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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Easter: Peter and the Magic Egg


           Peter and the Magic Egg has a connection to some of the big Christmas specials like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" , "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" , and "Frosty the Snow Man"  for the 3 examples. As those were written by Romeo Muller.  He even worked some Easter specials for Rankin-Bass.   This special wasn't from Rankin-Bass but Muller, our connection here, did write this. 

            It's a simple syndicated special that first aired on March 23, 1983. 

  it's also a story in a story going on.  Like talking animals are like "Woah uncle Amos is tell 'Th Story" which story?  Also Uncle Amos is s talking egg, because um ok.  The egg man was voiced by Ray Bolger,  whom you may know from the 1953 TV series "The Ray Bolger Show"  or as the Scarecrow in the 1939 film "Wizard of OZ".  This would be his last animated voice work. 

        He says on that very farm years ago, and back when the animals were just animals. There's questions that I have and an now concerned. I see the same animals that were running to see talking egg man, but they are just normal. I have questions.  (Was the talking egg, once just a normal egg?)  
I'm not even sure how the egg got a beard 

        There are some humans called the Doppler Family (not the Super Max Doppler family) there's Papa who is a farmer, and Mama is his wife.  They were going to lose to their farm to a oh great the Tin Man has become a landlord, sad.   His real name is Tobias Tinwhiskers and apparently they owe money to him. I'm concerned on why they borrowed money from a tin man. This special has questions that it will not answer. 

            Under the eggs the farmer couple finds a baby, there's a note that says call him Peter Paas, who must be the Peter in the title. (Good work)  Mama is like don't question where the baby comes from and Papa is like a normal person wondering what's going on here? (I wish I knew) 

            Peter isn't a normal baby, like he didn't grow up normally, so he grew a year each month. (Which means at this rate, he died)  By his first year, he was 12.  Oh there's songs, I guess, just like random songs.  He makes the duck able to talk thanks to boots. (So, he's a witch? He ends up making all the animals able to talk and clothing them.

            The tin man shows up and says he wants his money and they have until Easter to pay. Apparently tin man was once a normal human guy farmer. He came into some money and ended up with the gateway tractor into getting even more rich and then wanting to me a machine himself so he went to a doctor to get that done.  Which again, there's a lot going on here.  He takes over  farms and took over the town because that's sane. 

You're mistaken, We don't have Dish Network 

        Wait there's more, Mother Nature is Peter's mother, and the Easter Bunny is the one who left Peter in the hen house. What?  Things kind of just go quick here where they decide to make thousands of colored Easter eggs to the Easter Rabbit in a contract, because he has tons of money? There's some lore going on here about the Easter Bunny, like he's rolling in cash. They are able to pay Tobias   a bag of money, glad his rate is a bag of money, good for him. 

You used bills, I only accept coins! 

            Then it ends up where Tobias decides to challenge Peter to a plowing contest because sure alright.  But since he's evil or something he decides to rig the contest because, I just said why. (The Cowedly Lion would never)  Peter falls down a well hole , but he's not dead. He's in a deep sleep, he slept for like a year. (I need something like that, also why is he not  like 24 years old?) 

             Mother Nature gives the animals an egg, a magic egg, when it hatches he will wake up. They decide they are going to sit on it to keep it warm before it hatches.  Tobias decides to steal the egg because he somehow figured out that was a thing and the animals get everyone up to get try and get the egg back. 

Duck. Funny. 
            They get the egg back and it hatches just at that time, and a strange duck guy comes out.  His medicine is laugher and that helps Peter wake up. Tobias also caught laughter and he dropped his tin body and back to normal and decided to be nice and work for the Dopplers ,give back farms and more. Peter has to go because sure. 

          This is a kind of strange special,  but I do give it doing something kind of connected to Easter. The animation is alright, it's simple, but there's nothing awful about it. The songs weren't very interesting , they fall into just being there, but nothing really charming or memorable. So they'll be there, but you won't remember them. 

            Tobias was a stand out villain in design. He had a clear goal, but he wasn't interesting in the special, just kind of showed up to move the plot along. They did didn't want the horrifying idea that a a man would have himself be fully metalized, but it makes me question other things now.  Peter was an alright character, again he kind of fills in the plot enough , then they make him sleep and then he wakes up and leaves.  It had some interesting ideas but really didn't seem to go that far with them. It's a good special for really young, but not an interesting Easter special over all. 

 That's it for now , tune in next time, when we find out that the cowardly lion  went too far and became unafraid and went on a mauling spree. 



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