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Friday, April 13, 2018

The Lookback: Those Freaky McGuires

The Flashback Disney 

     Since it's Friday the 13th (unless you aren't reading this on Friday the 13th , that's fine too.)  so the last one we looked at 1995 Disney TV movie remake of "Freaky Friday" you can read that here. So I think Disney really loves the idea of body swaps more than anyone else , even their TV series got into the fun , this time I head to one example from the great Disney Chanel Original series , "Lizzie McGuire"

      Silly personal story time : I remember when Disney Channel was first running these episodes they had a vote thing where you could vote for which Lizzie McGuire episode you wanted to air new first, and I was really hoping that one would.

            This episode is called "Those Freaky McGuires" get it?   It aired on TV on June 28th 2002 and was part of this series season 2.
    So the episode starts with Lizzie looking at shirt and seeing that it has her animated thoughts says it has last week's pizza stain.  Then she notices a lot of her shirts are messy and she blames her brother Matt and they squabble. (Which was kind of normal for this series)   In  a body swap movie or episode you have to set up the characters before they swap. Since this is a series that hopefully you've been watching  for sometime (they hope) that you should know the characters' personalities so that when the swap happens the fun comes from trying to see the characters try to be the other person.   Anyway, they swap bodies. (Also Lizzie's cartoon thought thing will be with her in Matt's body , so sadly no animated Matt.)

Ghost Swap/ Copyright Disney 

     After the theme song they are still screaming  in the surprise of being switched.   They try to figure how they switch back but we  have 20 minutes to go so no switch back.  Matt and Lizzie do the next best step : try to fake sick. (That doesn't even work)    They decide not to tell their parents because who believe them?

    Since this is a sitcom , the comedy comes from seeing two characters we know having to act like each other.  So Seeing 'Lizzie' be goofy  and 'Matt' being serious is fun. So Matt (we are going to call the characters by who they switched with so scenes with the Lizzie body we'll call Matt for now ,and vice-versa)  goes to school and Lizzie's friends Miranda and Gordo are surprised to see how she is dressed. Lizzie is dressed way out of normal for Matt and his friends tell that he put soap bubbles in the fountain. (Matt is  known as prankster.) Lizzie is surprised and knows that Matt didn't do it.

I dress the same way?  / Copyright Disney 

       Matt apparently gets along very well with Lizzie's crush , Ethan Kraft, and it's working out.  When Kate , the mean girl, confronts Matt  instead of  acting like Lizzie would  he knows how to handle her. Kate does get back but she doesn't know she's messing with Matt.  Meanwhile , Lizzie is upset she gets detention.  She tells Matt's friends Lanny and Melina  that she and Matt have switched bodies and those two believe it.
I believe it! /Copyright Disney 

     Matt warns Kate that's he's going to get back at her and does with a prank.   So Lizzie investigates who put the soap in the fountain.    Kate is upset that she's covered in chili. No one believes  her that Lizzie could have done that.  Back to the soap foot prints and apparently a boy named Clark Benson put soap in the fountain because he a grudge that Matt kept sneezing in his pudding. (gross)  Lizzie makes a promise that Matt won't ever do it again. 
So How was your day?/ Copyright Disney 

      School's over.  Matt tells Lizzie that she should be  more vicious with Kate. Lizzie tells  Matt that he has to stop sneezing in Clark's pudding.  Then it's sleep time they have a hard time resting but then guess what?  They switch back!   They do this thing were they won't ever acknowledge this happened.

      This episode didn't have the characters learn too much it's more a fun episode of what would happen if they switched bodies.  It does bring nice moments of Lizzie caring about her brother even though they fight they care about each other.  The good thing about having contrasting characters swap  bodies is that it's funny to see the characters not being their normal selves.  So Lizzie who is normally nervous around Ethan and Kate being more confident and Matt who's out going and the prankster being more reserved  is a fun touch.

   Tune in next time when we believe we have  a picture prefect plan.


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