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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

20 Years of Mike Lu and Og


       There are cartoon network series that seem to get slipped under the radar of bigger ones even now. (In fact, I wont' even say what shows I currently think slip under the radar, to keep this post current for 50 years or something) I think in the framing of 90's early 2000's Cartoon Network for "Powerpuff Girls" , "Dexter's Lab" there are shows that slip under that memorability.   This case it's "Mike Lu and Og"

          First airing on November 12th 1999.  To be pure and exact, it had a pilot that aired on "What a Cartoon Show" a year before this, but they already had made their choice for it be a series, obviously.     The series had 2 season and ran 26 episodes (or 52 segments). 

    The premise of this series is simple a girl named Mike who is from New York, and won't let you forget it, is an exchange student to a random Island. Where a few British settlers were shipwrecked and their descendants inhabit. Most of the episodes is Mike trying to figure out the island while also trying have the comforts of home and teaching them about her home lifestyle.

On the Left in Red: Mike/ Copyright Warner Media 

                     The main cast of characters ,besides Mike, are  Lu and Og.  Lu is younger than Mike but older than her cousin Og, She considers herself to be the princess of the Island.  A mostly stubborn character who wants things to go her way. 

pictured : Lu / Copyright  Warner Media 

            Og is the youngest of the trio, and Lu's cousin.  He is very helpful to Mike's ideas because he is an inventor and scientist. He's the smartest of the three by default but gets caught up in everything as much as everyone else does. 

   pictured : Og/ Warner Media 

          There are other characters as well  like Lu's father is dotes on his daughter and is governor of the Island, thus why Lu acts like a princess.  There's Og's parents who have also taken in Mike as their exchange student guest.  There's Lu's turtle Lancelot, and a few other animals as well.  Interesting cast really. 
               Most of the episodes plots are simple: Mike wants the comforts of home and the episodes center around the islanders trying to figure  these modern things and customs.   The series was strange but it seemed to have fun with it's premise. It's interesting to see  Mike's reactions to island life yet, still missing things she's used to from home. I think it mostly takes place contemporary time  so he's put on an island with stuck in a past time attitudes. The Islanders are quirky and yet seem receptive to most of Mike's "oddities" 

  more after the jump 
       There's an episode where a cargo container washes up on the island's shore and the Islanders are nervous about what it could possibly be, while Mike tells them it's a cargo container  where countries take unwanted junk and give to other countries. (close enough)  She and Og check out what's inside showing the islanders shoes.  Mike has war flashbacks on the shoes and the rest of the islanders seem to like the things.  It's fun to see how they  react to the effect of having shoes, like Og being stuck in dancing shoes, Lu trying to literally above everyone with these ridiculously tall shoes, Wendell, being confused about which shoes are the right ones to air, for examples. 

Shoes I need shoes / Copyright Warner Media. 

              The voice acting is a great cast  with  Nika Futterman being the voice of Mike ,  Nancy Cartwright being the voice of Lu, Dee Bradley Baker being the voice of Og. Kath Soucie being the voice of Margery , Lu's mother.  Plus many others.   The deliveries really do make the characters feel alive. 

                     Now as for why the series maybe didn't catch large popularity  could be because it's not a largely standout series especially from the time. It's own network it had to stand out from Powerpuff girls, Dexter's Lab, and more. While, it also to had take appeal from viewers watching Nickelodeon shows like Rugrats, Sponge bob, and etc.  I can see where it wouldn't be a show viewers catch on to as much. In fact, it premiered the same  night as "Courage the Cowardly Dog" which is considered a classic series and well remember. Funny how time works like that. 

             Interestingly enough, in speaking of Rugrats, creative director Chuck Swenson was the creator of the series. 

 Promo from 1999 

     The art work of the series is really nice. It's one of the final hand drawn TV series before digital ink started being more the standard of television animation. The backgrounds have a nice water color texture, they really give an island feel.
          I decided to write about  Mike Lu and Og because I enjoyed this series and think it has it's own charm. It's not a well known and famous Cartoon Network series but it's still brings something for its worth. 

  That's our lookback , tune in next time when we get off this island!

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