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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Friday, June 25, 2010

Weather Channel and how it has gone down hill?

The Weather Channel in the past year , since the buying by NBC in 2008, has not really seemed like it's self anymore. Though for the past few years they have been going into a trend that many others don't like.
 The Weather Channel has been airing weather-related docs. At least they were weather related but then airing movies is to much for a channel with the name weather in it. MSNBC is the sister Channel of The Weather Channel it's been  criticized  for not airing news when it's breaking on Holidays or not devoting enough news on weekends. The Weather Channel also added Al Rocker to the line up which I say was a bad move it changes the channel's flow to much because the show is focused on more than weather. Other programs have been doing breaking news non weather related including car chases, oil spills, riots in Thailand, and even airing the recent Presidendal address ,earlier this month. Yet so was the other NBC networks of , NBC (on broadcast), Telemundo (in Spanish Broadcast) , MSNBC ( their news channel) ,CNBC ( the business Network) The Weather Channel didn't need to air it. Their middle name is 'weather' not Business, not news. They have even promoted for their morning show "Your Weather Today" that they will bring you the Lastest News, Business and Weather. Come on now they need to think either focus on weather or change the Name.
There will be more to come on this and more about other channels going of  brandname.

a recent promo


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