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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

But First These Messages: Christmas!

Commercials  Christmas 

           So this is Christmas something something I really not going to finish that.  Anyway, everyone is watching Christmas specials and movies on TV but there's something in between them that also have the Christmas spirit, that's the commercials. 

We'll get back to the Christmas special , But First These Messages

  Time for some clothing but where should I go for some clothes?

  Fine we've gone to Mervyn's.

This isn't even her family, she's just giving  away shirts for some reason . please help her!

  Alright, does Meryvn's have anything I can get? I really hate stores this time of year. 


Cookware! Why of course!  That's a great gift , I am glad they have it at same store too, makes the trip much easier.  Plus look at those prices I mean ,not bad.

better why some cleaner too, this is going to be murder to clean

 I need something to give to someone I love at Christmas , where can I go for that? 

 Well, Meryvn's is just keeping me at their store aren't they. Yes Jewelry is the perfect gift, but I also need it 40% off , so yes I love saving money.
That's fine and all but what are you doing in my house?! 

  I need to get out of this department store, it  looks like it's about to close!  I need something where I can capture Christmas moments , hiring a painter is too much so maybe a camera will do. 

 In this fast paced world of ours, I can't wait  an hour for my pictures to be developed so it's a great that these instant cameras exist.  Thanks Polaroid, you are the pinnacle and cameras and nothing will ever be more instant than your cameras.

 They later sold this picture to the National Enquirer.  

   Where else can I buy stuff for Christmas? Like books, DVD's and  anything else , but I don't feel like moving from a chair.   

    I am not sure how this internet shopping thing works , hope they got my money alright, I don't think this Amazon.com place will catch on  though, but it's a nice novelty.

Is this true? I mean can someone in Bowling Green confirm this for me. 

  more after this from your local station  jump 

           I need to decorate my house, is there something that can wow the neighbors and random burglars?
 I feel kind of attacked, by them saying it's so easy a child can do it. Also how do I remove it? Doesn't matter my windows look great now!

She's not happy because of the glass wax , it's the fumes that cause that smile. 

      Christmas makes me thirsty. What's there to drink? 
    Hmm Canada Dry  ginger ale, alright that kind of works

 Dear Santa. I need bigger paper 

  Watch this commercial from 2:42- 2:59 , I really miss Pepsi Holiday Spice. 


Please come back. 

        I didn't do a lot of nostalgic remembered commercials might  do another B.F.T.M post for Christmas later this season  but I will end this post with something special. 

Warm and Friendly isnt' it? 

That's our commercial break now back to Santa vs the Snowmen!  


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