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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Friday, February 24, 2023

One Shot Posts: Rugrats: Cuffed/ The Blizzard

One Shot Posts  Rugrats Nickelodeon 

            This time in One Shot Post: Rugrats again.  We dip into a pair of season 3 segments from episode 12.  Season 3 was the last season of Rugrats, back when Nickelodeon was using the syndication model amount and really only needed 65 episodes. Rugrats would be the only of the first three Nicktoons to come back... on Nickelodeon...  that's right I stopped you from saying what about...?  Season 3 of the Rugrats was pretty strong  had some really memorable episodes. 

           I picked this one because well I like it, and this pairing happens to be one of my favorites of the series.  This episode aired on December 12, 1993. Let's get started.


         My favorite Rugrat is Chuckie Finster, but even going beyond that I like how this episode really only has two characters being Chuckie and Angelica, besides having Drew there, but from the main younger cast it's just those two. That's more unusual. Chuckie appearing without Tommy is even more rare. It makes for a tight and interesting story. 

         Drew is wrapping up gifts for poor kids in the orphanage because Rugrats apparently takes place with orphanages around. Unless they still exist and I'm the confused one, leave me alone.  Anyway, Angelica sees some toy handcuffs and wants them. (Drew is some random kids without parents, handcuffs, what'd he mean by that?)  He says no.  Also Chuckie is coming later and Angelia is annoyed because she called him boring, and Drew says don't be mean to him after calling him her little friend. (Drew is confusing) 

             Chuckie says he'll just sit there and be quiet until his Dad comes back, which off all the Rugrats, I think that is something he'd do.  Oh yeah, the handcuffs, Angelica wants Chuckie's help to get handcuffs.  Poor Chuckie his life his him being told to random stuff by someone with the last name Pickles.  Angelica gets the handcuffs. 

                The Chuckie and Angelica interactions in this episode are also a great treat. Chuckie, of course, is the cautious nervous one, especially with Angelica. When he has to look out for her parents while she's trying to get the handcuffs he screams thinking a sock a mouse is a sock and then asks if she needs help because he was lonely. 

              The episode also uses where Angelica tears into the package moment for a nice recall later. Chuckie asks what are they for and she decides to handcuff herself to Chuckie, "like the police do," then she finds out she can't find the key.  You can see when she tore in the package the key flew off the back... more on that soon.   Angelica can't find the key in the pack and thinks they made handcuffs without keys.   She gets mad at Chuckie and blames him for the fact they are stuck together. 

            Honestly, being stuck to Angelica is worse for Chuckie than Chuckie being stuck to Angelica.   
 She tries to get every single she can find around the house but none of them work.  (I'm happy that the 90's handcuff toys are were built to last) Angelica trying different things like her toy blow torch kit (what?) and plastic hammer don't work.   Drew comes into to say Chuckie's Dad is on his way and this causes her to worry.  Her later attempts are even funnier. 

            Chaz is at the door and this means Angelica has to hide the handcuffs, now she's going to find away to figure something out and Chuckie has something to tell her, but she's not listening. The true moral is: Angelica should have listened in the first place.  She's able to convince Chaz and her dad to let Chuckie stay over.  She'd rather make up a story than tell her father is very in character for her.  Chaz agrees to let Chuckie stay over. 

            Chuckie thought she was telling the truth and is happy to be with her too, it's sweet, but also sad because she was lying. Chuckie was willing to be Angelica's friend and be happy.  Anyway, Chuckie finally gets to say what he was trying to say: he found the key. They are free. Angelica decides to tell Chuckie to stay away from her and never speak to her, no matter what she says or does, he agrees and  walks away.  Just to make sure that was a stupid thing for her to do: she gets looped on to her bed's rail and can't reach the key.  She calls Chuckie. He was standing outside the room and hears her but says nope, he's listening to what she just said, and walks away. 
            It's a great character dynamic episode. Angelica of course would not listen to her father when she wants something and especially when she many times gets what she wants. Chuckie has that fear of Angelica but he's also friendly and kind and was happy to think Angelica would want to be his friend. He also listened to her when she said don't talk to her, no matter what she says and she's now locked to her bed until her father finds her. Though, I guess he's still staying the night or something. 

             The episode is funny too, I like how Angelica tries to get out of the handcuffs, and the little jokes were fun.   It's a fun episode. It's one of my favorites because of how the setup works and the way Chuckie's little win works without him directly doing it or knowing is a nice way to do it. 

More after the jump

Thursday, February 23, 2023

One Shot Posts: The Simpsons: Bart, the Mother

One Shot Posts  The Simpsons
This image isn't selling the episode well 

             Here's a season 10 episode of "The Simpsons" I feel this one is a well known one, even if it's not from pre-season 9.  This is part of a look at possible post season 9 gem episodes of the Simpsons.  I do have to point out. I think season 10 does have some very charming and funny episodes  that might be over looked, overall. This is the third episode of that season it's  "Bart, the Mother". 

