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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's a Charlie Brown lookback : It's magic Charlie Brown

The Flashback 

    This year  marks the 65th birthday of the Peanuts comic strip and characters, there's even a big movie coming up this year with the Peanuts.  Here at Joshuaonline have decided to do a monthly feature looking back at  Peanuts TV specials but are not the big holiday one that's are repeated and loved each year.  There are ones that are either are aired much are not at all.  ( It's our duty to talk about these.)   Let's take a look at "It's Magic Charlie Brown".  (But first  a friendly warning there will possibly be some spoilers in this , we couldn't do it with out them)

    It aired on CBS (the original home of Peanuts TV specials) in 1981.

  Snoopy goes the library to educate himself and he gets a book called "How to Perform Magic" ( a hit seller)  and  as you would guess he starts to do a  magic show with Marcie as the lovely assistant .   It doesn't go well  (Peppermint Patty goes to pieces,)  One thing happens that does end up working , Charlie Brown goes invisible.  (Either that or they ran out of Charlie Brown ink)   He goes to snoopy to try and fix it the problem , first with soap , then mud, and a sheet. (Sounds like a Saturday night to me )  In this special  we get to see inside  Snoopy's  TARDIS like dog house ,  and oh yeah  Charlie Brown Kicks the football! all it took was where Lucy couldn't see him. ( A victory is a victory )  Lucy doesn't take kindly to this  as she threatens Snoopy to fix him. Snoopy reads the book more ( should have been a plan in the first place ,but we have 24 minutes to fill)  and eventually figures out how harness his powers.  Charlie Brown once again tries to kick the football invisible (now he's just being greedy) and since it's Charlie Brown that can't go right at that same time Snoopy makes him visible again.   Snoopy and Charlie Brown do get back at Lucy and leave her floating in air.   (Don't worry, Linus gets her down, mom must have wanted her home for Dinner)
Floating Lucy directed by Phil to stay up there/ ©1981 Peanuts 
 Anyway, that's our look at this special  find it and watch it .  It's not a holiday special  but it has great Peanuts humor  and alot of fun.  (That's a review)   Still would have been nice if Charlie Brown was able to kick the football and be seen. (Picky that way)
     Next month , we will do another Charlie Brown version of our Lookback .   

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