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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Thursday, March 02, 2017

It's A Lookback, Charlie Brown: You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown


    Did you know we've now done this for 2 years? Well It's another lookback and we take you to one from 1979. (Groovy)
    This special of course aired on CBS it was the last of the 1970's specials and it was nominated for Emmy (but didn't win because , they are against ,Charlie Brown).  This special has famous animation voice actor , Mel Blanc, he does the voice of Charlie Brown's grunts. (what?)  But yes, this is "You're the Greatest ,Charlie Brown"

    Apparently, Peppermint now goes to school with Chuck and Linus. (darn continuity) P.P, Marcie , Pig-Pen, Lucy, 5 (I think), and Schroeder are all in the gym. There's going to be a junior Olympics. All the events are filled except the decathlon ,  which has ten events. (hence the deca part)  Nobody wants to enter it , but guess who ends up with it? (Lucy?)  Before, Linus can tell him why he shouldn't do it , Lucy cuts him off and tells him he should- he does.  Then they yell :You're the Greatest  Charlie Brown and roll the opening credits. (well change of pace.)   Charlie Brown has to go on  a training regiment  (but we don't get Rocky music), and of course Peppermint Patty helps with this. (While Marcie seems to be the complementor, how is that not a word , spell check, darn it you. )  
 This is the face of a champion!  /Copyright Peanuts 

   I guess a time skip happens, because the events are happening on the weekend now and he has to train for the events he will be in. Peppermint Patty shows him what he has to do. (Marcie continues her complementing, oh that's a word, ok Spell check)  There's now more montage  with  Charlie Brown not doing well at these events. (Also Fosbery Flop)  I do have have to wonder why Peppermint Patty didn't do this  she does it very well. (But it's  called "You're the Greatest, Peppermint Patty now is it?)  Peppermint Patty then gets the idea to use Marcie as back up because she doesn't think he can do it. ("You're the Greatest ,Marcie!?)
I want you Marcie! Join the Olympics /copyright Peanuts 

  Now it's event day (The Junior Olympics on MSNBC , well that's where NBC would put it ). His competitors for the decathlon : some tall brown haired kid called Freddy Fabulous from Fremont. ( I have his autograph, you know), Marcie , because that thing P.P did earlier.  (Also it's time to ship Charlie Brown and Marcie do it!) I guess you can  enter two people from the same school?  The final being , Snoopy (Because of course)  who is competing for Ace Obedience School. He's going by the name Mass Marvel.
   So umm you guys can't tell he's Snoopy? /Copyright Peanuts 

  He's Fabulous, also how do you get that last name? /Copyright Peanuts 

All smiles here/ copyright Peanuts  

       In the first event, Charlie Brown comes in last, but it does matter because he's running tables. The 2nd event : Snoopy wins, and Chuck got 3rd! The Third is shock-put and the winner of that one is Freddy Fabulous , but ole Chuck got 2nd!.  Fourth event: Snoopy Messes , up  and does Freddy. (They didn't pass the bar- like a bad lawyer) Marcie won this one!  Chuck got 2nd!  (we used !!! alot)

Fabulous / copyright Peanuts 

The final event for the day was the 400 meter (go metric) dash and the winner is Snoopy.  Charlie Brown overall is in 3rd place, and Snoopy is  last. It's now the next day.   Now it's the high hurdles. Charlie Brown manages to knock down the hurdles. Discus doesn't go well for Freddy (crap , I placed on my money on him winning.)  Snoopy does better but his result goes funny.  Marcie did great and Charlie Brown won the event!  The Pole vault :not sure who won.   Javelin : Charlie Brown wins (and didn't kill anybody)  Now the final event is the 1500 Meter race.  (we did the metric thing already)    Charlie Brown gets distracted because he was in the lead and takes the wrong turn and runs into a park or somewhere. (oops)

      That kid on the right seems the most horrified./Copyright Peanuts 

   The next day under a tree:  Charlie apologizes for losing, but the school won anyway. Marcie won the race , while Freddy and  Snoopy got tangled into each other.   That's the special.

Join me for more after the Jump.

  Let's talk about the music I noticed in the special first : You know that music you hear during the Olympics  (This one ) ?  Well the backing score has hints of that , which is nice for , you know an Olympics sport themed special.

  You can listen the whole sound track in that video there.

  Now our review: It was nominated for Emmy! It's  a high quality episode. There's not a lot of filler in the special , it stays to a plot and goes with it. We do get some training montages but that's not bad and going through every event doesn't feel sluggish or annoying.  Snoopy, not doing the best it is  a nice touch, he I guess is our comic relief this one. Charlie Brown is treated very nicely in this. Lucy wasn't much in this special but her lines that she had were just funny reactions and worked well.  Peppermint Patty was very encouraging to Charlie Brown  and understanding at the same time, because it was an honest -stupid mistake.  The best part of this was Charlie Brown and Marcie, they are both very good-nature  characters and they were showing great sportsmanship and since it's something you would expect from both of them it didn't come off as forced. Marie's compliments during the training was sweet and honestly these two made me smile.

  Now we know that Charlie Brown, never really wins things, but this special didn't do it in a way where he failed at everything ,which would have been annoying and not characteristic for Charlie Brown.  Of course , Charlie Brown is the person we root for, though you can find yourself rooting for Marcie, or maybe Snoopy.  Yes, it's not even out of character for Charlie Brown to lose the way he did , he got to caught up in doing well and that was his down fall.   Snoopy's moments were very funny and  very Snoopy. Freddy was our antagonist  and well he wasn't going to win , but even that was good that he didn't just win every event and lose on some technicality.  I sound like I married this special.
      Also this moment:

 That's the lookback , tune in next time when Freddy and Snoopy shake hands and make up aww that's nice.

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