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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Opinion: Time to change public Brodcasting in the United States

 There has been talks to stop the government portion of funding to NPR and PBS.It's small portion they are worried about, though independents do fine with out the funding. They rely on people to give them money from the public. They have those annoying sponsorship drives. Now let's compare America's public broadcasting to Britain. The BBC to be exact.  The BBC is better than PBS and NPR. Why? because they give you options of choice. BBC TV has great programming on it's many channels , great entertainment options that our PBS doesn't have , many PBS stations air BBC classic. I would rather watch the BBC over PBS  they have a great news department that our PBS lacks.  How does the BBC get money?  They are paid from taxes.  BBC , much like the commercial British Broadcasters , allows you to watch their channels stream online  LIVE . One question many people answer about PBS is that they are boring.
  NPR compared to BBC radio is very opposite. NPR is boring. BBC has "local" radio stations like NPR has , and they have national networks.  BBC Radio1 through 7 , all of them stream online, even us Americans can listen to them. They offer options of news, music of many types, comedy. NPR? No. So we need to have PBS/NPR fixed I would glady give them money if they would represent views, and also do some quailty and entertianing tv, had better news, I would glady pay the tax or fund them. But until then they so then no I am not going to support PBS and NPR.
   Not that I hate PBS and NPR , I don't listen to NPR. I think that they are not working in their current state they need to adjust and fix that and make themselves better. Competion is good and PBS and NPR need to compete if they aren't going to change.

 Written by: John Rithman , a mychiler contributor for Joshuaonline , his views do not represent the views of mychiller/Joshuaonline. We asked him if he wanted to write this he was not asking nor did we give payment

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