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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Opinion: Tv Sucks now

Opinion TV 
    By Robert O. for Joshuaonline
   ABC canceled 'One Life to Live' and 'All my children' this week. TV you suck now , though TV has gone done for the past few years and it's just not been getting better. Now everyone is getting a talk show or a "reality" show.  Soaps were a great genre for a serial television wasn't news it had heart.  Stupid Real Houseviews and idiots who make New Jersey look stupid. Nothing good on TV anymore even children's programming has worsened. Now all the kids are singers , actors ,dancers and have web shows. What the heck TV have you lost your marbles?
   The Morning shows suck now too, evening news is awful snooze fests. QVC does better job than these stupid talk shows. How in the world TV has come down to nothing but stupid?  Over 700 TV channels and same thing on all of them.  Good writing is not as good as some ugly woman beating up another ugly woman (they are ugly because they are acting stupid), is much preferred. Oprah is leaving talk but the format has expanded to something beyond dumb and insane. How many people do we have left to interview? The news and talk media parade talk about some idiot named Charlie Sheen instead of people doing good for themselves. No news about Brittney Spears who rebuilt herself , just stupid Lindsay Lohan. TV has so many talk shows, reality shows. and cheap entertainment programs no wonder cable is being lost. I feel sorry for kids TV now too it has lost morals and the word called failure and replaced with kids being on TV or online and 13-year-olds trying to find love. So TV is falling apart more and more If I don't like it change the channel is hard to do when the same thing is on.

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