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Hello and Welcome to Joshuaonline , we like to look at the TV and Media here it's not updated everyday but we try have a few posts each month, hope you enjoy and thanks for visiting

NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's a Lookback, Charlie Brown: You're in Love, Charlie Brown


      So, it's almost Valentine's day and since our lookbacks can't look at holiday themed specials (we have something else for that) why not look at love? Anyway, this special rounds out our look at the 1960's non holiday specials meaning we are done with the 1960's.   "You're in Love, Charlie Brown" came out not in the summer of love but in late spring of 1967, June 12, 1967.  It aired on CBS (Charlie Brown's sister's network).

          This was the first Peanuts special where adults were given the trombone thing . It was nominated for an Emmy along with "He's your Dog,Charlie Brown" . See why Charlie Brown is in love.

          Charlie Brown is miserable and says that nobody likes him. (Maybe because he complains all the time, and maybe Linus likes you.)  Charlie Brown wants to have lunch with the little red haired girl  but he says his stomach gets all knotted up and doesn't know what's wrong.(For the rest of this post we are going to short hand the Little Red Haired Girl as  LRHG alright?)  Linus tells him the title of the special.

                                     You're not wearing gloves, Charlie Brown/ Copyright Peanuts

           The theme song has lyrics, nice.  In class , Charlie Brown thinks about the LRHG instead of focusing on his work.  It's almost the last day of school. Anyway, Chuck has to do assignment and reads his note out instead of report.    Linus tells C.B at recess that he should just talk to the LRHG but Chuck is Chuck and that means he's not going to do this very well.  Charlie Brown asks Linus to start a conversation. (This doesn't go well in future cases and in this case either.)
Don't roll your face at me Charlie Brown/ Copyright Peanuts 
   Also, Linus and Lucy are in the same class this special, she doesn't really talk this special so that's nice (so far) , the teacher calls him again and he screws that up because he really needs to focus.  Now it's lunchtime and he gets to eat outside, cool.  He thinks  nobody likes him again, but Linus does so. (maybe Chuck is an idiot.) Lucy does get a moment when she gets annoyed that Charlie Brown mentions that he gets nervous  around pretty faces. She also mentions the Christmas queen from "A Charlie Brown Christmas"  Linus defends Charlie Brown but most innocently ,and he reveals to the mean girls that Charlie is in love.
Those are love eyes/ Copyright Peanuts 

     Charlie Brown starts thinking about LRHG's hands (what?) and laments that he'll never get to hold hands with her.  Sally is graduating from Kindergarten and Charlie Brown doesn't like the idea of kindergarten graduations.  We get a Schroeder and Lucy scene and she asks what if they got married. Schroeder has multiple pianos and Beethoven busts too.
He buys this stuff at Costco / Copyright Peanuts 

      Lucy does her doctoring and starts ranting about men. (She later started a blog)  This is the first special with Peppermint Patty appearing in it as well.  She's going to help with his baseball team but he tells her that his real problem is a girl in class.  Peppermint decides to help and talks to Lucille thinking that Charlie Brown meant her. She sets up a meeting for them.  (I ship it)  Charlie Brown says that he is going to do his mission tomorrow. His plans get a little messed up and he has to sneak into school.   Gets in trouble.  He has one chance to talk to the LRHG   but fails to , but ends up with a note that says "I like you, Charlie Brown"-- Signed, the Little Red Haired Girl (it's a family name).
Her last name is girl?/ Copyright Peanuts 

           The animation in this special is what I want to talk about .  The 60's peanuts specials after the first two really got into interesting style groove and this one is really nice.  I like how they made sound effects have onomatopoeic words coming out. The coloring is really well done and I love how it feels like a late spring/early summer time.

         This is great special as well the pay off being that Charlie Brown does get acknowledged by the Little Red Haired girl. He's classic Chuck he's just wanting to the girl to notice him but is too nervous to talk to her.  Peppermint Patty's first showing up was so nice too she really did try to help Chuck even though she innocently messes it up, same with Linus defending Charlie Brown when Lucy and Violet  were making fun of Charlie Brown, even though he kind of  makes it worse it was without intentionally wanting to cause do such a thing.  This is a well done special that I really enjoyed.

  That's our lookback  Tune in next time, when Charlie Brown and Lucy become a couple in college, who would have seen that coming?

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Arthur: Season 20 and Season 21 : Buster's Second Chance / Francine and the Soccer Spy

Arthur  PBS 

       Back during the 20th anniversary set of posts I did back in 2016, I stopped at season 19 because season 20 hadn't premiered yet, it was to start the month after I was doing the post.  Over that time , season 21 also premiered.   There are also the noted reaction by some to say , "Arthur is still running and has new episodes?" to that answer yes.  Also the show will at least be running to a season 25.

  Let's start with season 20.

   Season 20 ran from October 2016 to June 2017. Somethings to note about this season: Arthur seasons got shorter over time  but,this one was the shortest producing  7 half hours.  The animation studio also changed, again, leaving 9-Story and WGBH went with another Canadian studio, Oasis Animation.   D.W's voice actor changed again (for those that don't know Arthur's sister is voiced by males) , and Arthur's voice actor also changed again. (because they use male children for his voice too).

       We are looking at the first episode of the season with the first half 1a called "Buster's Second Chance"  which premiered on October 10th,2016.

 Monologue : Arthur says that Buster has always been his best friend, and flashback to when they first met. Then a montage of them doing best friends stuff. Yep Best Friends until this week. What hold on what?

   Episode:  Buster is unhappy that the Brain won  the statewide science competition because the report was Brain finding types of bacteria in the drinking fountain. Buster says he knew there was something strange about that fountain.   Arthur tells him everyone knew the water tasted like feet (what?)  and that Brain was the only one to go study it.   Buster gives a  backstory on his not studying.  He was brought to a pre-school for "brainy kids" he stuck a marble up his nose and not where it was supposed to go. If he didn't try to outsmart the test he says, then his life could have been different.

