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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Dcom Uses AI to make music : Pixel Prefect


         You know about those concerts where they have now passed singer doing holographic shows which seems to be the weirdest thing ever? I think this movie is the reason why those things exists, at least in theory?   "Pixel Perfect"  is a Disney Channel original movie (duh) from 2004.  The fun thing there's also an "Arthur" episode where Arthur and friends find out that a band they like is all holograms, meaning the tech was so good that they were able to fake solidness. (That episode came out before this movie way before)   It is kind of strange that the concept of having musicians that aren't human be used.   We also can talk about Vocaloids but, we really should talk about this movie.

         It starts Ricky Ulluam , who at the time was also on Disney Channel's (probably second to last male leading star original series , yeah)  "Phil of the Future".   This is his only DCOM (Usually when I've talked about DComs they've had leading actors be in more than one film)   Ricky plays a teenager named Roscoe who can work computer  SCIENCE. He shows his friend , Sam, (played by Leah Pipes) a cat he made out of pixels (get it?!)  He's right his father isn't impressed by the fact he made a holographic cat.
                                          Woah man , what did I eat? / Copyright Disney

           Remember the Honda Element? This movie does, that's Roscoe's car. (Not really important to the movie just wanted to mention it) Also this movie takes place in Colorado because Colorado plates? (hmmm)  Sam has a band called the Zeta Bytes (get IT!) Sam is good at singing but not at singing and dancing therefore she's not good apparently.  The music guy says that people don't care about the sound they care about the image.  (MTV ruined everything)  Sam likes
Avril Lavigne because yes.   Also, there's a sub plot of Ricky and his father seem to be far detached from each other. 

          Ricky then gets an idea  where he creates a holographic girl named Loretta. He doesn't tell them about their band that she's not a hologram and they can't tell because that's how science works.  Lorretta is played by Spencer Redford. 
That's the power of  Gatorade/ Copyright Disney  

   I do like to talk about the music in these movies and this time a lot of the music was made for this movie.  Loretta Modern is a hologram, what?  They found out the fun way when Sam tripped and went right through Loretta.  We get this line later on , "You're in my liver".    Sam doesn't seem to like this idea much also, here's another important thing, they can't do outdoor concerts, because holograms don't work outdoors. (It's a union thing) 
                Why does Roscoe's dad park his car on a hill, what madness is this? There's a school dance  and it's time for Zeta Bytes to star and see if Loretta can pass the test. I think they got an A.  I think the A I model wants to be free and play in the radio.  I think Roscoe is falling in love with Loretta. There's a very awkward double date with Sam, Roscoe, some guy I don't care about, and Loretta.  Then the movie gets goofy for a second because it's also supposed to be a comedy.
people will do anything for social media clicks/ Copyright Disney 

               Roscoe asks Sam if he could keep Loretta because he's afraid his father will find out and bad things will happen or something.  Sam and Loretta don't seem to get along which is how most people feel about their Windows Vista computers. (yes we did a very out dated joke)  Later on Sam finds out that Roscoe used some of her features for Loretta , either that or he's going to kill her and is planning to use her body parts for something.  Meanwhile, people find out that Loretta is a hologram and they don't mind , in fact they are impressed!  Woah. 

               Now the Zeta Bytes are famous or something.  well mostly Loretta because yes.  This movie is actually better without trying to be comedy , as it does a good job with it's story message. Like how show that the music industry might care about the image more than the music (uhh Disney might be un self aware with that), if you create a holographic person are they a person? Especially, when Loretta wants to be more than a hologram and has emotions. 

     There's this scene that shows the internet in a fun way like a search engine being a guy driving a vehicle. It's really fun interpretation of the internet.  Sam figured out that Roscoe is in love with Loretta because yes and Sam states the obvious that she likes Roscoe.  Now it's time for Roscoe and his father to talk out stuff.

      Later, woah the music industry people want to work with the company Roscoe's dad works for to make more holographic singers  because they don't have to be paid ,fed , and stuff. (OOOH)  Loretta has also been purchased because as they said she's property not a person , in their words. Roscoe doesn't like that.  His father actually stands up for him as well.  The former rapper who works with the record company lets Loretta run through his phone to the internet. 

 Later  on Sam decides to pretend to be Loretta and falls over and injuries herself, and this movie has really gotten dark.  Loretta shows up at the hospital then she scarifies herself and goes inside Samantha's brain because that's how science works.    Then  movie turns into album covers.  Loretta works to convince the Sam in Sam's mind to come back to earth. Loretta decides to be creepy and take over Sam's body, but only to feel that rain. (I'm not taking back my creepy statement)  I mean the parents are confused and horrified.  Then She leaves Sam's body allowing Sam to come back and  Loretta is dead now. Yep.  Sam lives and it seems her band has become a slow jams group.

          I think Roscoe and Sam are together now or something.  Also Loretta became a ghost or something ? What?  Help! 

                    This movie is very good, for the most part it doesn't even feel like a standard Disney Channel movie or at least are more modern one.  I think it has a lot of questions that makes a viewer think about things. One of the things that makes a great contrast of how humans strive to be perfect but the thing that was prefect wanted to have imperfections and feel things.  The story is more dramatic but doesn't feel moody like I'm watching a Wb network show from the same time period.   Infact, that part where it gets goofy on the double date felt the most of place for the movie. 

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