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Tuesday, October 09, 2018

A Brief Moment into the Twilight : If She Dies.

The Flashback Halloween 

       It's about that time where I dip back into the 1985 version of "The Twilight Zone"  for another half an episode since the show ran for an hour and had more than 1 segment.  If you missed out last time looking an episode segment of this series : you can read that here.   The episode I am looking at this time  is from season 1 it's episode 5 part a called "If She Dies" it first aired in on October 25th 1985. 

     Let's start the episode.   It starts with a father making some breakfast when his daughter tells him it's time to hurry up. She also gives him a birthday present (awww) , a brand new wallet she made in art class. The mother of the family has passed on as evidenced by the picture and her saying that she misses her (the woman in the picture).  On the drive to school the father doesn't pay attention to his driving while talking to his daughter until he sees a boy in a bike pull out and swerves and crashes.
Aww the happy before the storm

    The episode cuts to the daughter in the hospital and the voice over doing it's thing. Also the father's name is Paul Marano.  The doctor tells Paul that she's not responding and that the outlook doesn't look good.  Paul is  of course, distraught. On the way to his car he sees a figure on top of a roof of an orphanage but then it disappears.  He tells the nun that he saw a little girl on the roof but the nun informs him that the orphanage closed down and all the children weren't there.
Are there children here?  There are nun. (boo!) 

     The nun also says everything there is for sale. (well alright then) The same little girl was seen again this time on the swing and she points at something then disappears again. Paul goes and looks at what she pointed to  it was an old  child's bed. Paul at first doesn't think  to buy it first, but then he changes his mind and buys it.  Paul thinks what he just did was silly. (kind of random there, Paul) A little later, the little  girl walks over to Paul and this scares him as he asks what does she want. She wants someone named Toby.  The girl asks if he can take her back to bed  so the sisters don't get mad.  He feels that her hand is cold.  Her name is Sarah.
Sarah, stop playing with the make up! 

     Paul sits with her until she falls asleep.  Also, she disappears again.  The next day, he goes to a convent and he wants to know something about the bed. He finds out that Sarah was once alive and she died of tuberculosis.  He figures out that maybe Sarah is a ghost and that Toby is a stuffed teddy bear. He asks the sister if he can the bear and tells her that he saw Sarah and promised to give her Toby.  She gives him Toby.   Then he takes his daughter, Cathy, out of the hospital in quick regard and decides to take her home. (The girl is still in a coma)   He lays her in the Sarah bed and sleeps in a chair next to it.  The next morning after some time she wakes up and then the girl asks for Toby. This confuses him because she's not heard that name. The end.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh help me!!! This is not happy ending.

   First some background information  Cathy, the daughter, is played by  Andrea Barber  whom, you may know from "Full House" as Kimmy Gibbler.  Sarah was played by now singer, Jenny Lewis she also did a voice on the 1983 Peanuts special (since everything on this blog always goes back to Peanuts), "It's an Adventure, Charlie Brown".   The Nun  was played by Nan Martian  whom horror fans will know from being Amanda Kruger in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.

   This episode feels like 1 inch from being a horror film It's shot in an older fashioned horror film way. The music doesn't help either.  The ending is slightly ambiguous either it's the ending of Kathy is awakened and just happens to know who Sarah is because after life crossing or something and Toby was to be taken care by Kathy or Kathy died and Sarah took her body.  (Or some variant  on that.)  Paul's face at the end doesn't help.  In anyway , the ending is unsettling.  I will get back to more Twilight  Zone (1985) in the future. 

  That's out look back tune in next time when we tell you about that time we bought an old dog bed from a lawyer and then the cat started barking.

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