       Buster says he would have just as smart as The Brian. Arthur suggests time travel but, not really. Buster reads time travel comics and fall asleep , guess where this episode is going?  He sees a passage way that sends him back in time. Back to the time  with the marble.  Where he impresses the teacher with magic and puts the marble in the right spot.  He wakes up and finds out that he is a genius now.   (Also all smart people wear glasses in Buster's mind, apparently)
Hmm , what?/ Copyright WGBH 

    Buster's life is different because he wears glasses and goes to a different school in the mornings and the other one he normally goes to in the afternoon. He tries to wave at Arthur but I don't think he's friends with him in this alternate universe.  Apparently, because Buster is smart now and didn't meet Arthur, Arthur has become a gang-leader (kind of joking) but he does become the leader of the tough customers.  His nickname is Specs. (get it because he wears glasses)  Buster goes to find Arthur and doesn't know where he went then finds him at the comic book store. Buster finds out that since he went to the fancy pre-school he never met Arthur at the park and they didn't become friends. (How does Buster know Arthur? Well it's a dream don't question it)
EEEEEEH/ Copyright WGBH 


       Arthur ended up being a tough customer.  Buster jumps out of a time warp (he wakes up) and everything is back to normal.

      I guess this episode's  moral is that a different paths in life result in different results, they kind of did this idea before in this series. The other is at the end where Buster decides to study something to prove  a point and do it with his best friend.  It's a fun episode where you see some of the outlandishness of Buster's fantasy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Loud House Season 2: Baby Steps/ Lock 'N' Loud

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

         For those reading this post in January of 2019: This wraps up our look at "The Loud House" for now, more in the future.

                 Once again, dipping into season 2 of "The Loud House" with a look at couple episodes.

  Let's start with  4th episode of season 2 called "Baby Steps" what's this episode about?  It first aired in the US on January  10th 2017.

           Time to give Clyde more time and attention TV show , and that's what this episode does.  So it starts in the middle of the night where Lincoln is sleeping when he gets awoken by Clyde on the walkie talkie. Clyde tells him that his Dads are planning on having another baby now, they didn't tell him this news he suspects it because they were getting baby clothes and baby-proofing the house. (remember this line)  So, he tells Lincoln that he is going to be an older brother.   Also, I like the shot during the split screen of them taking where Lincoln has Charles the dog on his bed, and Clyde has his cat on his bed. (Remember this line later)  Lincoln says that he is the best person to talk to about being an other brother. (why? oh that's right)
    The next morning, Lincoln shows Clyde the best steps to being a big brother or as Lincoln calls them the 3 C's which are Confidence, Caring, and Cookies. (cookies mmm) Lincoln decides to show him these skills by example. (Lincoln is that kind of teacher)   Helping with Baby Lilly's pain he shows off the three C's in action.  Up next it's the twins fighting. Then it's the 4-year-old genius, Lisa, who has Lincoln make a  PBJ sandwich. (This later comes up in that Mad Scientist episode)  Then Lucy just need simple help on a poem rhyme.

    Now the student gets to do some experience training. Clyde puts his training into work and  if you can guess how this guess, you win something. This bad mess causes Clyde to stress out. Later, Lincoln leaves to get something while Clyde is waiting Lisa enters the room asking for help with her shoe strings which should make him skeptical (remember this line later too). Lucy asks for help with a poem rhyme a word that rhymes with Lori. (Hmm)  Remember that line above there? (Also remember the characters  mentioned plus Lilly) Well Lincoln pai d them off for them to do what they did to help Clyde.  Clyde hears this and is unhappy and decides to leave.  Lana is stuck in a tree (remember she wasn't mentioned)  and Clyde thinks she's part of the plan but she's not. He saves the day.
awww/ Copyright Viacom 

    Remember those details above?  Well Clyde finds out that his parents aren't getting a baby they are getting a kitten   Clyde finds that Lincoln's tips also work with cats.

       The charming thing for this episode is Lincoln showing how good a bigger brother he is to the younger ones.  The show does run from his perspective as middle child in the family and we've seen interactions where the sisters act as one, his interactions with the older ones and younger ones as well.  It's also nice to see Clyde do more in the series as well. I speak from the framing of him in season 1.   It makes a nice episode with a nice fit to it, and the ending doesn't ruin it because he learned something valuable.   I give this one a 97% out of 100.

 More after the Jump 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

But First These Messages but We have undersold ad time so PSA's instead!


          We'll be right back more popular children's program  "The Loud Bob Universe of Odd Parents" after these messages.
        So this time we are doing a new "But First These Messages" but with a twist , we don't have ads , instead we have  PSAs ,public service announcements, because someone (sorry) forgot to sell some ad time so have to fill the gap with PSAs.   That's what we are doing this time.

     Sometimes you get lost , so what do you do when you get lost?   Panic!
    I could make fun of this one, but it does a good message of  if you get lost (as a kid?) check your area and find a police person to help. (Doesn't work in the middle no where)

Is that balloon supposed to say Fail? 

         Today's weather forecast calls for 100% sun and 0% rain if we are wrong it's channel 20's fault. 

        I have some questions , why is that guy in the water?  Did that kid want to die?  That metal suit might be dangerous too!
This is the face you see before you die! 

