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Thursday, September 20, 2018

A DCOM Lookback: Stepsister from Planet Weird

Disney Channel  The Flashback 

   We haven't done a Disney Channel Original movie lookback in some time so I guess it's time to do that.  This time are taking a look at  "Stepsister from Planet Weird"   that first aired in June of 2000.  So we have jumped in time some long time.   One of my favorite Disney Channel Original movies it is but gushing we will not.  Let's take a look at  this movie.

    The movie starts with our main character  named Megan Larson , who is played by Courtnee Draper who did a Disney Channel trifecta of being in their original (and sadly not talked about much) series , "The Jersey" and in a previous movie called "The Thirteenth Year" (We may get to that one day). She is windsurfing that what she does who calls herself an average teenage girl and there's some boy named Cutter.  Guess he's important.  Cutter asks her if she wants to be his girlfriend then her mom and dad appear and they say they are getting back together and her brother says he's never..., wait a minute... I think , yeah that's not real.  Mostly because they are standing on water.   Yep it was dream.
Buy Evian Today, taste the nature/ Copyright Disney (Evian didn't pay for this as an ad )

   The movie pans to her room to show that's asleep and then her brother jumps on her.  Her younger brother's name is Trevor. He is played by Myles Jeffery , who if you are fan like me of "Early Edition" will know him from 19 episodes of that series.    He wants to be a men in black to which his sister says he can be men because he's only person but logic is dead.  Megan talks in voice over about her dad who is one of those over working dads you get in 1990's to early 2000's media.   I wonder why her parents broke up, I can't tell why.  Her mom is is named Kathy played by Khrystyne Haje whom you may know from the 1980's TV series ,"Head of the Class".   Megan who's voice overs are her writing in her diary, tells about her mom's dates (wouldn't this have already been written in the diary?).   Now what else, do we need in this movie?
The store orange juice in a vase?/ Copyright Disney 

    Meanwhile a math equation   Ordinary High School Girl jn Movie x Drama = popular girl and wanting to be with them. This movie needs that.  We have that! Even a mean girl, well maybe.  ( Disney Channel don't fail me now!)  This one is named  Heather Hartman, Who is played by Lauren Maltby Margie in the Disney Zenon movies. Now maybe she has reason to be mean, Megan lied to her about being related to singer Jewel. (For that lying who will say Megan's soul? She really shouldn't have played this foolish game, if they only were to be friends because they think you are related to celeb. then they weren't made for you.)  Good thing this was the early 2000's now that rumor would have been quickly debunked and posted.
I won't save your soul /Copyright 

     Why does Megan want to be the popular kids? Because of that boy named Cutter whom she likes.
 Math: movie + Teen Girl+ Teen Boy= Movie plotline.  Cutter once fell down an entire mountain. (extreme!) He's also not very bright.
Homer Simpson falls down a mountain now in Live action/ Copyright Disney 

   Eight minutes in this 85 minute long movie , and still no step sistering from planet weird.  Megan says that her mom met a man. (ooh) His name is Cosmo Cola. (What?)  The brother spoils the whole movie, I'm out ..  This time we are writing about a Disney Channel movie called "You Wish" starring.... alright alright, guess I'll continue. Trevor thinks Cosmo is a space alien.  Kathy met Mr.Cola (wonder if he's related to Coca Cola)  thought she need to be rescued.  Cosmo is from Canada.( No No that's not right) "Canada" (That's better).   Specifically the Yukon which  is not very populated infact, if you have a GMC Yukon you have more people in that car than in the actual place.  Cosmo has a daughter named Ariel (Disney 50pts).  Also she's 14 years old.   Now it's time for them all to meet.  Megan doesn't seem to like Cosmo. (Wanda is sometimes not a fan either.) He did bring a large case of soda (so he's my friend if  he shares).
My Hero / Copyright Disney 

      The daughter , Ariel, is afraid of wind why you ask, you'll find out more later in this movie. (Cheap shot) Ariel does the diary thing too and whole movie rewinds. (no ooooh stop no oh) You see Ariel is not a human she's from a planet called Zircalon where everyone is a bubble of gas floating around.  The CGI is alright for 2000, I guess.  The reason she left her father was a freedom fighter because the emperor was awful. They had to leave the planet and her mother got popped. (the movie shows it and that's kind of dark.)
Bubbles of Trouble. wait no! /Copyright Disney 

      Ariel doesn't like her human body or Earth stuff. (It's not that fun here) Cosmo is more enthralled by Earth and thinks a good place. Also on their planet diamonds are worth much so they have alot of them so they are making a good amount of worth on Earth. Ariel misses her boyfriend Fanul  who also happens to be the emperor's son. (This comes up later) She can't talk to him because of that whole hiding in exile  thing.  It gets to the part where Cosmo meets Kathy Larson and explains to his daughter that he likes her. Now it all connects to where we where earlier with Ariel under the car hiding from the wind.
What an interesting house/copyright Disney 

   more after the jump.

