking for an episode from the current season  (2022-23) season 34 to write about. This episode aired on Sunday and it's episode 15 of the season : "Bartless".

                Interestingly the episode starts with Millhouse and Bart reading to younger children, and Bart is reading a story and doesn't like it and makes it better for her. The interaction is nice, he draws on the book and makes a story more entertaining for the little girl.  This episode is going to be a fun outing for the character of Bart and charm of him that sometimes gets lost when talking about him. 
They're reading the credits/ Copyright Disney 

            He does end up inspiring a bunch little kids drawing in books and he gets in trouble for that. Homer and Marge aren't happy. I kind of also find it kind of funny how Marge and Homer are mad at a really something that's wasn't like a super Bart prank that we've seen before. This episode weaves a story and it is doing it well, but the pieces have to come together to make it work. (Need to calm down a bit)

            You'd think Bart's teacher, (Bart has new teacher, in case you are also walking into the Simpsons and wondering what they did after Edna and a few other things going on), would also be annoyed by that, she shows that Bart actually helped the little kids love books and reading. I like the play with the teacher also being helpful in this situation.  (Love the old fashioned cartoon gag of Ralph drawing a stairway in a wall)  Are Homer and Marge in the wrong? I'm going to say there's not wrong and right, it's more that they are used to Bart doing things wrong and reacted on the knowledge, but seeing that is very low level and not even a prank thing was helpful, they kind of needed someone else that wasn't Bart to tell them. I like that because that can happen and it's very well done here. 

            I then like how Marge and Homer are wondering if they like their son. There's a difference between like and love and it's showing they love him and want him to be his best, but they feel they don't like him. There's some good substance to this. They make a wish to see him like others do, and that's again something I think works well. It's a very well done look at these two characters as parents and how they view things.  

More after the jump

Monday, March 06, 2023

NewsNation to Launch Political Program "The Hill"

NewsNation Cable TV News 

        Nexstar owned cable news network, NewsNation, is expanding their programming on weekdays for more news-based content.  April 2023 seems to be a pivot month for the network as it launches "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" on April 3.  From April 24, a new program based off sister organization, The Hill, willl launch.

      "The Hill", the program will be a political ensemble program that will be hosted by Leland Vittert, who will also continue to host his 7pm ET program "On Balance". "The Hill" will air weekdays at 5pm ET. This also means that "Rush Hour" which currently airs from 5-7pm will be gone. NewsNation has indicated that they will be going 24/5 by April, so there's a chance they will be doing live news from 1-5pmet from then as well. 

         Part of the program's panel will be: NewsNation's  political editor Chris Stirewalt, senior political contributor George Will, former Obama aide Johanna Maska, and associate editor of TheHill.com, Niall Stanage.  

       The program will be done from Washington D.C and Leland Vittert's 7pm show will also be moving there from it's current spot in Chicago.   

            NewsNation also expanded from March 6, "NewsNation" live to 3hours running from 10am-1pmET. 

Press release after the bump

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 9: My Punky Valentine/Brain Envy

The Weekenders  Disney  

Previously, the last post is only for cool people.... like you  Here 

    Episode 9a: My Punky Valentine 

       The episode starts fun where Tish, Lor, and Carver talk to the audience instead of Tino because he's busy talking to a tree. (Nice little change)  The three friends are concerned about him.  The next day, Tino shows up and he has a different look, which stuns the friends.  Then they figure out that Tino has a crush on the punk girl. 

            Does she have a name? I don't know.   Anyway, the friends don't seem to like Tasha (they said after all) and Tino walks away. The friends want him to get a crush on someone else instead.  That's their agenda.  Tino's mom says the message of the episode, so thanks for that. The next day, the friends decide to find girls that they think should be with Tino. (odd) 

                Tino is still doing punk stuff. Also there's a girl that looks like Tino, but only a girl (which the words the show uses)  Wait, what'd they mean by that. He's wondering why her image is showing up in his room.  Lor is doing it with a projector, because that's sane.  Tish talks to a girl , who apparently has a crush on Tino.  

            Her name is Dot Cardigan and she goes to Tino, who is confused by her being around him. He trying to get Tasha's attention. Then the show brings back the tall girl from a few episodes before and Carver and the other friends have convinced her to stand next to him and he's annoyed that now two girls are by him when he's trying to do something. The episode is already weird but then it adds Jennifer Love Hewitt. That's right there's an episode where Jennifer Love Hewitt voices herself as a character. This was during peak Jennifer Love Hewitt, but it so random.    Tino figures out their plan and tells them if he has a problem with Tasha then they have a problem with him and then he walks off. 

            The friends realize they made a mistake and want to make it up to Tino.  They also pay Jennifer Love Hewitt a dollar. (That's why she's only the episode for a cameo) Ironically, if he had hung out with his friends and Jennifer Love Hewitt, they'd be a Party of Five. (Groans)  Tino has changed his clothes back and had decided to just stare at the ceiling. His mom tells him he should go out and have fun anyway, Tasha sees him at the arcade and she starts talking to him. She likes Tino's favorite comic book too.  Also, Tasha is voiced by Christine Cavanaugh making this one of her last voice acting roles, not saying it's her last last but around that.

        He wonders how she knew he liked "Captain Dread Not" and finds out that it's because his friends told her. Tino goes to hang out with Tasha and the friends then get to finish the episode, again a nice difference. Jennifer Love Hewitt shows up and says the "later Days" line.  

          It's a good story, and the friends learning to accept.  There's also the other message of not having to change your look to impress someone.  Tasha from what we see does seem nice which makes it nice hint that the friends were judging her because he's a punk girl. (Punk like rock)  There's some funny moments too, but I have to say it's the most randomly weird episode too.  Jennifer Love Hewitt doing a cameo and it being the friends say her name and she shows up is out of the blue and strange. ( I tried, but it didn't work too, I'm sad) 

           She doesn't add much to the plot, but it is just randomly weird and kind of funny.  It's still a solid episode and well done. You can do weird things if your story is still solid. I give it 7.7/10. 

More after the jump