       Now it's time to pet this strange dog. 
      Don't pet random animals he said animals not dogs , so don't pet random bears, only bears you know!

mean doggy mean doggy 

Don't forget to watch new episodes of Cyborg Lassie , every Tuesday!  More after the jump

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Arthur : Season 12 and 13 : I Owe You One/ Arthur's Number Nightmare

Arthur PBS 

   In our January journey looking at Arthur we have skipped a head from season 5 to Seasons 12 and 13 mostly to keep us from sticking to a cluster of seasons.  Let's take a look at an episode from season 12 first, called "I owe you one" .

  This episode aired on April 21st, 2009 it is 7B of the season paired with "War of Worms".

  Monologue: This time done with Muffy because why not?  Muffy is playing as Suze Orman on her old CNBC show and trying to give money advice. Different Elwood  City characters call in.  So What Muffy says that when you ask a favor or borrow money you in their debt, and you shouldn't say "I Owe you One" ( Sorry, I owe you one).  It never ends up being one, and she decides to tell a story which happens to be our episode.

    The episode:  Buster's mom tells him to rake the leaves by 5 O'Clock, and he forgets to do so because he focused on a video game.  Arthur is called to help and he tells Arthur he owes him one. Francine asks him what he's going to do and Buster says he doesn't know. Then they find out that Buster owes Arthur alot.  They tell him that he also owes interest while telling everyone that credit cards are dangerous.  Buster gets a call from Arthur asking him to come over and help him out. Apparently, two aliens  wanted to abduct Arthur  and since Buster owes him some favors it was time for Buster to pay up.

This is the best payback/ Copyright WGBH 

    Oh, it was a dream, I was thinking this episode got dark. Buster starts trying to do stuff for Arthur. He starts talking to Binky and Binky happens to tell him that Arthur owes him a few things. This makes Buster help Arthur pay back his debts first, by doing stuff for Binky. Arthur calls Buster but then Francine decides to come over and ask if Buster can pay off some of Arthur's debt to her , then others come by as well to the same. (Well then)  It's apparently been two weeks Since Arthur spent time together and Arthur thinks that Buster is mad at him.  Buster tells him that he paying back Arthur.

         Arthur tells him that Buster owes him no more favors. Then Arthur tell Muffy that is his show.
This is my show and you can't stop me/ Copyright WGBH 

    The message of the episode is to be careful with taking favors because you don't want to take advantage of people. I really kind of like that it wasn't Arthur who was like "where's my favors, man?" but more Buster thinking he has to pay Arthur back to make sure things are square. I found it a genuinely alright episode with some charm to it. 

More after the jump

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: For Bros about to Rock / Ties that Bind

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

  Since I was writing these posts as part of a theme or in this a Loud House look every Tuesday in January and I decided to use all 5 Tuesdays in January, I found that since this show only 3 seasons I have to double up on a couple seasons, so that's what's happening here. For those reading outside January, first Thankyou! and second, this doesn't matter as much since it's part of the collection of season 1 episodes I've written about.

         We look at episode 13A from season  1 called "For Bros about to Rock".  They've characterized the sisters in this show each have a primary thing they like, mostly done to get us identifier for each one. So Luna is the music loving girl mostly rock, but she likes music so there's an episode for her to interact with Lincoln and Clyde.

     Lincoln and Clyde are going to a Smooch concert, (I wonder what that's a parody of )  the other non-Luna sisters want to warn Lincoln not have Luna know that he going to his first concert. Why? Well, Luna gets over zealous at concerts. Each sister tells Lincoln what happened at their first concerts.  So, they help him escape but she already knew and saved them a spot in  line (That was nice of her). She changes their threads (Don't how this works, we don't question it). Luna even starts singing and eventually Luna annoys Lincoln and makes her leave.   They also lost their space in line meaning that they made to the end and didn't get tickets.  A strange man in a beard asks them if they wanted tickets. Today's moral: if a strange man in a beard asks if you want tickets don't buy them or talk to him. Thank you.  Now back to the episode.

These Bros are about to Rock/ Copyright Viacom 

      The strange man in a beard ended up being a mall cop who is really invested into his job. He arrests  Lincoln and Clyde for buying scalped tickets  you know the ones he was selling, that's how tings work. (Court TV needs to return to answer my question)  Bobby had a running gag in the series early on where he was going through more jobs than Homer Simpson.   Luna appears disguised as their mother, and guess who figures out that it's Luna? (That information is behind our new pay wall please give us 50 cents)
Luna the Mom,coming this fall to CBS/ Copyright Viacom 

     Luna gets thrown behind bars.  Lincoln wonders why concerts are so important to her. Flashback time!  Luna talks about her  first rock concert at the age of 12 and how it changed her life  The Mick Swagger song ( I wonder who that's a parody of?)  The story makes the mall cop cry and decides to let them go and give them the tickets.  Lincoln asks if  he has a third ticket for his sister he does. (This is how the law should work!)     Luna helps them have a great concert and a good time was had by all.

past Luna/ Copyright Viacom 

         So, this episodes tell us that why Luna is engulfed in rock music and has a general love of music in the first place.  They also did a good job of even though Luna was being over zealous to annoying that didn't make her unlikable and it didn't make Lincoln un justified in saying that she was being annoying.   The episode itself was fun and enjoyable nothing seemed to drag on, and had some funny moments.    I give it  9.5/10. 

Up next, the Loud parents think it's time to get rid of one of their kids , after the jump.

2019 Oscar Nominations announced


   The 91st annual Academy Awards nominations have been announced we have the full list for you here :  and the awards air on Sunday, February 24th on ABC.

