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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Lookback : The Grinch and Cat in the Hat together.

The Lookback 

            You know what? The Grinch and the Cat in the Hat are probably the most famous Dr.Seuss figures ever  so what do you do when you have two big figures?  Combine them!  That's what we are looking at this time.  The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat ,  also known as "The Grinch Vs. The Cat in the Hat  (or Grinch vs Cat Deathmatch! Well not that)  This is s 1982  Dr.Seuss special  that ran on ABC. It has the usual people working on it with  Friz Freleng and Dr.Seuss.  So, let's take a look at whatever this is.

        The narrator says that  it's morning time and that the Whitzling birds are whtizling and even the Grinch was Whitzling. (Well I'm scared)  So the Grinch talks to his mirror and the grinch in the mirror  is displeased that the Grinch is in a good mood and makes him take the Grinch oath. (I didn't know there were more than one grinch and or an oath. )  Max, the dog isn't happy with  the Grinch being un happied. (that's not word)  So, the Grinch goes out in his car (yes the Grinch has a car) and he decides to choke some birds with car exhaust. (The Lorax won't like that)
This car gets 3 mpg but it also shoots smoke so.../ Copyright Marvel Picutres

    Meanwhile, the Cat in the Hat is in a good moon as he sings making a picnic  and gets in his car. He sets up his picnic and prepares for an enjoyable time when guess who drives by?   The Grinch is not happy the Cat in the Hat blocked the path so he starts hitting the car with his because that was reasonable.  Cat (we are  shortening it to Cat because yes)  apologizes for blocking the way and tries to make it right by packing up his picnic.   Then Cat calls Grinch "Green Face" and this apparently, is  touchy term to the Grinch because he starts stalking Cat in a road rage.  Cat does get away and goes back home to relax.
Private Eyes are watching you/ Copyright Marvel Productions 

    Cat sings a song when some sort of lazer thing keeps stopping him. The Grinch found him at home and shows him his sound vacuum  machine that stops sounds from the next 50 miles. The Grinch states that he will control all the sounds that Cat can hear.   Grinch then goes home and decides to continue a war against Cat.  The next thing he uses is something called  a dark house and use this machine to make Cat not be able to see around because it blocks out all light. (this special got dark)   Cat wonders what's wrong with the Grinch and decides to psycho-analyze  the Grinch in a dream cloud.
On the next Dr. Cat/ Copyright Marvel 

   He figures the best way to figure out the Grinch is to go to him directly, and we get a chase of the dark light and Cat's car.  The Machine also doesn't just make things dark it has filter that makes things pink (because of course).  Also the Grinch has cameras than can follow the Cat everywhere. (creepy) He uses this to bother the Cat at dinner at a restaurant.   The Grinch plays around with color and really some physiological warfare on the Cat.  This part  also an amazing use of animated color and sound usage.
What did I drink?/ Copyright Marvel 

   Cat wonders if there's a weakness in the Grinch to make him soft.  So, Cat brings a group of people to sing at the Grinch to remember his mother.  (Woah Cat fights dirty)  The song makes the Grinch cry.  His mother speaks to him in his tear puddle because why not?  The Grinch decides to take apart his machines and everything is happy.

   That was a strange special  but, glad it exists.   The people at the Emmys felt the same way and gave it an award in 1982.  It's kind of interesting to see the Grinch have a force that wants him to do misery versus him just wanting to be happy. I am not sure what continuity this would be with any of the other Grinch specials (Written about "Halloween is Grinch Night" before)  and used probably don't want to over think that.  It also keeps the Cat in character too and he tries to figure out how to help stop the Grinch from grinching by finding something that would help him stop.  The songs are alright , and the animation is really good as per normal in these specials. It's a great cross crossover with a simple yet , effective story.

 That's our lookback, tune in next time when we see  Tom (from Tom and Jerry) vs the Cat in the Hat.

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