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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Friday, October 02, 2015

The Lookback : The Charlie Brown lookback : Is this Goodbye , Charlie Brown?

The Peanuts 
     In our 9th installment of  Charlie Brown looking back we look at "Is this Goodbye ,Charlie Brown"    It first came out on CBS (of course) in February 1983.

      Our special starts with Linus trying to call Charlie Brown , but he gets Sally and Sally makes things hard for our hero (Linus is our hero , apparently) and eventually he does get C.B.   Linus tells Charlie that he has something important to tell him and should come over right way. (Linus forgot how phones work?)   When Charlie Brown goes to Linus' place we found out the news : Linus (and his family , of course) is moving away. His father has received a job transfer.  Lucy tells the same thing to Schroeder  and gives him a picture to remember her . (He doesn't believe her though ,more on that later but first a message)

                                   Who's that ?  /Copyright the Peanuts/Paramount/some guy maybe

      Lucy also handed her psychiatry practice over to Snoopy who increases the price to 50 cents (like a jerk )   Later Charlie Brown sees his sister still waiting for Linus to pick her up and take her to a movie  , though Charlie tells her that is not coming and that  they are moving. She doesn't believe him.   Charlie Brown was invited for a going away party. Snoopy was the caterer because why not?
                                          Look everybody's here ! /copyright Peanuts

   Then the sad day comes ( though if  Linus and Lucy didn't move away the spinoff  called "Linus and Lucy" couldn't have ran  5 seasons on NBC ... this is a lie)    Linus even gives up his blanket to Snoopy.  C.B walks home very sad to his home , where Sally is sitting outside and Charlie Brown tells here the bad news and she walks in the house angrily.   Then Charlie Brown tells Schroeder (our new hero, yeah we  had to change heroes)  and he is shocked.   Noting he never even got to say goodbye.
    When Charlie Brown  is still upset  , Peppermint Patty decides she wants to help (and eventually get her own spinoff that ran on ... naw never do the same joke twice unless it's funny)    Patty calls Charlie Brown in the middle of the night  she invites him to date at the movies though Charlie Brown was so tired he didn't know what was going on,  Peppermint waits for Charlie Brown to pick her up ( did she give a time?)  Marcie visits him at the wall and wonders why he looks so tired and we find out that well Charlie Brown thinks he had a dream that Peppermint Patty called him on a date. Marcie tells P.P what happend but doesn't believe her and continues to wait.  (ummm Why? are people not believing people in this special ?)
   Peppermint Patty is not happy that C.B skipped their date  and she yells at him over the phone and hangs up and CB is confused.   Though as much as you can figure out the end to this special... yes  Linus and Lucy's dad didn't like his new job so back they go. (Don't ask questions. )

    If you were a reader of the comic strips this is based off the ones than ran from May 9th to May 21st 1966.

Read them starting from here 

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