         Here is the list

Best Picture 
  • BlacKkKlansman
  • Black Panther
  • Bohemian Rhapsody
  • The Favourite
  • Green Book
  • Roma
  • A Star Is Born
  • Vice
Best Director 
  • Alfonso Cuaron (Roma)
  • Yorgos Lanthimos (The Favourite)
  • Spike Lee (BlacKkKlansman)
  • Adam McKay (Vice)
  • Pawel Pawlikowski (Cold War)
Best Actress
  • Yalitza Aparicio (Roma)
  • Glenn Close (The Wife)
  • Olivia Colman (The Favourite)
  • Lady Gaga (A Star Is Born)
  • Melissa McCarthy (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)
Best Actor 
  • Christian Bale (Vice)
  • Bradley Cooper (A Star Is Born)
  • Willem Dafoe (At Eternity's Gate)
  • Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody)
  • Viggo Mortensen (Green Book)
Best Supporting Actress
  • Amy Adams (Vice)
  • Marina de Tavira (Roma)
  • Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk)
  • Emma Stone (The Favourite)
  • Rachel Weisz (The Favourite)
Best Supporting Actor
  • Mahershala Ali (Green Book)
  • Adam Driver (BlacKkKlansman)
  • Sam Elliott (A Star Is Born)
  • Richard E. Grant (Can You Ever Forgive Me?)
  • Sam Rockwell (Vice)
Best Documentary Feature
  • Free Solo
  • Hale County This Morning, This Evening
  • Minding the Gap
  • Of Fathers and Sons
  • R.B.G.
Best Animated Feature 
  • Incredibles 2
  • Isle of Dogs
  • Mirai
  • Ralph Breaks the Internet
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Best Foreign-Language Film 
  • Capernaum (Lebanon)
  • Cold War (Poland)
  • Never Look Away (Germany)
  • Roma (Mexico)
  • Shoplifters (Japan)

more after the jump

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Those PSA episodes: Captian Planet Says stop having children (Again!)


   Previously on Joshauonline:  Captain Planet did an episode about people having way too many children you know, on a show for children!   Well they did it again!  (read here)

         Now on Joshuaonline: "Numbers Game" from season 5.

              Captain Planet provides a treasure trove of PSA themed episodes and provides us with entertainment. (not really) 

                  Our Show : Captain Planet
             What are they trying to tell the audience: There's too many People on Earth  but this time it's 1995! 

                                     Let's see, it starts with Wheeler having a birthday and they put a candle in a burger (because America). They also got him some gifts  the Gaya the earth goddess lady has to bring down the party because there's mudslides ad they have to help.  That's just what do and yes more Captain Planet having puns.  The saving part does take up sometime.   They help clean up the mess and Wheeler talks about people living to stacked up  and near a mudslide prone area  and others apparently know everything. (Because not America)   So Wheeler doesn't go to Coney Island but they get to go an eco-themed park. (That exists) 
  American burger/copyright Warner Media 

     Wheeler wonders why people bring children into the world under such conditions (you know living in cities and messy).  The next ride is about population (that's why this park shutdown the next week).   The ride says that children in more developed nations use more resources than those in developing nations. Wheeler falls asleep.  They wake up, finally, the tunnel of love between Wheeler and Linka (so they became a couple? alright then.  Then apparently, Linka and Wheeler get married. (what?)

        Then he wakes up and is older and still married. Also Linka is pregnant and they already have 8 children. So old Wheeler has to go shopping with his children.   Captain Planet villains are selling stuff  at the mall as well, because why not?  We also had time for one his  kids wetting their pants.
 Later on, Kwame and Ma-Ti show up  and talk to him like normal people, no wait they yell at him that he has too many children. (Sorry, you are going to have to kill like 3 of them)  Kwame even says it must stop.  (what?)  Right near the kids too, dang man. Then Kwame says that Wheeler is using too much resources  then Wheeler says like your 40 foot TV  (what?) but Kwame says he has two children.  Even the Earth godess has given up.  Captain Planet has also given up. (The Show and the man) Still hasn't given up on bad puns.
Wheeler went forth and multiplied / Copyright Warner Media 

         It was a dream (duh?)  and they are still on the ride. Then Wheeler tells her if they do get married  that he doesn't even want more than two children.   I also have to laugh at the alert they have to say that soon the Earth will soon have 6 billion people.

             In my last post on the last population episode I said that one here was worst, because it is now, directly it's not saying as much as the first one where it's telling its child audience  that might have 3 kids that one of them is killing the planet so, it at least learned that. Though it is saying they are draining resources or something.  This one also drags out too much trying to make a point that population is too much and people are trying to live in cities for better lives, then it twists to say that you have to use resources better.    But having the characters tell Wheeler that he has too many children makes me think they mean that too many children drain resources but it showed earlier that a country that is developed has less children (true) but uses more resources. (ehh)

     Did it do it's PSA message clearly?   No. Even the last episode was at least clear. Here, we get a mess of insanity. They could be saying that having too many children can drain resources as much as a guy with a 40-foot TV (and with modern tech might not be as true) and two kids.  I don't know.

          Was it a good PSA?  No. There's nothing wrong with telling your audience to use things wisely and be responsible but stop telling your audience who in this show was targeted to children that there are too many children. If they did a focus on using resources wisely or else you are going to have some problems I would at least given them some points but nope, they didn't have any clear message at all. 

    That's it for us, now I have to tell this family of 11 kids  that 7 have to go.  Tune in next time and find out the results. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Arthur : Season 5: You Are Arthur

Arthur  PBS 

  We are only looking at one episode of Arthur this week.   I should say you are looking at one episode because you are writing this blog post.  So go on... 

        [7 Weeks Later] 
          Rude.   Fine, I'll the blog post.  Today's episode of Arthur comes from season 5 it's episode 5b of Season 5 and it aired on October 23rd 2000. (For the United States) Today's episode gets creative.

