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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, December 07, 2017

The Lookback: A Garfield Christmas

The Flashback  Christmas Garfield 

    As part our our new found Garfield specials kick, we look at his Christmas special, which turns 30 this year.   It came out in 1987  on the CBS television network  and would rerun until 2000, and sadly no one re airs. I think there was once where ABC Family aired it (now Freeform) because I have it recorded, but otherwise it's kind of been un loved airing on our TV screens, but it is on  DVD and possibly some streaming sites.(depending on when you are reading this.)

   Now let's take a look at this special.

   Looks like animation budget took a hit  (this is a joke).  Garfield is dreaming that he getting a trail of lasagnas to the Christmas tree and then Jon gives him a giant gift that he had to bring in with a fork lift.  Garfield opens the gift it's a machine that gives gifts and will give you whatever you think.  Then the theme music starts. (Hey Lou Rawls)   The animation gets better because the dream is over.
Needs more decorations/ copyright Film Roman

    Jon wakes up Garfield and tells him that it's Christmas Eve Morning and they are packing up  and going to the farm to see the family.  (Don't worry Garfield is not going to THAT FARM) Garfield is his usual grumpy self. So cut, they are in the car on the way to the farm,  and Jon is happy.  Then we get a song by Jon remembering his childhood Christmas, with Garfield giving his two cents. Only Garfield and Jon could have a joined song with out one character just thinking the words. 
Sing a long / Copyright Film Roman

   They make it to the farm and are greeted by Jon's family : his mother, father, brother-- Doc Boy, and Grandma (who you may remember from thanksgiving).  She asks Jon to hit her in the stomach , which Jon distracts from by showing her Garfield. (Sorry, Grandma I can't punch you right now, would be a strange sentence) 
So when's the Baby due?/Copyright Film Roman 

   It's finally Christmas Eve dinner. (yum)  Grandma is nice enough to sneak some food to  Odie and Garfield.  Then it's time to trim the tree, which the family does together, while Grandma talks to Garfield on her rocking chair. Jon asks Garfield to climb up the tree and put the star on. (don't do this at home, folks)  Poor Garfield looks nervous as he looks down, but puts the star on and falls down the way he came.
I am the Christmas tree. don't fear me! / Copyright Film Roman 

     Grandma once again steals the show and makes " O Christmas Tree" jazzy.  Then Mom takes over with a slow song and this is our next over lay song.  Garfield decides to  sit with Grandma who is sitting next to the window in her chair.  She mentions how she misses Grandpa  and this is the sweetest  part of the special.
                                             AWWWW/ Copyright Film Roman

     Now it's story time with Binky the Clown who saved Christmas. (what?)  Father reads the story as Jon and Doc Boy listen.  (spoiler: Binky saves Christmas)   Meanwhile, we get more Odie collecting stuff, for who knows what.   Odie checks to see if Garfield is alseep and he wonders off ,then Garfield wakes up and wonders where he went.  Odie puts the stuff he collected together as Garfield spies.
Odie is smarter than you think/ Copyright Film Roman

   A box of letters falls on Garfield and they are around 50 years old , as he remarks.   Now It's Christmas morning and Jon and Doc Boy want to open their gifs at  1:30 in the morning. (dang boys calm down!)  Now finally, it's Christmas morning  and it's time to open gifts.  Garfield decides to give Grandma the letters he found which are love letters from Grandpa to Grandma when they were courting. (aww) She is happy that he found them. Odie wants Garfield to follow him , the thing he made was a Christmas gift , a back scratchier, for Garfield.
Merry Christmas to all/ Copyright Film Roman

   Garfield says Christmas is not about the getting or giving it's about the loving. Then a song.

 That's our lookback. I am not sure how to explain it , but to me this special just feels like Christmas it emits the feelings of Christmas. I did tear up with the Grandma -Garfield scene it was  a sweet scene with a great emotion to it.  The songs were good and the animation was nice and fluid.  It is a shame that this special  isn't run on TV anymore, it needs to be it fits right up there with the other classics.

 Tune in next time when we wonder get down from this Christmas tree.


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