                 There's a well-known episode called "Marge Be Not Proud" where Bart steals a game and disappoints his mother  and Bart works to get her attention and care back. That's a good episode and a classic, and I do like Marge and Bart stories.  This episode falls in that camp.   

             Marge decides to reward the family by going to the Family Fun Center which leads to Bart trying to hangout with Nelson. Nelson, being the bad boy character,  Marge doesn't like how the boy acts and doesn't want Bart to hang out with him, which of course he does.  Bart really wanted to use the B.B Gun the boy had won and whilst playing around he ends up killing a bird mom. 

                 Bart feels instantly bad and he did try to not aim at the bird. Marge finds out that Bart got out and goes to get him from Nelson's place. She finds out that Bart killed a bird. She's disappointed and decides to let Bart be and goes away. He finds out there were two eggs left in the nest and decides to take care of them. 

                This episode is also historical for the Simpsons, this is the last episode that Phil Hartman had voice acted on in his role of Troy McClure.  

                In the episode  you see how much work and dedication Bart puts into taking care of these eggs.  Marge wonders what Bart is doing and finds out about the eggs. She's happy that Bart took the care. The eggs start to hatch and the episode has a twist, the eggs weren't birds but Bolivian Tree Lizards.  (Those aren't real too)  It's apparently a species of lizard that kills bird eggs then lays its own eggs and eat the mother. 
That's not paper/ Copyright Disney 

             The bird watchers want to kill the lizards because they are evasive species and Bart feels close to them.  Marge understands and decides to let him run, in a sweet moment.  The lizards apparently can glide and don't die off the roof and spread around the town. The episode's takes a dark sense of humor when the lizards spread and start killing the pigeons and the town is so happy that Bart gets an award. 

            This episode is not as good as "Marge Be not Proud" but it does offer a good Marge and Bart story and shows Bart's not all bad side. I think it's always good to give Bart more than  one element to his character and this was good for that. The episode is also good for people who dark jokes, it's kind of a dark joke at the end where the lizards, that are bad, are good for the town because they just hate pigeons.  That and Lisa even points out that Bart was sad he killed a bird but now many many birds are dead.  

            That's it for now, tune in next time when the great lizard vs pigeon war starts. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 8: Murph/Uncool World

The Weekenders Disney 

             Previously, vengeance is hard,  relax instead  here

Episode 8a: Murph 

        There's a big event coming  called Sidewalk Sunday which is on Sunday on the sidewalk ,everything has half priced, not the food though.  This episode's plot is a "Oh no! Someone doesn't like me how can that be?"  Tino is worried that a boy named Murph doesn't like him and this drives him mad.  This is a hard plot to enjoy, so let's see where this one goes, maybe this show can pull it off well. (let's hope!) 

            There's also a running gag about how the friends talk about how Tino makes noises when he reacts to something.  It's pointed out that Tino doesn't like Murph either so he's deciding to let it go, not really no.  He starts trying to get Murph to pay attention to him at the Pizza shop but it doesn't work. (high desperation)  Tino's mom actually doesn't help here at all this time, she makes it worse by saying that there are people who aren't going to like you there might more than one. (good going , we trusted you Tino's Mom you have forsaken us!) 

            He takes the message of having a poll of the entire city to see who likes him and doesn't. Which I don't think is helping.  Pretty much everyone likes him but there's like a few people who don't.  Also Carver is not helping as he gives him a stupid idea to go find the people who said they don't like him and (take them out?)  make them like him. Great, Tino is losing it.  He kind of succeeds, even mows an old lady's yard.  He also paints Murph's house because he's lost it.   Tish suggests that Tino should ask why he doesn't like him, but Tino won't. 

            The friends decide to help make Tino more likeable.  This is is really not going well, when they point out his flaws.   Like I said this don't go well and he kicks his friends out the house. Later, it's the sidewalk day. The friends see he's still depressed, and they ask why he doesn't like Tino.  Murph says it's because in third grade Tino poured milk down his shirt.  But in a twist it was actually a kid named, Tony Tortilaro. (what?)  But Murph still doesn't like Tino , then Murph asks does he like him. Tino realizes that not really no.  They just don't like each other.  Tino is happy.

            It think this show pulled off the plot well. As a stock plot it's not of the best stock plots and I think shows don't do it anymore. It message is simply that sometimes someone isn't going to like you and there's no reason. Here, it's handled well  because it's working in Tino's personality well. He does get hung up on things and he is likable as a character.  It's also interesting that Tino says he doesn't like the boy in the first place then says it again, and he didn't have a reason so it was like he knew the answer all along. The twist of Tony Torilaro was funny and the episode doesn't make Murph and Tino friends, it's more about Tino letting go.  It's fine, probably one of the better uses of this stock plot.  I give it 7/10. 