   Monologue:  Arthur's reading "Treasure Island" in bed and says that is one of his favorite books.  He likes to imagine himself as a pirate with buried treasure. Arthur says that one of the fun things is imagining to be someone else and how much fun that would be if you really do that. Then he imagines himself as Mr.Ratburn.  Then he gets a big idea:  We get to imagine would it would be like to be him and he imagines what it's like to him. (So he's going to finish this blog post, good). This is going to be some switching is it?
They should have done this in 3D/ Copyright WGBH 

 Now the episode:   You wake up and notice that you have ten fingers and toes. Alright this episode is taking an interesting approach that you won't be seeing Arthur instead you will be seeing everything from Arthur's perspective.  I'm going to say what Arthur does as Arthur because this post is already strange enough.   So, Arthur is training to be in 3K race for the library and new children's reading room. Arthur decided to run to prove "The Brain" that  he can do it.   Now Arthur trains. 

       Since D.W overfeeds him he starts feeling queasy. Now I am feeling queasy with these close up shots of characters, and Buster starts to tap on the screen trying to break the 4th wall.  The race starts. Arthur takes the lead and he has time to imagine if he wins the race. (He has time for this)  Muffy falls down because she wasn't paying attention and Arthur helps her up. (such a gentleman)  Eventually he makes it to the finish line.
Being Arthur is strange/ Copyright WGBH

      We now have everything back to normal , and Arthur has made it to the front page of newspaper for helping Muffy.  Then he tells us next time we should run the race and he'll watch us on TV .(Well now I'm scared.) 

         This is quite an interesting episode mostly for it's gimmick of the viewer seeing everything from Arthur's point of view. It's not something you see much and they took a risk with the idea.  The plot of the episode is simple where Arthur runs a 3k race and that's pretty much the episode. We kind of just experience the things Arthur does before, during , and after the race.  So for this episode you kind of just come for the experience and not the show but the plot fits for what they want to bring into the episode. 
    This episode reminds me of the 1947 movie "Lady in the Lake"  where it was shot from the point of view of the main character and where you could feel like you were seeing what the detective is seeing from their view like you are the detective. Now I've done a film noir mention in the middle of an Arthur look, well then.  

      Tune in next time, when we become you and force you to write the next post for you. Wait what? 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Loud House Season 3: The Mad Scientist/ Breaking Dad

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

          This is our first time looking at season 3, which as of this writing is still running, so we've accomplished something.  Again, did this randomly. so our first episode is  season 3  is called "The Mad Scientist"  this is the 102th overall (counting 11 minute segments separately)  and 9a of Season 3.

      Now the episode:   Lisa is trying to explain to some scientists via computer to do something about time travel.  While, she tries to do her siblings keep interrupting her   So the scientists invite her to the institute for a quiet space to work.  So, she goes there and gets to do some work  there and with a song!  (What?)   I think she likes it.  This also means she was able to her study work with a worm hole to do time travel. 

   When the scientists suggest that she should stay there to be to complete more work. Her parents don't want her to leave citing that she's never been away from home and she's six.  Also, she likes West Coast Rap. (random fact)   The other Louds are sad that she has decided to leave.  For this plot work , Lisa (since I don't think they are going to change the status quo)  has to start having a bad time there after she makes her decision.  Lisa also realizes the things her siblings  do for her like Lincoln making sandwiches, Leni helping with PJ zippers (plot helped) , Lori reading bedtime stories, and nightmare help from her parents.  She starts crying as well.
awwww /Copyright Viacom 

      The next day, she calls her family and tells them that she does care about them after all. She tells them that if she leaves though, because that would ruin her future. Then again , what if there was something that she could do to change that and make it where she could make it where she never oh yeah time travel. It goes back to the point, where she was before where she declines the invitation. (She also could have gone and decided to leave as planned that evening,but anyway).
Back to normal/ copyright Viacom 

        So, this season has decided to have other characters be the main focus over Lincoln. (You can pick how you feel about that yourself) This episode is one that focuses on Lisa which is nice. There have been things to show in the series that while Lisa is a genius is still also a 4-year-old in one episode Lisa needs Lincoln to make her PB&J sandwich and she does say that she likes the way he makes them. I didn't know she had bed time stories, but since Lilly is in the same room it maybe something she's used to hearing to help her fall asleep.
      The episode setup takes plot that show has done before, and has been done on other shows too. The previous episode "One of the Boys" (Season 1, 45) has the main character changing something and going to find out that they like the new 'world' they are in they confirm it and then they start to not like the new 'world' they are in.  I like the setup of Lisa working on time travel as the background feature while not seeming to be unimportant. Time Travel  Undoes Everything ! I am glad the episode was good enough to where I can overlook that this episode undoes itself because Lisa didn't forget and she learned that she values her family more than she thought. (Also, I do like Lisa as a character in the first place) It's a touching episode , and they used a Lincoln plot where he learns his family cares about him but with Lisa.

       Out of 100% I give this episode  a 90%
More after the Jump

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The CW announces Spring Premiere Dates

Spring TV  The CW

      The CW has now released their spring 2019 premiere dates and times.   Jane the Virgin  begins its final season on March 27th.  All American wraps up it's first season on March 20 and "Jane" takes the slot that following week.

    New series In the Dark makes its debut on Thursday April 4 , the week before Legacies will air its season finale meaning "Dark" takes the slot the next week.

   iZombie  begins its final season on Thursday May 2.  The 100  returns for it's sixth season on Tuesday, April 30.  Season Finale of  Roswell , New Mexico  will air Tuesday, April 23. 

     These programs also run into the summer as part of the CW's strategy to have programming running into the summer.

