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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Lookback : Woops!

The Flashback 

    We dip into short lived shows because in the world of TV  not everything catches on either with audiences, critics , or the network. (Either that or a show costs a lot of money and they'll ditch that if it's too much.).

    This time we head to early 1990's Fox  , where it was a stage where it was not quite a network, not quite a failure. They had two hits at the time though "The Simpsons" and "Married with Children" and this was before Football on FOX happened. Anyway, our series we are looking at was considered by TV Guide to be the 42nd Worst show ever. (in 2002)  Well that makes us feel good.
in stereo! 

   The Series?  Woops!  Well that's right it's called woops. (Spell check hates this spelling) The series started in September of 1992, just in time for the 1992 fall TV season.  It only aired 10 of it's 13 episode orders. So let's take a look at the first episode.

         It starts the world being destroyed (woops) a school teacher is narrating telling us that it was an average day then the world gets destroyed. (I hate when that happens)   Why is he alive? His Volvo saved his life.
Volvo : Doomsday is coming buy a car that will outlast man kind! 

          Apparently, this nuclear holocaust as made everything dessert like.  (I hate when that happens too)  He kept driving his Volvo around, eventually it runs out of gas and so he starts looking for other people. (Should have looked for gas or shelter or something) 

   Mr. Plot hole :  Wouldn't other Volvo drivers also survive if they were driving their Volvo's at the same time, where are the other Volvo survivors? 

  Scary Thought : I guess his students are dead now , he was a sixth grade teacher , that's kind of sad. 

    It cuts away to our hero (?) in a room with 3 other people.  
"Welcome, to our house, we almost ate you"(probably) 

      These three people are the other survivors (which is strange since none of them were driving Volvos)  and they are in a farm house ,that  luckily was nuke proof.   The man in the suit is named Curtis Thorpe , our teacher is named Mark Braddock, and the woman is named  Alice McConnell  she was in a book store that she owns.   (how to survive nukes : A ) Volvo  B) Bookstores  got it !)  Actually she had gone in the basement to get something and basement was made in the 60's as a bomb shelter. (convenient)  Thorpe was a stock annalist he was in his vault.  He's not taking the end of the world well.  The other man is named Mr.Conners  or Jack , and he apparently hasn't lost his sense of humor in the end of the world.  He was a homeless person who was saved by under the  interstate.  
               Another man  (this is going quicker than Last Man on Earth) comes the farm house, he is a doctor named Fredrick Ross. He survived by being the basement morgue. (He survived with the dead)  
Our cast , either that or a spinoff of The View 

       They wonder why they survived and made it to the same farmhouse. (Script called for it) Alice thinks they are there to start a new society. (Hmm steady there) 

This Green Acres reboot is strange 
           It's hard starting a new society. and they don't know what to do.  They pick Mark as their leader as they try and plant wheat. (The plant of society.)  Of course five random strangers  aren't going to click together very quickly (if at all) so this gets messy--- the others want to leave.  Then a sixth person joins because that's what we need.  This time it's other woman named Suzanne.  So we have two women on the show that balances it out.  
Hello I'm new... 

     A Giant spider (gives up throws computer out the window) is seen outside and Alice is taken by it.   The men think of a plan to help stop spider and save Alice.     

   We only looked at the first episode , does it deserve to be on the worst TV show list?  No , not really. again that list  was made in 2002, so there have been worse series.  It's a strange one but kind of funny at points.  Now the first episode did try to bang that Volvo joke in your head a little more than necessary.  Most of the characters seemed to be playing a one type character ,which maybe developed on in the later episodes.   

         Tune in next time when we post our next post from a Volvo because they  will save us all ! 

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