        Anyway, see you after the jump or SATURDAY  

Friday, February 17, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 7: Tickets/Vengeance

The Weekenders  Disney  

Previously,  We Tished up a good idea to write a post  here 

Episode 7a:  Tickets

           It's a tickets episode! You that plot where someone gets tickets and has friends all interested in the tickets but only has a small amount of tickets, so he's going to have to decide and feel bad.  That could go a few ways, so let's see how this show does it, because you can take a tried plot but it's how it's executed. 

                The band the gang likes called Chum Bucket is coming to town. (They are going to see Plankton, and Karen)  The gang can't get tickets because they are really hard to get.   None of their attempts have worked.  This episode isn't about  them trying to get ticket so.... they get some food and Carver was the 1 millionth costumer and wins a t-shirt, their secret chili recipe, and a toy, then Tino gets to be their 1,000,001th customer and he wins two tickets.  

            I love how goofy this show can be. Uh oh he only got two tickets to paradise, but has 3 friends.   (The only solution is to have the other three play Russian Roulette, at least twice)   Tino doesn't know what to do. He decides to have the other three play rock paper scissors which turns into a mess.  The new plan is apparently to drive Tino insane.  Adding to the fun some cook kids come over to also bribe for the tickets. (Show also does a subtle joke about something)  Also, also so does a bully comes over, because sure.  Though his offer is take me to the concert or I'll beat you up, not very bright. 

      I do have to admire that Tino refuses even the cool kids.   It's the next next day and the friends still show up and annoy him.  He can't take it anymore and decides to throw the tickets and walks away.  It's later in the day, and friends show up to give him the tickets and say he has to go, and they tell him he can pick anyone and they won't be mad.  He decides to pick Carver using a smart question. 

        Now there's a twist, those aren't tickets, they are passes and worth two tickets, what a twist. So everyone gets to see the group.  Tino tell us the morals and yes always read the fine print.   (like this one:  By reading this blog post, you agree to continue reading the whole post

               As I started, this was a tickets episode, and it plays it well. I think what works here is that Tino didn't try to make his friends compete  or do something where it makes him look bad. You can see he was really worried about picking a friend and having the rest hate him.  It really puts the ball in the friends' court and it was nice to see they realized the stress they put Tino through.  The twist is kind of  easy one, but it happened after the friends were willing to accept that only one of them could go and it gives Tino a nice win there.  Good 7/10.

More after the jump, I've got two tickets in my pocket. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 6: Taking Sides/To Tish

The Weekenders  Disney 

Previously, Tino, I'm not your Father  Here 

Episode 6a: Taking Sides 
          Tino and Carver were playing pool and Carver being Carver likes to make it a show and they end up losing. This causes the two buddies to get into a fight. Carver is telling this to Lor and this makes Tino think that she's on Carver's side and he runs to Tish to make sure Carver doesn't "contaminate her".  Carver runs to try to get there first. For note, Lor thinks they a both stupid.  Tish calls them Germany and Russia and kicks them out. (As you do) 

            Tino and Carver go to work to make sure Tish would be on their respective sides. They make things a mess and worse. They go to bother Lor instead. The two girls run to get away from the guys because of their annoyance. Then, it ends up getting bad for them because they get into a squabble about who should just apologize. Lor has Tino and Tish has Carver. It actually causes a whole theater to fight. (that's funny) 

          Tino's mom has been watching the show and knows everything that happened.  It's the next day and Lor is standing Tino's room eating cheese snacks until Tino wakes up. Tino realizes that his mom was right and wants to fix Lor from not being mad at Tish so he lies to her that he and Carver made up so she'll make up with Tish.  A sweet move.  She's going to tell Carver that she's his friend again too and  Tino races to make sure he gets to Carver first so Lor won't know he lied. 

         He finds out that Carver did the same thing with Tish and then they real make up.  Then we find out at the end that Carver and Tino had a rematch in pool and won this time.  

         It's a nice episode with a simple and again well done plot. I like how Tino doesn't want his fight to affect his other friends' just because of how silly it was, and decides to make sure they stay friends. It could have easily been a different outcome and drag out Tino and Carver being happy that they have someone on their sides. I think that again that's this show's strengths of  not fully following the treated path and does a good use of its characters.  I give this one 7.5/10

more after the jump

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 5: Dixon

The Weekenders Disney 

           Previously, I still haven't found what I was looking for  here  

Episode 5: Dixon

     This is the first fill the half hour timeslot special episode of the show.   It also opens up something that show really hadn't touched before Tino's Mom and her being divorced.  The episode eases into that with a different storyline first.  The gang want to visit a park that's reopening called Tesla Park and only 100 people can come in for the re-grand opening with tickets.  Anyway, at dinner, Tino's mother tells him she has a date the next night. 

