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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Lookback: Arthur 25: Seasons 7 and 9 : Buster's Amish Mismatch/ It Came from Beyond

Arthur PBS 

      Our Arthur 25 years journey continues with some notes about this blog post first. First, you may notice it says seasons 7 and 9 and there's no 8. There you go, ok ok,  since these posts up to certain point are doing the episodes that were paired with episodes we covered in 2016, there was one problem. The episode we came up with for season 8, by the randomizer thing gave us  a half our special "Post Cards from Buster" so that means there's no b or a side episode with it. The best solution was to skip season 8, instead of just taking a random one and cutting  it. We will be doing a season 9 post instead.  

   In speaking of that original season 7 and 8 post you can read that here. 

    We are with Season 7 episode 7b, with this episode from 2002, we're going Amish. (Well not, really, that' d be hard to blog)  
           The Cold Opening:  Arthur explains that every time his class takes a field trip he takes something with him. (What?) 

          The Episode: This episode Buster rejects modernity and embraces tradition. So the class is going to an Amish farm. The episode uses Buster's not pay attention to school to explain who the Amish are and what they do.  So the episode has a tour of this Amish farm because PBS wants you to learn too.  Buster apparently falls in love with the Amish world and decides the logical answer to be Amish at home. (What?)  
         Buster is going to reject modernity and embrace tradition. The Brain tells him it's hard to live without modern  stuff.  He starts to not ride in cars and not answer phones. His mother doesn't want to live Amish, so he decides to be Amish in his room thanks to his mom.  His mother wonders if he could a little Amish but of course this episode is weird.  
I'd watch a farmer in space series/ Copyright WGBH

           Buster continues his fun at school and things go wrong because of course.  Anyway, Mrs. MacGrady tells him  that the Amish don't refuse car rides and eat food from anything, and that they do it together and helps him understand that maybe he shouldn't do this. He goes back to living in the current times,  but does offer the fun of having his friends come together and build a dog house. 

 Not a bad episode, a little odd, but not bad. 

More after the jump

   Now to Season 9, Episode 6b. Again, we looked  at episode 6, already here 

   The Cold Opening:  Now Grandma Thora is reading a Poe book, it's raining and she finds a strange dog and lets him come inside her house.

   The Episode:  The dog, named Killer, is in her house and she goes to see if anybody lost a dog. Oh yeah, the show introduced something a while before where you can hear the animals talk because that's what we needed. Now the talking is between the animals in English not talking to the anthro animal people of the show, but was a strange decision in general though. 

       Killer is a bit much , she has a complex and aggressive. Also Pal, Arthur's dog, talks to Killer about scaring D.W  and something happened but it let's Pal be more dramatic than he should be. Also this episode has baby Kate talking because that was also the set up with these episodes for some reason having a baby  talk to to  a dog.   I was bound to end up getting one of these type of episodes to talk about there is something off about them,  compared to a normal Arthur episode. Maybe I don't really care about the pet adventures as a story versus the non pets. 

       Whoever owned killer hasn't shown up and Thora decides to bring her to the animal shelter. Apparently the shelter knows the dog.  Kiell er has been in the shelter many times.  They put the dog in the part of the shelter were dogs are in  "God's waiting room"  but Thora changes her mind and takes the dog back.  Thora talks the dog and tells her to be a better dog. Killer apologizes to the dogs she wronged but it doesn't work.  they don't instantly trust her. (Not surprised)   

     Killer decides the best thing to do is leave. Meanwhile, Francine's cat , Nemo, is stuck in a tree and needs help. (This plot has everything) Good thing Killer finds out and has to rescue Nemo herself by getting a fire fighters who had sirens going to save the cat. (Uh I hope they got to the fire or something)  Pal , Kate, and Amigo here about this and decide to give Killer a new chance. (woof)
Woof prison/ Copyright WGBH 

          While the episode uses a pet dog, the moral is a clear one about if you treat others badly they might not trust you and also that you have to work for trust  It also uses Grandma Thora  as someone who offers a second chance and have empathy , like she did for a dog that seemed to have a hard time in life.   

   That's it for now, tune in next time when we make butter in a shed  and forget about it for like 9 months. 


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