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Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: Sound of Silence/ Space Invader

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

    In the Loud House we duck and dodge and head to episode 6's pair of segments. If you did miss our look at episode 5' pair we have that here.

          Now we continue.

  Episode 6: Sound of Silence 

         Finally, an episode about the Simon and Garfunkel song , where Lincoln has to embrace his old friend ,Darkness, because the vision was planted into his mind and he still remains in the sound of silence. Oh, wait , sorry about that.

            Living in house where I'm surprised the fire marshal hasn't shut them down yet, with so many people that sometimes it's loud. (Oh wait title of show)  Lincoln strives to read a comic book in peace and quiet and can't accomplish this mission. He finds a plot convenient commercial that offers him the promise of silence  so when he sees ten thousand people  maybe more he won't have to hear their noises.

     He gets Noise  Be Gone ear buds that make it peaceful and he can read his book while his sisters have some weird urge to walk into his room and talk to him.  He then starts using the ear buds to tune out his sisters beyond the comic book and what could go wrong?  Lola informs him the next day that  he promised to do something for her at 3PM that day, he doesn't know.  Lynn comes in and uses him as a sparring partner because he promised.   He has fear because Lola tends to be a little vengeful.  Now he ends up having to figure out what Lola was doing this day and also doing stuff for his sisters.   Each sister also mentions that Lola really does like vengeance and I think she killed a frog.

         Since Lincoln was a fool  and does not know what Lola wanted him to do, he gets an idea from Lana to do everything he thinks she would want him to do.   Eventually he finds out that Lola figured out he was using noise canceling ear buds. The sisters find out that and use that teach him a lesson w, where everything they did was faked. 

         This could have been a really bad episode, but instead they did it in nice well done well. It wasn't wrong for Lincoln to want some peace and quiet it's just that he went overboard on it and got caught out on it. I hope my words don't fall like silent rain drops but I think it was a fine episode. 

  I give it 9/10 because I think a frog died.

         More after the jump

            Episode 6B: Space Invader 

        Wow! An episode about  hit video game, Space Invaders, nice! Oh wait no it's not, yeah  I am cutting this joke short this time.   But I do like they did go with the reference in the the title card.

     Lincoln is the only boy in the family (you don't say) and unlike the other sisters he doesn't have to share a room with any of them. Though I do wonder did he always sleep in that closet?  Did he used to have the room Lisa and Lilly have, or the room Lana and Lola have? Share with Lynn at some point?   The point though is that he doesn't have to negotiate and share a room.  Anyway, Lynn and Lucy start fighting with each other.    Lynn decides that she wants to spend the night with Lincoln.
                Lynn's prefers to be more excitable and have fun in contrast to Lincoln's less excitable nature. He doesn't give him a good night. Of course, Lincoln's problem is not over because Lucy and Lynn aren't still getting along. So Lincoln gets an idea from Clyde to act like bad roommate to get Lynn to leave his room. (We get a goth Lincoln!)  This plan doesn't work and  Lynn decides to move in with Lincoln permanently.

          Lynn and Lucy do show signs of missing each other so, Lincoln decides to get those two back on good terms with each other by getting them to a dinner.  At first, this doesn't go well but  Lincoln figures it out and it it seems it ends with a food fight that means they are getting along or something.

         A fine episode that shows the family dynamic well and pretty entertaining. I give it 9.7/10

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we make references to "Bridge over Troubled Waters" .

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