            Tino is a little unsettled by the news, of course,  and we even get a strange dream sequence where the man and his new Dad is actually a slug monster (I'm scared) and Martian Van Buren shows up. (I would want William Henry Harrison, but he is a really quick cameo)  The next day, Tino tells his friends that his mother is going on a date. The friends are more happy about this news and they make Tino realize that he might be overacting. 

       I find that that the episode not having it be Tino be worried the whole episode or him trying to sabotage the date or something is refreshing.  The weekend gang (not calling them that) goes back to the other plot of working to get tickets for the park. They are working on making chairs and meet a named Dixon who is apparently good at making such things. (chairs are weird) Tish is impressed with him because he's an English major.  When they have to move cinderblocks, Lor is impressed that Dixon did the Scottish Games. (nice callback to a past episode there).I'm just going to say that Dixon is somehow able to connect to all them in liking some stuff they like. He also mentions he has a 14-year-old daughter. Also hmm I wonder why Dixon is in this episode? 

        Dixon ends up being the guy Tino's mom is going on a date with. (What a Twist!)   This is a two-part episode so..... join us after the jump.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day: Arnold's Valentine

Valentines Day  The Flashback  Nickelodeon 

          It's another holiday. That's right it's President... sorry it's Valentine's Day.  (Great, I thought we were doing a President's Day special, boo!)  I haven't done anything with Hey Arnold  in some time and it does have a Valentine's day half hour (with ads) special just laying around so let's go!

        This episode came out on February 12, 1997 . meaning once again I've missed a big 0 or 5 anniversary moment (par for course here).  This is from season 1 of the series, unless you find this on Paramount Plus they stuck it in season 2, Wikipedia says this episode episode is from season 1 and is episode 20, the production code says it's season 1 episode 24,  I've seen it called Season 1, episode 25, Hulu calls it season 1 episode 20, so things are going great.  It's an episode , it exists. 

           Hey Arnold is a series where romance does have its place, especially Arnold who has shown crushes and Helga being madly in love with Arnold. A Valentine's day episode seems to be fitting.  This is from the period of the show where 4th grader Arnold has a crush on a 6th grader named Ruth McDougal.  The class is making valentines because it's the day and it's something to do. (like sleeping) Arnold makes one for Ruth -signed anonymous because he is a coward.  Helga works on making one for Arnold which is hard. She overhears that Arnold wants to give on to Ruth and gets jealous.

     The teacher gives out the plot device to the episode, letters from their foreign pen pals.  Arnold has a pen pal from France named Cecile and Helga decides to commit mail crimes by opening his letter to read it and add a line to the letter where Cecile  says she's coming for one night only.  (Good thing the letter came the same date she was coming or that'd be odd)   Arnold sees the letter and is anxious, but he's also made a date with Ruth, so... oh no it's a dual date episode.  
He likes they have same head/ Copyright Paramount 

        Time for one of my silly tangents (oh great!).  I like how in  Arnold's city they have two French restaurants right next to each other.  There's Chez Pierre and Chez  Paris, they were also used a later plot because they similar naming.  So for some reason someone made a French restaurant then someone else decided to also make one - have it be next door to the other one and have a similar name because what? Sounds like bad business.  Back to the episode, Arnold is going on a date with Ruth at Chez Pierre and Cecile or I mean ' Cecile' wants to meet with him at Chez Paris. Good thing they are next to each other.  (We don't ask if he an Italian pen pal) 
It's a war!  Copyright Paramount

        So the plan, of course, is Arnold runs back and forth like a mad man.  I'm also glad a 9 year old has money for a French restaurant or wants to to go to one.  

            Helga continues her plan of whatever this plan is supposed to do, by pretending to be the French girl Cecile.  She does quick French learning, so it won't be very good.  Then she does a make over, which I mean I'm glad Arnold won't be able to tell.  This  episode has some funny moments in it, but have to laugh that Helga is so pushy that she won't let the man  at the salon tell her that it's a dog salon and makes him do a haircut.  (a bark life) 

Ruff hair cut/ Copyright Paramount 

            Gerald helps Arnold with the Ruth part of the date by trying to give him pointers.  It's funny how Gerald pretends he knows all this stuff.  Ruth as a character isn't very interesting, but that's not really matters; Arnold like her mostly because he likes how she looks. This special does a good job at pointing out that Arnold really doesn't know anything about her.  

