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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Review of the Media on the Iowa Caucus

Media  Choice2012 
  By Joshuaonline Staff

     CNN seems to pride themselves on their election coverage . This year , the network  moved it's election coverage from New York to it's Atlanta HQ.  It also added a bunch more graphics and gadgets to it's use age. Using heavy hitter anchors, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer ,John King and their "Best Political team on TV" CNN made their election coverage interesting.
   Goods:  CNN kept the coverage fair and kept going through out the night waiting for every vote to be counted.  Its setup was great overall.
  Bads: CNN did use too many things, even though the GCI "Weebles" seem like a good idea it's just something for mockery. The "Flex " touch screens maybe a bit much and twitter is good but trying to use it in coverage may be too much.
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MSNBC, decided to use its liberal hosts , Rachel Maddow, Ed Shultz, Rev. Al Sharpton (yes , he hosts a show on the channel) , Lawernce O' Donnel, and Chris Matthews , and later on the night they used Chris Hayes. The election coverage did have some NBC NEWS people for reporting . MSNBC had a panel style , they also seemed to inject their own views into the election coverage.
   Goods: Hard  to find any, though it did seem that Rachel Maddow was heading the coverage more than the other hosts.
  Bads:  MSNBC shouldn't use liberal panels for election coverages, they can be used for their own analysis  like CNN does (though CNN has more than one side).. Their are many skilled NBC NEWS people who could have been used for this , especially since NBC didn't have the coverage.

FOX NEWS Channel 
The best place to cover Iowa is in Iowa, at least in Fox News' eyes their main anchors Bret Bier and Megyn Kelly were live from a desk in the Iowa state house using. while Chris Wallace had a panel in NewYork City , more panel members with the anchors in Iowa. They also had  correspondant John Roberts checking Google data. It's not as flashy as CNN's coverage was either.
 Goods: We liked that they were in Iowa for the coverage , that they did have people from different sides (like CNN) as part of the coverage. We also like they use paper and pen alot.
 Bads:  Sara Palin's time was wasted she dogged questions and really wasn't substantive for coverage.

Current TV 
   Current TV , is a new comer to this as the, the Al Gore-run network tries to catch an audience. They had programming hosted by Cenk Uygur, Former MI Governor Jennifer Granholm (who's getting a show soon), and Fmr. Vice President Al Gore. Daivd Shuster , a former MSNBC anchor, served as correspondent. Noticeably absent was Keith Olbermann , who was thought to be the star of the new Current TV.
 Goods:  It's  hard , when you are new at this , so they did do welll for a newbie.
 Bads: Current did cut out at 11PMET , before any final announcement was made ,if they want to be known a political network , they need to go on more. The coverage was mostly slow and bad humor.

FOX Business Network
   This , station  had Neil Cavuto ,who is the editor of business news for FOX NEWS , anchors 3 shows , and whole bunch of other things ,anchored from 8PMET to 2:39AMET  solo with correspondants and contributors  (some who also were on FOX news channel). FOX Business was the only Business network that stayed on the coverage over CNBC ,who was on taped shows, and Bloomeberg who left.
   Goods: It  was simple coverage , and the anchor was there solo anchoring for the time and they ran to the finish.

Goods of the night:  The voters prove the media wrong ,which is always a great thing. The  what the media thought was going to be announced by 9:30PMET had to wait to about 2:33AMET for that. ABC News, was the only network to have coverage during the night  (Nightline) , which proves why Nightline is #1 in latenight(11:35pmet)

Bads of the night:  CNN had to many graphics and gadgets, they media starting playing down Ron Paul , it's wrong to not cover (Buddy Rohmer)  or play down candidates (Ron Paul) (Rick Santorum) no matter if your  budget is cut or not it doesn't cost money to say names. CNBC , should be worried , they didn't cover this and FOX Business did , CNBC needs to stop acting like FBN can't get them , that will hurt them in the end.

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