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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Christmas Lookback: A Chipmunk Christmas

Christmas  The Flashback 

   Today's  post must be read in a high pitched squeaky voice... ok we are a kidding (maybe)  we are doing a lookback at A Chipmunk Christmas . It first appeared on NBC , who also aired the 80's Saturday Morning cartoon (which we looked at before ) , actually this came out less than 2 years before the series started.  It was created by Ross Bagdasarian JR, the son of the creator of the Chimpunks.   Also animated by Chuck Jones.
        The special starts with a sick child named Tommy (who has  unnamed cartoon sickness ) where the doctor says the outlook is not good. Then it goes over to the Chipmunks (wait, do we capitalize them or not ? darn it )  where they are singing "It's beginning to Look A Lot like  Christmas".
 "Not sure you did that right, Dave"

      Alvin doesn't like the idea of having to work on Christmas (Dave was latter visited by 3 ghosts that night)  , but he is easily bribed by getting to play is harmonica. (Darn Union rules)  The Chipmunks (really is this capitalized or not?)  go window shopping . Alvin shows his harmonica another harmonica. (what?)  This is what connects  that boy who was introduced in the beginning to the Chipmunks. (capt... never mind)  When Alvin overhears the boy's sister talking about how much Tommy really wants that harmonica. He also overhears the mother saying that Tommy is very very sick.  Alvin follows to the two just in case he hears anymore , I guess. 
The kid seems to be an Alvin Fan. where are the Simon fans? / Copyright  

    Alvin  visits Tommy (that's why he kept following the mother and sister to see where they lived.. that makes sense in context)  and gives him his harmonica.  Now a Chipmunks Christmas song break. (Otherwise this wouldn't be a Chipmunks special)  Alvin says he has to save his money to get a new harmonica after Christmas.  But then fate takes over (or mean writers)  and Dave announces that they get to play for a sold-out audience at Carnegie Hall on Christmas Eve. (That doesn't sound so bad) They want Alvin to do a harmonica solo.  Alvin then decides he has to make money quick  to buy a new one. 

 Have your picture taken for 25 cents what a deal!/ Copyright 

You don't have to pay us 25 cents more after the Jump 

       Dave shares his Christmas Spirit poem (E/I)  and hears that Alvin needs money though the other Chipmunks say that it's for himself and before Alvin can explain , Dave sends him to the room. (This really could have been solved earlier)   Alvin worries about this money problems because of the harmonica.  Alvin has a dream where he tries to get a loan. 

  Every 12th of February Abe  Lincoln rides the great pumpkin pulled by elephants to deliver gifts /copyright 

    The next day , Alvin goes to the store to buy the harmonica (I guess he got the money ), Simon and Theodor give him some.  Dave gets a call from  Tommy's mother where he finally finds out about what Alvin hath done. (getting fancy now)  A kind old lady asks for help ,she wants to buy him a Christmas present ,a new harmonica.  (She is voiced by June Foray , who also was the voice of Granny in the Silver and Tweety stuff, thanks Chuck Jones)  Alvin and the gang go to the show  and we found that Tommy is alright (he was cured of random cartoon disease) and they play their harmonicas together.   
 Spolier  kind of : we find out that the kind old lady was Santa's Wife  (either that or she just sits next to Santa ) and she tells us to be quiet and not mention it to Santa. 

 That's A Chipmunk Christmas , it isn't bad that dream is truly worth seeing Abraham Lincoln Claus and also the Chimpmunk Christmas songs.  

Tune in next time when we look back at "Abe Lincoln Saves Christmas" (The Sequel to The Year without a Santa Claus , it would have to be)   

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