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Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: Picture Perfect / Undie Pressure

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 
    This is the part of the blog post where I point to the previous episode blog post in case , you missed it here.   This is the part of the blog post where I say we now continue to the next episode in this case episode 7's two segments. Thanks for reading!

  Episode 7A : Picture Perfect 
                Lincoln makes his parents coffee mugs every year for their anniversary they don't look that good but are still serviceable (the mugs not the parents)  he makes them with his pride. For some reason this year his sisters criticize his mug workmanship. Lola decides to let it slip that the parents put their mugs in the attic every year.   After seeing this is true , Lincoln isn't a give up person he decides to instead chart a new direction a new concept a new idea!  (Calm down!_ 

         He decides to make them a family photograph because, the best anniversary gift is to remind them of what most likely started on their honeymoon night. (This is mostly a joke) So he takes the picture and apparently the camera has the world's longest plot convenient timer because they get ansy and start doing things and the camera , 80 years later, snaps the picture of the chaos.  

      Lincoln is displeased with this picture and wants to do it again.  Also apparently, the Loud House has a really long hose that he could bring up to the second floor and wash his sisters' faces off with the water. So, he starts re gathering the sisters to re do the picture. He makes Lisa take off her glasses  puts the glasses on Leni (causing two sisters to fall down the stairs),  Lynn is easy to convince because she is apparently part dog this episode, Lucy was easy to move by book,  he hides Luna's ax and Luan's  funny glasses. He gets a replacement Lori to convince Lori to do it again. 

          Then he puts them in "perfect picture" and it seems to go well for  him until he notices that  a) his sisters are happier as themselves and b) looks miserable in the picture.  Now it's anniversary day  and he gives them the original picture and everything ends well. 
                Today's moral: there is so such thing a perfect person  and that each person is an individual and that's what this episodes says as a message. Kind of the parents learned that with the dang mugs but alright. It's a fine episode to show us that message plus, some fun jokes and moments that add iot it. 9/10 from me.  

 More after the Jump

       Episode 7 B: Undie Pressure 
                Habits: most of us have them (Nuns too!)  and that's this episode. One thing has been shown in the episodes before this one is that Lincoln likes to relax wearing just his underwear.  This episode sets up something before Lincoln starts talking. First, that it's raining, second, it shows us the characters doing different things that will come up in the episode, I like this establishment very well. For some reason this episode Lola is annoyed that Lincoln has taken off his clothes to read his comic book. I have this statement like this because it connects to something else in a second.  Anyway, during the first part that I mentioned, we can see Lola starting at her self in the mirror the whole time, every time we see her in the shots.  This brings us to Lincoln mention as a rebuff to her comment is that her habit is annoying , that habit is where she can't look away from the mirror. That's a really good reason why I like how they set up this episode. 

     Now this episode is going to be more than Lincoln vs Lola because for some reason Lincoln decides to point out his other sisters' annoying habits, you know the ones who had nothing to say about the undies thing and probably don't even care  but alright.  He talks about Lori always talking to her boyfriend, Lisa's poop study (which is a) something that the first few episodes mentioned a few times and b)  come on!) .  So now they make a bet if the sisters can last longer without doing their habit than Lincoln he must give up relaxing in his underwear forever (not sure what forever means) , if he wins they can't complain anymore and buy him red undies had already picked out in a catalog   (because what?) .  

          The first part comes in to play when Lincoln lists off the things they can't do that were shown before.  Though, I wonder how Lucy just showing up behind people is a habit  but alright, and Lily is ababy so that's just a weird thing that she was added to also not do her habit of crying because she's  a baby.  Oh and Lilly comes in play later. 

          Two sisters go down pretty quickly.  Lincoln is shown to be struggling  and Lynn falls under the pressure.  Eventually the episode lands down to Lola vs Lincoln the set up you've been waiting for and they try tricks to get the other to fall but eventually Lola falls and Lincoln wins  that is until  unless, you were paying attention to the episode, Lilly was there and she didn't cry.  Lincoln is defeated. 

           Everything seems to go back to normal and Lola notices that Lincoln is miserable and decides that Lincoln shouldn't have to give up his habit and buys him his "victory undies". 

        You know,  this episode works with any habit for Lincoln so it really is universal for an audience person to relate too very well, even if their habit isn't being in their undies to relax (and if they do that then well congrats specific works too). Since I mentioned it a lot, the part where it starts and establishes the sisters' habits was really well done and worked for the episode. I'm slightly confused as to why Lincoln didn't just focus on the person who was bothered by his habit  to make this turn into a Lincoln vs. everyone else episode but it ended up fine.  It has some great funny moments nad lines as well. As long as the habit isn't a hurtful or dangerous one, that it's fine and this episode shows that. I think this is a great episode 10/10 from me. 

   That's it for now , if you read this blog without your pants on , I don't wanna know. Tune in next time when we wonder we drink out of the mugs Lincoln made to see which one works the best.  


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