            Here's the full spring premiere schedule (all times ET/PT)

Wednesday, March 27
 8PM   Riverdale (New Episode)
 9PM  Jane the Virgin (Season Premiere)
  Monday, April 1
  8PM  DC's Legends of Tomorrow (New Time/ New Episode)
 9PM   Penn & Teller :Fool us Special

 Thursday, April 4
  8PM Supernatural (New Episode)
  9PM In the Dark (Series Premiere)

Monday, April 15
8PM  DC's Legends of Tomorrow (New Episode)
9PM  Arrow  (New Time/ New Episode)

Tuesday, April 30
8PM  The Flash (New Episode)
9PM   The 100 (Season Premiere)

Thursday, May 2
8PM  iZombie (Season Premiere)
9PM  In the Dark (New Episode)

 press release after the jump

What? :The Visitor 1979

What? The Flashback 

         This might be a new segment or a one time thing, who knows?  But this is something that makes me go What? .   Anyway,  I call this a TV blog blah blah, we are doing a movie.  Today we are looking at a movie from 1979 , by chance it's turning 40 this year.  Not just some random movie not even really a famous movie, because that would be easy or something. I decided to talk about our first horror film. Wait a minute this is a horror film?  Or it's science fiction film. You know what all we know is that it's an Italian and American film directed by  Giulio Paradisi.

  Ok plot time oh great. (cries in a corner)

         The movie starts by saying thank you to the then governor of Georgia  George Busbee and the then mayor of Atlanta , Maynard Jackson, for which without them this movie couldn't be made. (So it's their fault?)   This movie has some big actors in it too, like we start with John Huston who is playing someone named  Jerzy Colsowicz, who is from space, I think.  Jerzy sees  some person in a clock who's all covered up while wind blows and snow?  The clock reveals a little girl that then dissolves away. The storm clears up and the Jerzy walks away.

Let that be in your dreams

  Meanwhile there's a guy who descriptions say he's like a Christ like figure but has no name.  He never gives a name, is talking to bald children about a prisoner named  Zatteen who was evil who was captured but then escaped from a space ship and found a hiding place, guess where?   If you said anywhere but Earth then you were wrong. Zatteen continued to use his powers on Earth , but his rival  Yahweh (I see what you are doing movie) used birds to try to stop Zatten  but he turned into an Eagle but did get killed.   He had another trick up his sleeve, he had mated with Earth women. (of course?)  So, his powers and evil live on in his children.
Welcome, he's wearing our hair on his face. 

     Meanwhile Jerzy shows up and sits down the bald children gather around him and says her names is Katy Collins and she will be 8 years old  which causes the camera to zoom into the other guy and the theme music to play and taking us to Atlanta. (woah, Atlanta) I'm guessing she's a Zatteen child.
Meanwhile there's a basketball game (also, cameo by  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.) and there's more basketball in this movie than I was expecting. There's also a little girl wearing sun glasses at the game. I think she might be Katy.  So there's an owner named Raymond Armstead he's being asked questions about where's his "open check book" for the team where's the money coming from?  He says God.    When like 2 seconds left the game the girl looks at the ball that a player was going to score with and it blows up. (Alright then)

more after the jump

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Arthur Seasons 3 and 4: Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight and The Blizzard

Arthur  PBS 

         We go Season 3 now once again, and this time look at an episode of Arthur that tries to connect to their audience something of great importance.

      Our episode this time is "Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight" It first aired on June 3rd 1999.

   Monologue: This time it starts with a the Read parents in the kitchen preparing for some company  coming over apparently the father forgot about it so they are in a rush.  D.W and Arthur are fighting because she wants him to play but he has to do his homework.  Then milk spills and Nadine , D,W's imaginary friend, freezes the picture and introduces the episode.

  Now the episode: Nadine is back and she unfreezes the picture. She rewinds what happens to show what D.W was doing and DW wishes that her parents were different after her parents were being too fair. She imagines that her parents would do whatever she wants and force Arthur to play with her. Then she hears the milk and stuff fall over and the parents start arguing.  D.W runs to Arthur because she's scared that her parents yelled.  Arthur decides to go check after D.W looks scared.  He hears them too.
We keep getting sad D.W/Copyright WGBH

      D.W then imagines that the parents don't speak to each other anymore. They live in the same house though, Arthur says that's silly because they'd divorce instead.  (Though that's implied not said)  Apparently they imagine if their father moves out since he is the cook, that they wouldn't have food anymore. (well then) So then they imagine if they lived with their dad instead but they only have one car so, no car rides. (what?)   Then they imagine the two of them being split up.  Then what if they lose both parents and become orphans.
Don't leave over spilled milk/Copyright WGBH 

        Then they imagine they live together without their parents in a country home?   Arthur decides to talk to them. When they hear the parents debating about leaving they think that he's leaving leaving. He's just getting milk.  The parents explain that sometimes adults get mad and disagree but they don't hate each other.

     Another episode where Arthur and D.W work together or have a common thing together or whatever I am trying to express here.  This is one of those episodes that works to tell it's target audience that if  your parents are fighting that doesn't mean they are going to break up because people who love each other sometimes disagree. It's a message that I think should be said as much as saying that maybe two people find it better not to be together anymore.
    D.W  not understanding what they were saying but only hearing the raised voices works well too, as a way to show that even what could be a meaningless argument over spilled stuff can sound worrying to a small child.  It does it's theme well and still keeps some lightness as well.

more after the jump

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Loud House Season 2: Snow Way Out/ No Spoilers

Nickelodeon The Loud House  

      Last Time, I did two random season 1 episodes now, we look at two random season 2 episodes.

      I picked 6 episodes (2 each) from the 3 seasons through a randomizer meaning some computer program thing picked the episodes. It seemed to like snow theme because it picked another snow episodes.  This one is called "Snow Way Out" it's the the final 11 episode of season 2, though broadcast order it's not because they like being that  way.   It was paired with "Snow Way Down" both airing on December 1, 2017.   This is season 2 episode 26b. Let's look at "Snow Way Out".