        That's the first half. It is all set up for what the 2nd half will do. While the idea of having two dates and going back and forth is old, and was old when this episode was made, it does set up something funny for this show to do. The little jokes so far were great. It's also doing some good things with characterization like  how Helga just can't tell Arnold how she feels so she'll do an elaborate plan to do it instead. Arnold wanting to go on a date with a girl he doesn't know really, probably doesn't have a chance with, while he also wants to meet a pen pal. Gerald being his best friend and doing things to help prep his friend and also pretending to be a ladies man, even when some ladies tell him to leave them alone, all works together well. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Weekendering: Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 4: Super Kids/Crevasse of Dreams

The Weekenders Disney  

        Previously, The TV characters try to act like TV characters ...read here 

        Episode 4a: Super Kids 

               The gang ends up going to a seminar because Carver had to go because his parents wanted him to go because reasons. (because alot)  I like how they agreed to join him just because free donuts.  The speaker is a 12-year-old boy who wrote a book and his advice is to have a goal and work until you get it.  He asks our gang  what they planned for the weekend and doesn't like their plans.  This makes them want to go something of "worth" for the weekend.  They try some random things, but eventually they decide to try out different goals separately. 

             Lor's goal is to set the record for the most consecutive baskets in basketball. Tish is trying to make a whole symphony. (as on does) Carver is trying to the ultimate athletic shoes. Tino being Tino is more angsty on an idea.  His mother , comes in  and tells him to just maybe he should just keep the goal of hanging out with his friends and relaxing for the weekends. (We wouldn't have a plot for this episode then, Tino's Mom)   
     They go see the 12-year-old Tripp Nickerson again for his book signing. They kind of figure he might be a little unhappy and unhinged. (I'm scared, help me) Tino asks if he would like to hang out with them and he agrees.  They sit together and watch the sunset. 
    One of the things about this show is that plots are simple sometimes, and this one is that, it's a nice simple plot. The idea that yeah it's good to have good goals, but also just to appreciate time and friends. I like how Tino asks Tripp to join him and his friends and we just get a nice simple ending. It's a well done episode and does a good job.  8/10

More after the Jump

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #32: Herb


     Previously, Don't be a big baby [Here]

    #32  Herb 

Season 2, Episode 10b

              Herb was created by Antoine Gulibaud  a man who has worked on lot of things even created a series called "Get Blake!". It has the voice acting of  Clive Revill , a prolific New Zeland actor. Maile Flanagan is also a voice in this, you may know her as the voice of Naruto in 2000's dubs of "Naruto".  Mona Marshall is here too, you might know her as the voice of Izzy in Digimon Adventure's dub. and Doraemon in the 2014 dub of that series.  Leon Russom whom you might know from The Big Lebowski

        There's a boy named Melvin and his mom took 6 weeks to make a lunch. (Umm what?)  He tries to present his lunch to his friends but there's nothing there. Then a boy, a boy with no name, mentions that the cafterea food made him grow this living thing from his back (disturbing) The girl, a girl with no name, tells him to go see Herb. (Hey it's the name!) 

    Herb is  green figure and decides to help Melvin and gets him a nice new lunch. The principal seems to be a cranky man and makes sure that the school food doesn't have good taste since it costs money. The principal suggests that Herb should make lunch for the school the next day - or he's fired! 

     The three kids from earlier help him.  It seems the principal really wants Herb, who was being the janitor, fired because reasons. It's fun to see how Herb makes the food.  The principal really feels the Herb is going to fail and looking for replacements. It's lunchtime, and the principal is surprised to see that lunch has been accomplished and the cafeteria looks like a fine dining establishment.  Things are going well and the principal is not on the list and gets kicked out for being a jerk. 

      It's a very simple story, but that doesn't make it bad. It does seem to feel to be a sample of idea for what could have be a series that might have had maybe 11 minute episodes or something to make a full story.  Here it feels random the principal doesn't like Herb for some reason, but also has him working as a janitor there.  It does give it a bare bones feel, but the story is enjoyable enough and it probably would have been a fun series if it had made it to be one. 

      It has a classic toon dynamic of a character, a good guy, and an antagonist who gets defeated just by default. It's also nice contrast with Herb being a guy on the side of the children.  I wish there was more to say, but it's nice and simple check it out. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we get a nice seat and try a meal from Herb. 


Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Those PSA episodes: It Hits Different When You're Little


             The Littles was an animated series on ABC produced by DIC that ran from 1983-1985. It's about a boy named Henry Bigg who knows little human-ish creatures called The Littles. It was based off books.  One day I will probably do a post about the series, but this time I'm going into an episode that was because, it was the 1980's, about drugs. (Don't do 'em).

