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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

AND SO ..I heard this : NBC could be preparing to make Ann Curry Step down

  By Skyler

   The NewYork Times is reporting  that NBC is preparing to replace Ann Curry on the "Today Show". Ms. Curry started as the co-host as replacement  for Meredith Vieira  last year , she has been on the Today show since the late 90's as a news desk anchor during the Couric-Lauer era (1997-2006) ,and the Lauer-Vieira era (2006-2011).   
  There could be an assortment of reasons one including, when GMA(Good Morning America) beat it a few times back in April and May.  
The other reason cities from the New York times story: 
“She got her dream job, and she doesn’t want to let it go,” one of the people said. But Ms. Curry has also expressed dissatisfaction with “Today,” where her journalistic curiosities sometimes clash with morning television realities. Accordingly, she may be moved into a foreign correspondent role, reflecting her strengths in reporting from disasters both man-made, like the ethnic killings in Darfur, and natural, like the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
  The morning show arena, except for CBS and some cable shows , doesn't have a larger focus on news as much as lifestyle , celebrities, musical acts  they are saying as  challenge for Ms.Curry , who was  a foreign affairs reporter. That's if that is correct, then we have the other side saying that it was "dream job"  seen as passed over in 2006 when Katie Couric was leaving  , and  the job going to an "out-sider" Meredith Vieira.
   The idea is who would replace her , also comes  to mind, and when?  NBC ,which has broadcast rights to the Olympics  , and the Today Show will do as it normally does and move to the host city of the Olympics , this is year in London. With that starting in late July  time is almost up. (If this report is true). 
   Mr. Lauer has said that the ratings have put “Today” on notice. In early April, just before the win by “G.M.A.,” he renewed his contract at “Today,” putting to rest months of speculation about how badly the show would be damaged if he departed. Ms. Curry’s departure, similarly, could hurt “Today;” if viewers perceive that she was forced out, they may become alienated and literally turn it off as a result. 
  Yes , if it's seen as a push out that would badly hurt the "Today Show" , and people could leave to GMA, CBS This Morning, a cable station, or local news that's maybe running at the same time.  It also could hurt the person who replaces Curry.  Perceiving the show as the one that got rid of Ann Curry because they got beat by GMA a couple times.  

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