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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Friday, May 04, 2018

A Look at Craig of the Creek


           This is kind of our first look at a Cartoon Network series, something we really don't do much so, this is a moment in Joshuaonline history.  The series we are looking at is called "Craig of the Creek" it premiered just in March of this year.

   As an example I will be using the first episode as our reviewing episode so that if it sounds interesting there's room to check out the other episodes. Join us.

       The episode starts with Craig doing some drawing in the kitchen when his older brother , Bernard, tells him to move because he has some English work to do.  So Craig moves to the living room but then gets booted out because his sister Jessica wants to watch CNBC. (Not literally but you know one of those stock market things)  He travels to the room where his father is exercising and that gets ruined because of the air from the bike.
Draw! Copyright Tuner 

      Craig then goes to the creek part of the show's title. There are his two friends Kelsey and J.P. Craig is working on an atlas of the known parts of the creek where legendary kids have been .  (ooh an Atlas)   There's an area that's filled with poison ivy. (I'm itchy thinking about it)  The three of them decide to go there wearing protective clothing pass through it to be come 'legends'. (or die trying.) They notice a rustling the poison ivy something is there.  J.P's suit gets a tear in it and they have lost their calamine lotion and there's something in the poison ivy still rustling.  They try to evade  it   but they've run out of trees.  Craig decides to run into the poison ivy to get help and risking his own not itchiness. He jumps down but then bounces back on the tree (because he is a witch, what? don't look at me like that.)  and he suggests they gotta jump that they found a trampoline under the ivy.  All 3 of them jump up and down then a kid wearing just shorts comes out of the ivy in mysterious fashion.

Copyright Turner 

       He was the one following them, he's called "The Scatch less one" . (That's the name of my band) Unlike most people he's immune to poison ivy.  He explains that didn't have anywhere else to go and has six brothers and sisters at home so this was the one place he couldn't be bothered. Craig decides not to be legendary and puts on the map a warning to keep out. (awww)
copyright Turner 

   That's the first episode.   more after the jump

    Simplicity. That's the word that goes with this series. Simplicity is in no way a negative adverb  it's something  that gives this series a charm.  It's a nice breather  of a series and that's  a nice thing. The main characters we met are a great trio and work well of each other.  It reminds me of the series "Recess" because of the whole concept of an area being filled with kids in their own world with it's own legends, rules and groups.  Over time it looks like we will be meeting different characters and different areas of the wide creek.
          This show is  realistic where you and some friends could go to a creek and have some fun seek out adventure especially as a kid.  The story of this first episode is simple and that's a good thing, most of us want to be remembered for something , most of us do want some alone time like Scratchless,  and many have tried to be working on something and something or someone ends up getting in the way or making us move.  It's a grounded series so meaning that yeah it's not as surreal or adventurous  so, if that's not your thing then this might not be your series.  It does kind of remind me of Recess , and a little Peanuts too  (minus Lucy)  in where most of the things that happen fit into a normal situations with a little strangeness added in (like Snoopy).  The main characters are great as well , Kelsey's inter-monologues are fun.  So give this series a watch if you haven't and enjoy.

    Tune in next time when we move to  a creek and try to make sure poison ivy isn't going to kill us.

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