      Our Show: The Littles
What is it trying to tell the audience? : The Affects of Drugs/ Prescription Drug abuse/ Addiction 

            The episode we are looking at this time is "Prescription for Disaster" which aired on November 12, 1983.  When the Littles would re-air on other channels like Toon Disney, this episode was skipped, because it was too powerful. (That's our reason at least)  It was the first season of the show.  Explaining the show a little, there are these little humanoid creatures that try to keep hiding from the humans, like us, and only one human they allow to interact with them, that's Henry.  Also for this episode, Henry won't be in it. (Things are going great)  The main Little characters are  a boy named Tom, and his sister Lucy, their grandpa named Grandpa, and older cousin Dinky. This episode focuses more on them having a story and no Henry, but there will be some human characters, coming up. 

         Grandpa, Dinky, Tom, and Lucy are going to some cousins' house for a get together supper.  That's when the one cousin, Mimi, decides to show her room and pet mouse, which is funny because there was an episode before the one before this one, that had them running from rats. Anyway, they hear a noise and  Mimi  tells them the important part of this plot:  There's a girl named Angela and her mother named Emily, both humans.  They look sad because of the drugs.  I'm ripping that line from the episode, Mimi says it because of the drugs. Episode is not hiding it , at least.  
I like Pills with my coffee grrrr!/ Copyright Wildbrain

        Emily was taking medication for something unexplained  for months now and it seems to gotten to the point where it now causes her to be withdrawn, lacking of energy, ignoring Angela except when she gets all angry and yells at Angela.  Emily then goes and gets more of her pills. There's also a subplot of Dinky eating all these pies like a madman which leads into what will be the other part of our drug themed episode here.  Emily gets her pills and drops them on the floor, one of them falls down the vent, breaks open the powder hitting one of the pies, and yes that means Dinky ends up accidently getting some drugs.  (Remember kids, always check your pie for drug powder before eating them)

             This causes Dinky to hallucinate and freak out. Since he's a Little and about a few inches high the drug takes quick effect.  Grandpa figures out that he's on drugs and follows behind Dinky when he tries to run away from the danger he's thinking is around.  
The drugs have caused him to see your soul/ Copyright Wildbrain

            Interestingly, and there will be more on this later,  the episode having a message isn't being used to go out of its normal structure of what one would expect for an episode of this show.  Grandpa usually ends up being the character who has to wrangle Dinky for an assortment of reasons. For the other part, Tom and Lucy do take interest in human matters and sometimes have the instinct to help.  

            Going back to Angela trying to tell her mother she's worried about her but the mom says she's fine before she passes out on the bed. (That's fine) Angela decides she should take some of the pills too and maybe that'd help.  Lucy, Mimi, and Tom decide to help stop her before she makes the very bad decision.   

            Dinky's plot gets harrowing because he thinks Grandpa is a monster and they end up a baked goods factory and all this happening could have gotten either one of them or both of them killed. The Little kids try to hide the pill jar but it spills and Angela is coming. Lucy ends up trapped inside the jar.  Again, still staying in the hallmark of the show where characters have to be rescued.   

            Grandpa is able to get Dinky to safety and out of his drug filled rampage.  Now the two of them are there to help the others with  getting Lucy back.  I'm also glad Angela is being slow with the drugs showing her worry about even doing the act.  The pet mouse is used as a distraction so the Littles can get Lucy, then they try to hide the pills, but they have to run away from Angela before she finds them.
         They still have to help her before she takes the pills so they have a plan B. Yes, being found out is still a risk worse than stopping a girl from taking dangerous pills. Anyway, they dress up as pill bottles and pills to get to the mother whom they wake up and make her think she's in a drug induced nightmare.  Emily staggers to the bathroom thinking that another pill would help stop her from being pill induced. (That's not the smartest plan) The Littles warn her that Angela is danger. She washes her face and notices that they're gone and that her pills are missing. She runs to her daughter's room and stops the girl from taking them. 

            Emily realizes that's not been doing the best recently and apologizes to her daughter. Angela asks her why doesn't she stop taking them, the mom throws them away and she promises that she'll stop, but it will take some work she says and asks if Angela will help her.  Then the episode ends with a goofy Dinky on the mouse thing. 

                  Does this episode work as a PSA?    What I found interesting about this episode is how not ham-fisted it was. Like I've seen and written about media that gets it's message out and tries really hard to  make it feel forced.  Here, it's simple yet effective in it's own way. It also still keeps into what the show normally does. To answer the question, yeah, I think so. It's interestingly toned down for an 80's episode about drugs, while still showing some effect on how it hurts people and those around them.  The pills getting to Dinky  is also a good way to show not being careful , even if not addicted, with medication can end up harming someone else, if they end up taking it or a young kid being unaware eats it.  The episode also takes the approach of focusing on legal prescribed drug abuse instead of random illegal drugs, that is a topic that should be brought up and showed how it can become addicting and a type of crutch.  It was also  a good touch to show the mom saying she's going to work to get over her problem and ask for help instead of being like "I'm better now."  It works as a resolution to a self contained episode of a mostly self contained show.  