    Megan and Ariel also don't seem to get along.  Hmm still not step sistering  how can we rectify this?  Cosmo and Kathy announce they are getting hitched.  Megan and Ariel aren't happy about this. Megan says that Cosmo is weird and loud and that Ariel is strange. Kathy asks Megan to give it a chance.  Ariel is coming to Megan's school the next day. (oooh)  Now how does this go,  but everyone seems to like her.  Megan isn't very happy about that either.  The popular girls seem to like her too and  Heather calls Megan over to the table too.  Later her mother wants Megan to teach Ariel windsurfing. (Remember Ariel fears the wind)  Meanwhile, Megan sees  Ariel talking to Cutter and this makes her very    unhappy.                                                                     Unhappy  / Disney

     Oh no,  the movie rewinds again and it's back to the start of the school day but now from Ariel's perspective.  Ariel doesn't like how her day is going and how everyone is surrounding her.  Luckily it skips past most what we saw already.  To the windsurfing and Ariel is scared for Megan because of the wind moving Megan around.  Ariel tries to "rescue" her  when Cutter calls to her.  Cutter says that she's find.  Cutter asks her if she wants to be his girlfriend , which is kind of random for a first talking.   Megan learns that Ariel wants to go home and they have a connection to stop the marriage of their parents.   So they fake that they are getting along.  There's a point where it looks like it will go south for a chance of a marriage but they need more to see if they can end it. Strangely enough, the two girls seem to get closer.
F-R-I-E-N-D-S? /Copyright Disney

      The two parents figure out that their daughters tried to orchestrate this plan.  Remember  that part where Cosmo tells Ariel that she can't contact  Funal  because he's hiding from the emperor and that' the emperor's son?  Remember where I said this comes up later?  This is later. So, Ariel decides to contact Funal.   but she like writes him to totally not tell his father, what could like totally go wrong? (sorry we wrote it like that).   Meanwhile, the girls next plan is to find other people for the parents to fall in love.  Also  Megan convinces her brother that Cosmo wants to eat him to follow her plan.  This plan might not be a very good one.   In fact, they may have set up Megan's dad with the Cola's neighbor.   Then Megan finds out one big secret about Ariel , yep she's finds out that Ariel is an alien.
aaahhhhhhhhhhh/ Copyright Disney 

    So the wedding is happening after all.  On the wedding day, Funal shows up in a human body and guess what?  He brought his father. (Who could have saw that coming?) When the neighbor. Serrena Sue, shows up the emperor gets annoyed and freezes the woman. (With more 2000's special effects)  Ariel tells Megan everything about why they are there and she realizes that she's not been the nicest to Ariel.  The emperor finds Cosmo.  They convince Funal to stop his father's actions.  What's a great way to stop someone?  Hair dryers. At least when they bubbles.  Ariel, Cutter, Funal, and Megan point hair driers at him. He does turn back into a bubble , but the hair driers don't work. Trevor comes in with a leaf blower and they pop the emperor. (Umm Funal helped kill his father, well then.)
No we didn't mess up the picture , he's umm degrading./ Copyright Disney. 

  So, the parents getting married. Ariel has seem to have fallen for Cutter and I think Megan has fallen for Funal (what a twist).  The girls are friends and sisters now so all is good now.   Funal leaves because he has to run a country/planet whatever, but he says he'll be back. The end.

   So, this movie is one of my favorite Disney Channel Original movies but like I said this is a gushing on it look. It's quirky but standard late 90's early 2000's Disney Channel movie. It has a teenage girl who does teenage girl things and teenage moods but she's not to over the top and melodramatic.  Maybe unreasonable at times , well kind of because  her mother did quickly decide to want to a marry man she hadn't known for some long time.  The acting is not bad, again standard Disney Channel at the time. The CGI looks alright it's a movie from 2000 and they don't use it too much to be jarring or weird.   So anyway, that's our lookback  tune in next time after take off our skin and relax as a bubble in the sink.

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