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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

TO CBS: don't replace Sheen end the show.

    Opinion :  written by Carrie  A. a mychiller Contributor
   Charlie sheen was fired by CBS and Time Warner from the show 'Two and Half  Men' and now talks about who will replace him. No don't replace him! End the show!, No why should they replace him on the show.  I understand about the other actors who did nothing wrong, but  why are people talking about doing something impossible. This show was bulit around Sheen and Cryer , who plays the brother, and Charile was the character for Sheen. Many fans of the show will probably not attach to a new actor. Maybe it's a sign to let the show end that it's run it's course a lot of shows do so, like 'Friends' did, and 'Will and grace'. Many shows run their course. The show is in syndication and will live there for a long time.     Nothing against anyone, I watched the show, but I think it's time for the show to end and the story to  go away.

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