            That's it for now,  tune in next time when we wonder 

Monday, February 06, 2023

Oh Yeah! Cartoons : #31: The Forgotten Toybox in: The Curse of the Werebaby


 Previously: Last episode was Catastrophic! [here

#31:The Forgotten Toybox in : The Curse of Werebaby

Season 2, Episode 6b

             The Forgotten Toybox was created by Mike Bell, as his only non Super Santa based short on Oh Yeah!  Cartoons.   It has Daran Norris as a voice, you might know him as the voice  of Mr. Turner and Cosmo in The Fairly Odd Parents and he played Gordy in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide.  Here he's playing a talking pull string doll who is a host for story telling and introduces a story like this is the Twilight Zone.  There's a man who acts like  a jerk, then he gets bitten by a baby. (Don't ask) Then an angry doll curses him and starts to turn into a baby.  The transformation is horrifying. Now, the man is giant baby terrorizing the city. 

          This is also a very visual gag heavy short as random stuff happens like the baby causing a plane to crash after some cars crash. He gets bigger from the power of milk. ( Milk propaganda) He does more destruction to the city.  This one doesn't want you to take it too seriously and that's the fun of it.  Eventually an ice cream truck gives a police officer  an idea to use a loud lullaby to lull the giant baby to sleep. It works and shrinks him and he ends landing on a bed to fall asleep. The man is back to normal in the morning and thinks it's a dream except for the diaper. (Uhhhh) 

            The host returns to say that guy will still turn into a baby until he learns to not act like one. (odd) That's it. 
             There's a hook here in where it could have worked as a series as well, different strange stories presented in a more comedic way. It would have been fun to see different strange parodies.   This was a fun short though, it's very quick humor and has some nice gags.  Really do give this on a watch. 

        That's it for now, tune in next time when we talk to a man who grew 20 feet tall because of milk.  


Friday, February 03, 2023

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #30 Twenty-Five Cent Trouble or Teddy and Art


            Previously, Is it Funny? Is it? IS IT? [HERE

#30: Twenty-Five Cent Trouble

Season 1, Episode 2b
      This one seems to have two different names, the title card for the one we use is 25¢ Trouble, I'll use that name. (More 25 cent and less usage of the ¢ thing)  25 Cent Trouble is created by  Alex Kirwan. I've talked about his other two shorts already. For some disclosure, I should have done this one when I did the marathon batch, but thought it was something else and missed it, so here we are.  

             It takes place in a grocery store because grocery stores are fun. Our main character is Teddy and also his dog Art is allowed in the grocery store. (Oh I see)  Teddy is voiced by Katie Leigh who has a long list of voice acting credits, but you'll know her as Usapyon from Yo-Kai Watch. (You really should have watch Yo-Kai Watch)  The mom thinks Teddy is in the way and tells them to go pick out some cereal, which means give me five-minutes alone in mom speak.  Mom is voiced by Debi Derryberry, who also has a long list of voice credits but I'm going to say you'll know her as Wednesday Addams from tthe 1992 Addams Family animated series.  

                Teddy and Art go on and the dog seems to want attention from Teddy, but Teddy finds a quarter.  That's how this short is 25¢ Trouble. ( A High IQ post)  He wants to go to egg toy machines and gets a robot toy.  The robot toy scares the dog when it moves, it also apparently can melt cans. Art seems to get jealous and wants Teddy's attention. Then the robot wants attention and gets jealous. This short is a robot and dog getting jealous for a boy's attention. 

                 Teddy mostly says the a variation of the word Catastrophic and is impressed easily by things.  There's also some grocery store destruction going on. Then there's town destruction going on too when the robot has grown bigger and takes Teddy out of the store and starts smashing cars as it walks. Art gets a 25¢  helicopter  and shoots down the robot.   The mom shows up and she didn't see anything.  The mom also tells Teddy she had to pick out the cereal because he was not picking it out.  There's an alien inside the box to apparently sequel bait us. 

             I can maybe parse why there's no series from this. I mean, I could see a hook of episode 2 :boy gets alien toy, it's real alien. episode 3: Teddy accidently burns his house down thanks to a dragon. (what?)  That would be Catastrophic!  There's not much describable plot but it's more like those episodes of Rugrats where Tommy went off and did stuff without his parents noticing. Like the episode he and Grandpa Lou go the grocery store and Tommy goes to find Reptar cereal and destroys the entire store, nobody notices and he gets the cereal.  I honeslty, would have watched this madness if it was a series.   

         Anyway, that's it for now tune  in next time when we make catastrophically great post! 

