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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thanksgiving: An Arthur Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Arthur PBS 

      I'm surprised, really surprised, that it took "Arthur" 24 years to have a Thanksgiving episode/special. I mean it took 4 for it to have Christmas but 24 years? "Arthur" which started as a book series has a Thanksgiving book, they didn't even adapt that at any point, what were you doing?   Premiering on November 16, 2020, a Thanksgiving special called "An Arthur Thanksgiving" ( I should have waited 24 years to write this post)  
     It's an hour long (kind of) special so buckle up and take chances , get messy. (wrong show, you!)  Arthur starts the episode talking about why there's a bunch of people over for Thanksgiving, besides his family, and that it's  still current year on the show that's been running for over 20 years. 
        Arthur wakes up at 7:30 in the morning, his father is cooking Thanksgiving dinner (the man is stressed).   They are also setting up something about Arthur's dog, Pal, being grabby or something. (So he's working for Hollywood) Their father's sister , Minnie, is coming over (is she bringing Mickey?) glad we he heard that. Arthur tries to tire his dog out so the dog can spend Thanksgiving with the family and not in his room.  
Good Morning Father, where is my daily food intake?/ Copyright WGBH

     The special really is driving something about the dog, earlier Arthur's Mom because of Arthur's Dad, moves his cheesy bacon Brussel sprouts to a different dish to reuse the plate, because he wouldn't  let her use a new plate, so Arthur finishes eating and let's Pal lick the spaghetti sauce off the plate, to which Arthur's Dad, not knowing that the cheesy bacon things were moved thinks the dog ate his stuff. Arthur's Dad tells Arthur that he thinks that Pal ate the stuff.  Since apparently, nobody checks things around here, that's smart. (What  kind of cook is he? Not checking every detail)  
Don't eat the dog , sir / Copyright WGBH

         Aunt Minnie shows up, she seems kind of awkward and doesn't even remember her own nephew. (She's fun) Pal's been punished for reasons.  They started this thing many many seasons ago where the animals could to talk to each other, because that's what this show needed, and so yeah the animals are talking to each other, (they can't talk to the humans, uhhh wait a minute.... don't question it, just consume special)  Nemo, Francine's cat, (not the fish) antagonizes  Pal because cat reasons. Nemo tells Pal that Arthur is mean, then Pal breaks free and chases Nemo.

Cats and Dogs being cats and dogs/ Copyright WGBH

         D.W has a subplot with Bud(Character they added in like season 16, because adding characters is fun) where D.W wonders about this "mystery aunt".  Minnie did show up an earlier special, that I haven't gotten to writing about yet, but that's not important right now.(Thanks for wasting my time!)  Arthur is going to be a clock in the Thanksgiving parade. (Brought you by Woolworth)
Always find guests that match the furniture/ Copyrigh WGBH

          I like that Minnie brings up what the meaning of Hickery Dickory Dock is.  Meanwhile, Arthur's Mom tells Arthur's Father that she thought she put the cheesy Brussel sprouts in a container which surprises the father.  D.W and Bud meet Aunt Minnie. Arthur and his Dad figure out that Pal was wrongfully jailed, but Pal is gone after chasing that cat. (meow) 

We need to communicate better/ Copyright WGBH

        more after the jump
          I know why this special takes up an hour on the PBS stations, because there's a long cat and dog chase sequence. Pal is lost and confused now, because of course.  Pal is downtown (Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty)  and meets an empanda lady who seems to like him.   Arthur's class is getting ready for the parade. Meanwhile an elderly lady who saw the cat and dog run through her yard tells Arthur and mom that she saw Pal , and will help search.
Is Pal around here?/Copyright WGBH 

    Pal is still searching for his family.  There's another dog that meats Pal and her family apparently gave her whole dang turkey. (This dog lives better than you)  I'm uncomfortable about how this dog is staring at him maybe it's the animation.   Arthur joins his class, while Arthur, Mrs. Prendergast (the old lady) will still look for the dog.( I keep yelling at Arthur where Pal is but he won't listen) Bud and D.W spy on the aunt as she sleeps.  Arthur is too distracted to be a clock because of reasons above. (He wants a time out) Mr. Ratburn takes Arthur to his husband, who knows how to computer, to make fliers to help find Pal.

No we don't need to hear about your graphics card, again/ Copyright WGBH 

         Fire fighters sees Pal, also we keep seeing a goat, so I think these are important. (Or someone really likes goats)  Also, how does world work, hope they aren't offending someone by dressing up mice or the moose antlers because of a clerical error.  The empanada lady says that she saw Pal to Arthur and Pal meets another dog, who is in a dog shelter. Pal decides to help something. 

Take your sacrifice, just don't eat us / Copyright WGBH 

      The Aunt Minnie plot is back as now Bud and D.W are now left with her as D.W's father has left. Paul goes back to that first dog, and asks her to help by giving some of the left over food to the shelter dogs. That's sweet.   This episode is getting wild. Minnie has Bud and D.W  do chores, like setting up tables. Oh that's right Kate can talk to animals too because that's a thing in this show.  Thankfully Arthur leaves a piece of spaghetti at the shelter when Pal and Petuna comes back.(Took them a while to say that big dog's name) 
We bring food. but not freedom/ Copyright WGBH

         The shelter dog tells them that them that Pal's family was there. He runs to find them and runs into a family that looks like Arthur's , I'm scared.
We have Arthur at home/ Copyright WGBH 

          The fire fighter from earlier finds Pal and grabs him.  D.W learns a little more about Minnie, and she finds out that she's moving back Elwood city from France, and they hug,  that's a sweet moment!  The goat chews the turkey balloon's  rope and causes it fly away. This parade is better than that one in New York. (come at us!)  Arthur's friends and teacher go  and help find Pal.  The turkey floating away thing is part of the plot, it's important because Muffy calls a fire fighter and guess what? (Do math!) Arthur and Pal finally reunite (and it feels so good)  Since they already spoiled it the start (good going !)  Arthur has almost everyone come over too, even the goat. Even the shelter  plot comes back , Aunt Minnie gets that dog that Pal talked to at the shelter. 

         I do like how many of the minor details came together for this special, that was well done. The special was fun to watch.  Do wish they didn't do the "wonder why this is happening" spoiler at the start, it would have been more fun to see it bulid up to everyone at the table being more a surprise at end.  The Pal going missing plot has been done before, but don't think  I want to bring that up. Pal's part was good, how everything connected was well done. I'm also glad they didn't drag out things that didn't need to be. 

        I do think they could have shortened the cat and dog chase a little, but there's not much else I think is wrong with the special in a big way. It depends on how much you like "Arthur" in the first place. It's nice to they finally got around to making a special for the holiday. 

        That does it for now, tune in next time when bring a goat in for no reason at all.  Happy Thanksgiving from Joshuaonline 


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