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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, June 21, 2018

But First These Messages: The Sun is out to get you

But First These Messages 

   So it's summer and that means the sun is out to get you with heat and burning and everything. If people chose to go in  that, there's one important thing to use , sunscreen.  We look at summer-y things as well.   So take a break from what you are doing and be back later , but first, these messages.

      Hey kids like do you like the Powerpuff Girls? Good.

   Wait, does Bubbles think that dangerous thing is that cat that seems to be stuck in that tree or is it because that cat is stuck in the tree that the tree is dangerous, or is the cat dangerous to the tree?

Yes, fear the sun.

    Also, hey you get a free toy (well I mean you pay for the sunscreen) with it yay sunblock! 

   Hey Sunblock isn't easy to tell that it's on your body! So let's make it colorful to umm what? 

     Why is that lady excited that kids are turning purple and blue?

Hey, that's not real, that water is fake. 
     There was a color sunblock war apparently,  and  both lost,  Banana Boat decided to also get into this idea of color sunscreen.  
 Not to be out done , they have 3 colors vs Coppertone's   2 colors.  Also they have flavor names I can eat this ?

Legend has it , that if you are in the sun too long you will see late 90's CGI sunblock figures in your madness. 

    Alright, forget this kiddie stuff  it's time for a little simple sunblock ad instead. 

  This comes from the Australia . It's simple but effective.

It's color coded (sorry Colour coded) 

    You know that song "Here Comes the Sun"? Yeah I found a use for it. 

 Humans 3  , Sun 0

The sun is not happy good thing we don't know what's saying there. 

It's kind of quirky as a commercial and a little simple not bad though.

  More after the jump 

   Sunscreen commercials have purpose to tell you how it can be used.  Like that Hamilton one above, there's different reasons you might be  in the sun. 

  It works in everything!   Except at night.

You'll be covered in sand, but no sunburn! 

      We move  on from sunscreen to talk a  little about summer in general.  And Well I think this is summer. 

    This commercial is very summer-y from Target.
Very summer-y , you can buy hammocks at target too! 

     You know what, Christmas is being pushed too Early (joking) 

 Later on TMZ released the video of Santa not having Coke.


        Remember to wear sun screen it's keeps you safe from that ball of death in the sky. Now back to our program.

      Tune in next time when we explore the when Coca-Cola dragged Santa into court for breach of contract. 

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