Thursday, February 02, 2023

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #29: Slap T. Pooch in What is Funny?


Previously, Triplets have fun [Here]

#29 Slap T. Pooch in: What is Funny?

Season 1, Episode 1b

    The name of this one makes it feel like there is going to be more but there is not, it's just this one.   Back to season 1 and the very first episode. This segment of the three is the only one that's not part of a series of shorts that would show up in the series later. I've already written about Jelly's Day

             Slap T. Pooch in What is Funny?  was created by Bill Burnett and Vincent Waller. Burnett also wrote this one. Bill Burnett had been a singer songwriter for the purpose of this post he met with Fred Seibert and Alan Goodman (Seibert being a reason why Oh Yeah! exists) and he was a writer for their agency. Seibert and Goodman are the creative minds behind MTV's look in the 1980's, Nickelodeon's splat logo, Nick at Nite, and Comedy Central. Burnett is the one who thought up the name Comedy Central.  When Seibert went to Hanna-Barbera Burnett followed and became VP Creative Director of the company. He also worked on the show "Cow and Chicken".   He went with Seibert again to Nickelodeon and worked on this. That's my speed run. I will mention a little more about him at the end.  I've mentioned Waller before, but for this one they have connection where they both worked on "Cow and Chicken" he storyboarded an episode. (One that's uh well known)  Anyway to this short. 

                This one is very focused on being meta and 4th wall breaking. Our main character is named Slap T. Pooch, a dog who knows that this is a cartoon and decides to ask if something is funny. That's the whole 7 minutes.  This a very visual and quick paced short.  It accelerates into randomness as the dog tries to focus group the viewers into wondering if that event is funny.  It has a lot of slapstick. 

            There's really not much story here and that's fine. It's a showcase of madness more than anything else.  I can see it even being grating to some because of the constant of the asking if something is funny.  It's not like there's nothing funny happening in the short, but yeah it can be seen as little much. A highlight has to be the prison  of gingerbread men.  The short has a running gag song of a choir singing "What is Funny? What is Funny?" 

                 I guess I could ask would this have made a good series? Probably not, this feels more one off  unless it's making a meta cartoon where Slap does different things, but the constant question repeating and stuff hampers it a bit.  You should check it out, at least once, to see what it is, but that should be it. 

             Back to Burnett, before we close. This episode of Oh Yeah! Cartoons has his fingers all over it, he was involved in all three shorts. The first one , "Chalk Zone" which was the first of many shorts and one of the shorts featured that became it's own show. He co-created that with Larry Huber. With Slap T. Pooch and Chalkzone you'll notice music is part of them and he again did make music too. He also worked on Jelly's Day as a co-creator.   

             That's really it here... uh was this post fun?  Was it?  help. 

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Arthur: Season 3: Episode 15: Arthur and D.W Clean Up/ The Long, Dull Winter

Arthur PBS 

Episode 15a: Arthur and D.W Clean Up

   The Cold Open:  Arthur talks about how he changed his room into the  Mall of America, but also it can clean itself, unlike the Mall of America.  He was supposed to be cleaning his room.

  The Episode:  Arthur  wants to go with his friends to a fun air, the next day, and that's important because  before that day Arthur's mom wonders if he has cleaned his room. He has not.  I always find it funny how messy rooms look on cartoons, they always go excessive, but it funny. His mother lets him play soccer but he has to clean is room later. It is showing that she is being fair and he made did make a promise. So you can feel too bad for him.  Arthur again decides he finds  a way to watch his show instead of cleaning his room.  

          Arthur failed to clean is room and now he can't go to the happy fun thingy and  has to clean his room. His mom also stops D.W from laughing by saying that she has to clean her room too.  The father, who had nothing to say now suggests an idea where the two siblings work together to clean up their rooms.  D.W wants to throw stuff way, but Arthur doesn't want her to.  

            D.W becomes a Francine and Arthur shipper because she knows the audience.  The father tries to talk to them and thinks up the idea they just don't talk and this seems to go well. The episode has has some fun Easter eggs from past seasons of episodes.   They do end up finishing but now it's D.W's room's turn.  D.W has a set way of doing things and gets annoyed.  when Arthur doesn't follow along, her way. 

            The parents interject into the story because of their arguing.  D. W tells the parents she'd rather just do it her self.  Arthur gets to go to the park for the event.  That was moment for D.W.  The end of the episode Arthur and his friends get to help clean up the park.   

            A simple episode, pretty fun. It works well Arthur should have done his room before and wouldn't have missed some of that fun. D.W had no investment in the event herself but it was nice of her to let Arthur go while she did her room herself. Mostly because she was going to go mad if Arthur kept doing things the 'wrong' way.  It's a good basic episode. 

    More after the jump