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Monday, December 30, 2013

A look Back at TV and Media Trends of 2013

A Look Back   Opinions 
 Written By Skyler

   2013 was an interesting year in the world of TV and Media  we look at some trends we noticed this year.

 1.   More Cable News Channels
  Even though, cable news channels   had a down rating year ,    there was a launch of some new news channels  and the adding of some that have been around.
   Al Jazeera made it's splash first  : on January 2nd this year they announced  they were buying Al Gore's Liberal talk channel , Current TV.   Al Jazeera Media which launched  Al Jazerra English  in 2006 was trying to get the news network into America since launch but has face troubles getting it on cable systems.  The closest it got was broadcasts on public tv channels,  some 24/7 using digital sub channels  and online.  Though the announcement that  they were buying  Current caused some cable companies like Time Warner Cable  to drop Current.  ( Though later  Time Warner Cable added Al Jazeera America. )  Al Jazeera America was launched  August 20th , it was made as a news channel that would focus on American news with international news splashed in.  Most of the programming is done in the United States they hired anchors and reporters.  Only a few Al Jazeera English programs and newscasts air on the channel.   The Channel is different than what you would see on CNN, Fox News ,and MSNBC.  No talking head lead opinion shows , sometimes long form stories,  more news broadcast programs.  If it will last is still to be known and what holds for the network in 2014  is unknown.
   Another channel , though  had less press than Al Jazeera America  was One America News Network , this network is owned by the owners of Wealth TV  Herring Broadcasting  and  The Washington Times , it was launched as a new channel to also have conservative leaning talk shows , it so far was not on alot of Cable systems.  Though did land a cable later this year.
    When ABC News and Univision announced in 2012  that they were going to launch a channel together it  may have been a surprise and also made some wonder what or how the channel would be.  The idea of the channel is a target audience of young English speaking Latinos with a news and lifestyle channel.  It replaced ABC's unloved news channel  ABC News Now.    So far not known how the channel is fairing, there  of course might be more programs and expansion in 2014.
   We wonder if any more news channels will be launched in 2014 , also as BBC World news and other internationals also get expansion in the US  it's a good thing that more news channel opitions are opening for viewers especially if viewers are tired of CNN, MSNBC , and Fox News Channel .

 2.   Binge Watching
     Usually  the word "binge"  has a bad connotation to it  but this year the continuation of the concept of "Binge-viewing " . Netflix , Hulu and others have been adding  shows they are bought for the use on exclusive on their services. For instance when  Netflix brought back the long-canceled  FOX show " Arrested Devolpment" the whole  season was  available  to stream   so a viewer could watch the show their own way including  the whole season in a day.  Usually on physical television ? , maybe linear, you have to wait maybe a week for the new episode of your show the idea of being able to watch a whole season might be more fun.
    It also shows a trend of people choosing to watch television on at random time on their own time. We see this trend of having mere online original shows   continuing in 2014 , along with people  watching TV their time and ways.  Though , if you are cord- cutter it maybe a little harder to  follow some of your network favorites  ABC is joining Fox  in soon only letting cable subscribers  watch their programs online.  (Though still appearing free on part Disney owned Hulu.)  or you would have to wait a week for it to be free on Watch ABC.  For now , the CW, NBC and CBS are still free but we'll see what 2014 brings.
    Cable companies are now offering perks to make sure you stay for instance ,watching channels live through their websites and apps. Comcast announced they will adding  channels to watch outside the home on apps.  Many channels themselves like Disney Channel , have also added ways for you watch their programs on websites and apps Live and full episodes.

   3.   Local Stations up for grabs
      This is more of interesting trend was this year  was  companies  that own local stations buying other companies that own local TV stations.  For instance , Sinclair  which owns a lot of stations in the first place , bought  some stations from Cox , the bought the company Barrington  , it bought Seattle based Fisher Communications ,  Allbritton was  also  purchased .  Gannett also went on it's own  shopping  buying up Belo's tv stations  (except for 3) .   Tribune company , who emerged from bankruptcy late last year, bought Local TVLLC , a company the Tribune worked with anyway so it might have well just bought it.  Hoak was sold to  Grey TV.     There could be chance for more in 2014 and also makes  a wonder why so many are being sold.  It is causing the shrinkage of the market though  , and could also make more fights with  cable companies affect larger amounts of people .  If anything it probably is not the end of this.

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