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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Media what to watch for NH Primary Preview

Straight Forward  Choice 2012  Media 
  By Skyler
  New Hampshire voters , get to vote in the NH republican primaries tonight and of course the media is covering it like there's no tomorrow.
    Here's our look at what the media preview is for coverage tonight.
 1. Already a winner   The media already is declaring Fmr. Governor Mitt Romney the winner of the primary , because they are using poll data. I do say it's wrong to delcare a winner and wonder who's second. Elections are not for the media to say who the winner is before votes are counted.
 2. CNN tech   Cnn , last week during the Iowa Caucus  launched some new tech like "weebles" and "flick" will they use this again tonight or because of all the jokes about it last week  they choose not too.
 3. Current TV  Keith Olbermann will be there tonight , last week they cut off before the votes final announcement was made , so let's hope they don't do that tonight. .
 4. Fox Business and the business channels  , FOX Business  we say  is doing a great job at covering the elections anchor Neil Cavuto will be anchoring tonight.  CNBC will not be covering tonight , Bloomberg will do one hour at 9pmET. We hope they would cover more , If you do coverage you should do more than 1 hour.

more after the break

 5.  FOX NEWS Fox News channel's anchors Bret Beir and Megyn Kelly will be following what they did in Iowa , and covering it live in New Hampshire.
6.  The Networks , Abc will be the only ones doing New Hampshire coverage  that will be during "NightLine" 11:35pmET.

We'll be talking about the post media tomorrow
 email us your thoughts  mychiller@inbox.com  or tweet us @mychiller

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