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Thursday, September 06, 2018

It's a Lookback, Charlie Brown: You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (TV)


         "Peanuts"started as a comic strip and moved on to be presented in the animated  medium and it also became enough to be also featured as a musical, but not just one but two musicals.  We are going to talk about a TV special that is based on  a musical based on comic strips  for the second time. (We covered Snoopy the Musical, the TV special before) "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown".

    But first, I am going to give some back story to the musical.  Clark Gesner was a music composer and in the 1960's was writing songs based on Peanuts but wasn't allowed to use the characters so he went straight to Schulz and  was given permission. This wasn't for a musical at first , but after some convincing from Arthur Whitelaw , who later wrote "Snoopy, the Musical", he decided to make the album into a musical.  In 1967, the musical started on off-broadway  and lasted until 1971.  The musical was then preformed on Broadway in 1971.  It also had some revials is a popular play for armature and high school productions.

     In 1985, a television special aired on November 6th 1985 on CBS (Charlie Brown's Station)  it was an animated version of the musical  following normal Peanuts special protocol  with child voices.  We take a look at this hour long special.

       Linus is I guess trying to help Charlie Brown with some confidence issues maybe that's not going well let's pan over to Schroeder. (Why are Peppermint Patty and Marcie at Charlie Brown's School, nobody knows)  Schroeder tells us all of Charlie Brown's failures  and Linus says  Charlie Brown has nice hands.  Like in "Snoopy!!! the Musical" Snoopy can think talk in this special, though this one came first so. anyway  so we can hear his thoughts.  His voice is provided by Robert Towers.  More talk about Charlie Brown this time Lucy is pointing out to Linus that Charlie Brown's face is a failure face. (Charlie Brown then killed Lucy, not really, but you would want to)  It's a new day , Charlie Brown talks about how he likes to wake up early sometimes to see the sunrise, and how he has a positive outlook for the day.   The other characters sing the first song, the title song, "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown".
Such a gentleman, Charlie Brown/ Copyright Peanuts 

 Mind our spill at little, more after the jump.

     Time for some Beethoven's  Moonlight Sonata , but lyrics are added and sung by Lucy. (I regret this special, can we talk about Snoopy's Reunion now?  Please.)  She mentions marriage and this makes Schroeder not happy. Then, Schroeder gives a little monologue about Beethoven.  The next song is Charlie Brown's  "The Kite" he's not a bad singer.   Sadly, because it's Charlie Brown the kite fails.
If you want to hear the song, click here. 

    Sally writes a letter to Ann Flanders about her Valentine's.  Charlie Brown practices giving  Lucy a Valentine  and when he gives it to her he screws up and says "Merry Christmas".(Valentine's Day is Christmas for the lovers)  Because it's Charlie Brown  he doesn't get a Valentine. ( I thought had a crush on him, stop screwing up things people who made this special in 1985!)  More Schroeder and Lucy time.  More talk of them being married. Snoopy gets to sing a song about how he loves his life.  The goes crazy and thinks about what it would be like to be wild animal. (Getting "What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown" Flashbacks)  Also, nobody ever calls Snoopy , Sugar Lips. (The Charlie Brown and Sugar Lips show will be right back!)
Not sure you want to kiss that face/ Copyright Peanuts 

    The next song is starts as a round sung by 4 characters : Lucy, Charlie Brown,  Schroeder, and Linus. A Book report about Peter Rabbit.  (There's a computer in a Peanuts special , I'm out.)  I think this special is giving us spoilers for the book, kind of rude.   Lucy then teaches Linus about things with the song called "Little Known Facts"  Not very accurate facts though.  Charlie Brown doesn't like these facts at all.  "Snow comes up!"   Baseball time.
Me with Windows 10/ Copyright Peanuts 

    Well that was a good game, kind of long, oh the special oops, back to that. Charlie Brown tries to encourage is baseball team to do well and they do in song number with "T-E-A-M"  followed by Charlie  writing Pencil pal and he writes in song that connects back to the other song. (Charlie hits the high notes alright)  When he was batting he sees LRH (The Little Red  Headed Girl) this doesn't go well so he finishes the letter hoping to escape.

  Lucy comes in the living room and tells Linus to change the channel.  Lucy says she wants to be queen , the biggest one ever. (what?)  Linus informs her that a monarch is an inherited position but she doesn't listen until after more monologue. After a while, she quits that idea.  Charlie Brown talks about how all parts of the day are bad. He thinks about asking the Little Red Headed Girl to sit with her for lunch but because he's Charlie Brown this doesn't happen.

   The gang is supposed to be practicing for an assembly and Schroeder tries to keep them in gear. Lucy wants her pencil back from Linus she threatens to tell Sally what he called her. Sally really wants to know what she was called.  Linus called her an enigma.   A good rendition of "Home on the Range" though.  Snoopy thinks Charlie Brown forgot his food.  Snoopy imagines he's died because he missed a meal, but Charlie Brown has food ready. He starts singing about supper time.
R.I.P Snoopy/ Copyright Peanuts 

  Now it's evening and we get a moment about happiness. The song "Happiness is..."  And it ends with Lucy shaking Charlie Brown and saying he's a good man. (Aww)
Also I like this picture/ copyright Peanuts 

      I can see how the plays were able to done at high-schools, including me seeing this play preformed by high-schoolers, while I was in elementary school, because it is simple. I did like this special the songs were pretty good.   Like the later, Snoopy the musical there is no continuous plot line it's mixture of different vignettes. If, anything this is more like best of  "Peanuts" with Charlie Brown worrying about his failures,  Lucy wanting to Schroeder romantically. (What?) Snoopy wanting food, and the characters worrying about some assignment.   My favorite song has to be "Happiness" the song just gives me a real warm feeling  and just does convey what simple things can bring happiness.  (You can listen to the song here)  

      The singing in the special is alright ,it's not perfect and since Peanuts specials do want authenticity with children it fits the special well better than say polished singers would. Though of course, Snoopy's voice was great.  

   That does it this time, tune in next time when we talk about Charlie Brown's one man show on Broadway. 

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