      Leni is deciding that re-heating stuff with a microwave ,oven,or stove is an out dated concept so,she is heating the galosh with a hair drier.  The other Louds question her wisdom and she takes the idea of heating on the stove as better this is why we can't advance as a society!  Lana has better news though she has a favorite race car driver named Booby Fletcher, and there's a contest at the Burp-in Burger. ( A burger place) Whoever finds a burger with a tire lined wrapper wins.  They family seems to be willing to run to this burger place. (The galosh weeps)   Meanwhile it's starting to snow outside Lisa also reminds us. (What's with Lisa and snow?)

      Bobbie Fletcher is there doing sponsorship pleasing stuff starting the contest which is to be on her pit crew.  Flip , the man who owns the convince store  also wants to win because he wants to do what normal people do , and sell at a high bid to someone. (He's that kind of guy)  Lana uses her 'kids' eat free coupon. We also find out what other weird things she keeps in her pockets.  Sadly, none of their 11 burgers has the golden ticket, I mean tire wrapper thing.

   Lisa once again warns us about the snow, I wonder if this is going to play into the episode later.  Lana wants to do a second round so, that's just what she does.  Once again, no more ticket. Yes Lisa, snow. Everyone is leaving the restaurant because snow. Lana's trick for trying to get free food didn't work this time so,  good thing this restaurant  is keep nice and dirty and she finds money.  But no, wrapper. Wait a minute , Leni found it!  episode over.
Burgers turned them into zombies/ Copyright Viacom

     (Hey there's more oh yeah)  The snow apparently piled up like Michigan snow does, I don't know how long they were in there, but that snow is like 9 feet tall. Luan says the epiosde title. Meanwhile Flip is back because he is  really trying to get that wrapper. So Lincoln, asks if he can get them out but Flip wants the wrapper, Lana refuses and promises she'll get them out.  Also, Flip reburies them in the snow (mean).   She finds the family van but it won't start because the van is weak (and we have 3 minutes left to go.)  Lana is also a mechanic and sees the van is frozen and she tries to fix it  and blows out the power to the burger joint.  Hops, Lana's frog is sentient and sees that the family is freezing and he alerts Lana to it.  Lana sees her family freezing to death. (dark)  She feels bad and comes back with Flip because she gave up her wrapper.  They give her a hug (better than what could have happened)
Fixed your car, you really should take care of that oil/Copyright Viacom 

     As Flip drives them home they run into (not literally) Bobbie Fletcher whose race car is stuck int the snow.  Lana helps her by fixing her car  and says that Lana should join her pit crew in 12 years. (She'll be racing that long right?)   Flip gets snowed in the face because he's a jerk.  Now, that's the episode.

       Do I like Lana? Yeah, I like Lana. I am glad I got to talk about this episode because I think it's good.  This easily could have been done badly but, everything that could have been bad about this episode was not in there.   What keeps it up is  that Lana while driven doesn't go into a zone where she's forcing everyone to follow in her quest she offers that they don't even have to eat the third burgers just open the wrappers. This episode gets kind of dark with the context that the family was freezing in the restaurant. When Hops alerts Lana to the problem she doesn't hesitate to give up the thing she wanted so hard to help her family.  Which is why is rewarding that she gets to meet Bobby Fletcher and even do some pit work on the car.  Flip was  jerk in this episode so, it's good that he got his comeuppance too.  I give this episode a 90%

more after the jump

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Another Look at "Girls' Last Tour" From Episode 1


    I did a post about "Girls' Last Tour" focusing on episode 6   and since I think it would be fun to do another post on this series and the timing is right since the Blu-Ray comes at the end of January (January 29th) dubbed and subbed (We aren't being paid to say this) we take a look at episode 1 called "Starry Sky/War"

     The first 2 minutes of this episode and the series as a whole is amazing sonic and visually.  There is  diegetic sound of water dripping, screws moving because of the kattenrad moving and causing the loose screws around to shake.  You can some pipes and otherwise it's dark.  Then this choral music starts and we the main characters Chito and Yuuri who are driving and riding in the kattenrad respectively .     When the choral music starts it warms up the scene that otherwise feels cold and dark because of the cold and dripping. Showing us that our main characters are friendly and warm in light.

     This is series that is post-Apocalypse setting story where something has wiped out most of humanity.  Our main focus are these two girls and their journey. They have been in this darkness for sometime  and trying to figure out to get out.  They also introduce our characters traits very well with Chito seeming to be the more serious one, while Yuuri is the more laid back one.  When Chito goes to sleep there's some dream she has that maybe a flashback on the past and how this journey started.  They follow a breeze to see if that's a way out and there's light and finally, they've made it out and can see the night's sky of starry beauty.  The visuals in this episode

         The scence where they take in the sky is a nice touch to end that part as they haven't seen it in sometime they have some appreciation of it.  The next part is called "War"  Yuu is doing some test shooting  Chito doesn't carry a weapon saying that she doesn't need one.  They in area that has some tanks and artillery.  This part also gives us some insight into their knowledge of the world and what's going on.  Yurri sees all the weapons and wonders why they people made all these weapons instead of food more food would make their lives in the present easier.  Or when Yui asks about war or to be exact  war means killing people , right? Why would they do that?  Chi's answer is maybe they their interests didn't fit with the other side's interests. They also find food, which makes Yurri very happy.

              They find some chocolate flavored rations as well and they don't know what is chocolate. Yuuri then points her weapon at Chito for the last ration now, don't take this moment in a dark way,  she seems to be taking what Chi said earlier about war being over resources and applying it.  Yurri eats the final ration then Chi jumps her.  The moments here are fun and shows their more playful side. 

