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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Friday, December 15, 2017

A Christmas Lookback: A Christmas Story (no, not that one)

Christmas The Flashback 

       I remember seeing this special every year when Cartoon Network used to air classic cartoons as part of their Christmas line up . I really didn't know the name  of it until later on though.  "A Christmas Story" is a special from Hanna-Barbera made for syndication.  It is interesting to note that is one of the few Hanna and Barbera specials that didn't include their characters from other works.

    It was written by Ken Spears and Joe Ruby (later on starting Ruby-Spears)  and premiered in 1972.   So let's look at "A Christmas Story".  (We already made that joke in the title) 

    Hanna and Barbera did reuse the songs in the special for other holiday specials because they were masters are re using their stuff.   It's Christmas Eve and a boy a named Timmy has to go to bed but his father promised to read a story to him so he gets a little extension.  His father reads "A Visit from St. Nicolas"  The mouse that lives the house (named Gumdrop)  remembers that he didn't hang up his stocking so he grabs it tells the dog named Goober.    The Father continues reading the story and Timmy falls a sleep and gets to put to bed.
A Young Fred Rodgers gets read to by his father. He does look like Fred. /Copyright Time Warner

        Goober and Gumdrop decide to go to bed, but then a crisis is happening Gumdrop finds Timmy's letter for Santa on the floor and Gumdrop wakes up Goober to tell him that Timmy's letter never made it. Goober misses the point and tries to go back to sleep so Gumdrop tells him that hey they need get Santa that later tonight because well it's Christmas Eve.
Goober looks like he's seen the 60's / Copyright Time Warner 

    So they decide to get to Mr. S.  Claus. to get the letter to him before it's too late. So first they have to figure out where to look for Santa, and that means a song.  There's a montage of them looking for where Santa might be fitting the song. Some cats who live in garbage cans spot Gumdrop and they of course want to do umm well you know.  (Join them for Dinner)    We get a chase scene that makes me wonder where Goober went.    Finally , Goober shows up and scares off the cats.
Ahh We were just inviting him for dinner! /Copyright Time Warner 

   They spot Santa he doing his Santa thing and heading toward the orphanage then they tail him (ha tail) but they lose him and they start looking through windows to see where he's been. (Where Santa leaves his presents)  They find a house that hasn't been visited  they need to get on the roof , the best  option is to take a ladder they found and climb on the roof.  The wind has other plans as it blows the letter and the ladder turns into stilts which Goober uses to  chase the letter which he does get. (Most unbelievable part of this whole thing)
Alright then, a dog can use silts/ Copyright Time Warner

    They spot a mail truck (what's it doing out here at this time of night?) the mailman spots Goober  and puts him in his truck so he can see where he lives to get him home and out of the cold. Santa goes to the roof they were on while Goober tries to break out of the truck , but instead knocks the truck out of break and he turns the truck but crashes it into a tree. (woah)  Then Goober cries, and this inspires another song, this time about hope.    Goober makes a noise and the other dogs  know him apparently and pass the word to the other animals to search for Santa. ( I like how one dog finds the cats from earlier and demands them to look for Santa.)     Another song, "Which one is the Real Santa"  another song they  reused for another special later one.  So there's a montage of them looking at different Santas. (So Many of them)
  And thus Santa Con was born / Copyright Time  Warner 

     Sadly, no luck and they return home dejected.  They feel bad for Timmy , but Gumdrop suggests they stay awake for Santa maybe he'll come but guess what they fall asleep.  The next morning Santa Came!  Woo hoo.  Apparently , Santa found the letter and read it. (Santa is a wizard!)  It ends with Peace on Earth.

           I still like this one, there's something simple about it but that's a good thing they have a clear goal and it moves the plot along, the songs were good and honestly H&B thought the songs were good enough to reuse them for other later specials.  It does have some H&B goofiness but that's their thing.  The two main characters are great  and believable that they are friends.   It's a fine Christmas special I give it a 7/10.

    Tune in next time when we get our mail truck out of the shop, it crashed some how.  


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