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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas and Arthur : Arthur's Perfect Christmas

Christmas   The Flashback

     We return to an old friend, "Arthur" so they give us a Christmas special  interestingly enough, not one based off the book "Arthur's Christmas".  This one is called "Arthur's Perfect Christmas".   This special came out in 2000, why did they wait nearly 4 years into the series to have a Christmas special?  Why did they not use the book?  Nobody knows. To place the special in the "Arthur" cannon it was aired during or around the 5th season. I think it's the first Arthur hour long special as well.  This was the final time the original voice of Arthur Read, Michael Yarmush, voiced the character.

   Anyway let's take a look, is Arthur's Christmas perfect? Ehhh.

       It's starts with Christmas happening around Elwood City  so you know that it's Christmas time.  Then it's Arthur playing piano and he starts singing. (I'm out, get back over  you will finish this!)   It's his fan tasty and also he hates tinsel. (I'm out) Arthur wants his Christmas to be perfect (hense the title)  Oh it's 3 Days before Christmas.  D.W asks Arthur to help her write her wish list to Santa. I guess she does because the next cut she's mailing something.
Don't confuse him with Santa Claus in the east pole/ Copyright WGBH 

       Tina the talking tabby.  Now we are at the elementary school with Muffy and Francine. Muffy is going to have  a Christmas party and Francine keeps trying to say she can't go but, Muffy doesn't listen. So, why can't Francine go?  Let's have Arthur ask her.    Her family celebrates the last night of Hanukkah.  Arthur states the obvious but, again Muffy doesn't listen.  George talks about Christmas in Sweden.  Binky  talks about his Christmas tradition of helping at a soup kitchen and mmm pecan pie. (He needs to shell them)  Mr. Ratburn, the teacher, has decided to still give homework because he's addicted to teaching.   Buster has a problem his mother keeps waking him up early thinking it's Christmas because she's nervous that she might miss it. (She should watch the news first to find out the date)
Merry Not Christmas/ Copyright WGBH 

more after the jump

      Arthur and his Mom go to the mall on December 22nd, what is wrong with these two , that's whay you get for procrastinating.  Arthur finds a gift for his dad  a machine that takes the pits of olives more complicated than just taking them out by hand.  He gets his mother a glass bird to replace the one he accidentally broke last summer. 

        Uncle Fred isn't coming to Christmas because he's going to Florida.  So they having what you might have for Christmas dinner on the 22ndbecause their father says that he wants to have authentic food that was around when Jesus was born. (his exact words)  I don't think likes this plan.  Now it's the 23rd.  Buster's mother wakes up again saying that it's Christmas.

        Christmas party time with a nice Christmas rock song actually. Arthur is annoyed that it's not snowing.  The Brain (or Allen) tells him that Jesus probably wasn't born in December but, Arthur doesn't care he wants snow. (He's a man who knows what he wants)  Muffy calls Francine's name to give something but, of course she's not there. Wiping to Francine having Hanukkah games with her family. (This is one of those Hanukkahs that happen near Christmas)   Francine angrily tells her she told Muffy 28 times that she wasn't going to come.  Then Muffy insults Hanukkah. (This special got dark)  Buffy falls alseep at the party because of his mother waking him up alot.  Arthur suggests that you can create a holiday, Brain adds like Kwanzaa was created.  This brings up Baxter day with a song.  Also, running gag, of Binky forgetting ingredients to food.
It's not ripe yet/ Copyright  WGBH 

      Arthur is unhappy the tree didn't turn out all  fancy the way he wanted. (He's a strange 8 year old)  Still no snow, but it does rain on Christmas Eve.  The next day is Christmas !  Their uncle Fred comes by after all because his truck has some problems.  Also, Arthur has to save his present for his mother from his dog and his uncle's dog- which he does.    Now it's Christmas.    We see the other the characters celebrating Christmas too.   Muffy is still sad that Francine is mad at her and this brings us to a song.
Merry Richmas  / Copyright WGBH 

  Back to Arthur. It was time for him to get his present for his mother. Arthur fantasizes about everyone thinking he's prefect and getting a parade. Sadly, the bird breaks when he accidentally drops it. Buster and his mom have a fancy brunch. Arthur's Uncle Fred finds Arthur crying about the bird. Fred helps him get downstairs. Meanwhile, Muffy is unhappy still.  D.W didn't get Tina the Tabby though. and she gets upset. Until, the duck starts talking then D.W gets happy.  Fred saves the day for Arthur by replacing his gift with his own he got for Arthur's mother. (his sister) awww.
Tea set up / Copyright WGBH 

     Muffy decides to visit Francine. Also, Muffy's father got them a ham. (this is where I die laughing)  Muffy apologizes while, Francine  explains why Hanukkah is important for her.  Then they end up going to the movies.  Buster tells his mother that they can relax on Christmas and that she doesn't need this much stress. Now, finally Arthur's snow comes and that song is back from the beginning. We get a montage of what the other characters are doing.
aaaaaah dots!!! /Copyright WGBH 

  That's the special.

     They showcase the residents of Elwood City very well, and gave us a few plots all stuck together very well and seamlessly.   The songs were good as well, and It gives us that educational things that PBS wants and the heart that Arthur had.  That's our lookback, tune next time after we excise that Tina the talking Tabby jingle from our heads.

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