        I think the start of this series was good one to set up and meet our characters and the world they are in.  It's not going to through the normal things you see in post end of the world themed media.  We are going to be following these characters on their journey as they mostly just survive.  I've liked this series since it came out and think it's charming and brings a good time. So take a look yourself. I may dip back into the show in the future.

  I think you should give this series a chance if you haven't seen it, it's currently (2019 January) on Amazon Prime streaming (with subs) and will be on Blu-Ray(dubbed/subbed) from January 29th.

       Tune in next time, after I fight this guy for some food.   



Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Arthur: DW the Copy Cat / Arthur's Knee

Arthur  PBS 

      I decided to dip back into another of this blog's interesting mainstays the PBS animated series "Arthur" unless you are  in different country than a show from America by PBS station WGBH in Boston that airs on a channel in your country. We getting pedantic. Anyway, we started doing Arthur talk during the 20th anniversary and have dipped into a few specials as well, so now we take another dip into some episodes.

    I'm going to follow the model we did during the 20th. Meaning a random 11 minute episode from 2 different seasons and talk about them.  So here we start with Season 1 with episode 5b called "D.W the Copycat" which first came out partnered with "Arthur's Pet Business" on October 11th, 1996.

     Arthur and DW Read as older brother and younger sister have this dynamic of sometimes  being at odds with each other. There are times where Arthur is annoyed by his sister and rants about her to his friends to their 'delight'. There are times where she is even shown to be annoying either that or this show works through Arthur's perceptions.(Make your own fan theories here)  Though there have times they have been shown caring for each other.  This is an early episode and takes us through a dynamic between the two.
   First off the monologue (the part where Arthur talks to us) : Arthur sees DW coloring in his book and then tells us he wonders what life would be like if D.W was different.  So he imagines if she was like his friend, The Brain, or like Bionic Bunny,  or a donkey. (What?)  This is the part where we don't question how this world of animal people works in the first place.

Out of context this is strange, in context this is strange/ Copyright WGBH 

    Now the episode :   Arthur groans that he is bored.  His mother suggests that he should play with D.W. So he decides that he is desperate. He tries but he finds her babyish. She yells at him that he doesn't want to do anything with her anymore and he says that she  does boring things and she should be more interesting , like him.  This gives DW an idea, she starts copying Arthur.  She even starts doing things he likes.  Arthur at first ,kind of likes this but then she goes a little excessive.  She then dresses like Arthur. (It's getting creepy)  He starts to notice that she is copying him (takes him a while). She also wears fake glasses now.  He tells his parents that it's annoying. He overheard his friends saying don't invite him to Muffy's house after school  because of Arthur Jr. (his sister) might tag along. (Mean)  His parents say he should deal with it. He tells her that she should stop copying her and she goes long with it? Was this some elaborate plan?  What happened?!

Rule 63? /Copyright WGBH 

    They are about 4 years apart in age and they have their interests, their may have been a time where they spent time together a lot more but as age has caused a drift as Arthur gets older. D.W just wanted to spend time with her older brother but, he doesn't like her interests. What I am also getting  from this episode was that she was also kind of tricking him. Where the part he says that he finds her boring probably bothered her. (Doesn't look a head at other episodes) Maybe they'll try to get along more later.

   More after the Jump

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: Snow Bored/ Sleuth or Consequences

The Loud House Nickelodeon 
      I think it would be nice continue a look at "The Loud House" . I did this back in May where I used my "Arthur" model where I'd use a randomizer to look at two different 11 minute episodes of the "Loud House" from one season and look talk about them. So, here we are again with a look a couple episodes from season 1.   

  We start with the last episode of Season 1 "Snow Bored" which came out in the US on November 8th 2016,  it's not the last episode of the season, in production that was "Homespun".
      The Louds are hoping for a snow day because it's snowing outside and the weather man  gives them their wish.  Lisa has announced that she is going to eliminate the snow but the others decide to help her see that snow days can be F.O.N fun. (don't ask). The next day, Lisa (who has awesome winter wear) tries to see how much fun a snow day.  Lisa doesn't seem as interested in this weather.  After her looking at the others' activities she finds no interest in them and decides to do her plan.  Lana decides to  throw  a snowball at Lisa ,which sets off the rest of the episode.

Moment before tragedy starts /Copyright Viacom 

       Lisa decides that she has found something that she likes about snow days after all, and that's throwing snowballs.  That evening she tells Lincoln she enjoyed the snow day and then plays God and causes a second snow day.  So, the next day she goes a little crazy with snowball weapons, and starts crazily shooting them at her family members. (Why does Lisa have all these weapons, what is she planning, hello FBI, I'd like report someone please!)

Weapons of mass destruction/ Copyright Viacom 

     Evenutally, the others run to the safety of inside the house but, she ends up even shooting snowballs in the house.  This causes the Louds to wish it didn't snow but she plays God some more and causes it snow day again.  They ask  Lisa to use her invention from the earlier to stop the snow.  Apparently this was Lisa's plan was to make them not want snow days for awhile.  Lincoln is confused as I was here.

Don't ask me/ Copyright Viacom 

     My thoughts brought to you by Lisa's Snowzooka , you too can learn to wipe out people with snow! : There's not a sister I don't dislike the series, I do like Lisa,  it's nice thing to see her acting a little more like a 4 year old would and going silly over snow and her being a genius makes her going over the top  even more fun. I do enjoy the snow activities and them trying to get Lisa interested in the things. Also, I love her laugh in this episode.   I do fault the part where Lisa wants to deny her siblings a snow day because it's something they would enjoy  and the ending where I think she did this as an elaborate trick  to make them hate snow days.  I can see (overthink?) that cares about her family's well being and their mental/educational well being being part of that.   It's not an awful episode , to give it a  number value between 1% to 100%  I'd give it a 77%.

more after the jump