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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Peanuts Film Festival : Snoopy, Come Home


        Now on the Peanuts Film Festival we present the 2nd  film, "Snoopy Come Home".  It came out in August of 1972. Let's take a look.

                Going to start of with talking about the music of the special, since music is part of most Peanuts material but it does matter more here than in other pieces of peanuts media (well maybe a little less than a Peanuts audio piece but you see my point).  The main thing is the music is not from Vince Guaraldi  making it the only Peanuts media made when Guaraldi was alive not to have his music featured.  They went with the Sherman Brothers.  Robert and Richard Sherman  worked on many movies' music I'll name the famous ones like "Mary Poppins", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", "The Jungle Book", and more!  More about the music later.

   The movie starts with the Peanuts characters at the beach having a beach day because , I guess it takes place in California. (Other places have beaches, sir!) Later, Snoopy comes home (wait a minute!) and he is late and Charlie is tired of Snoopy being late.  Snoopy doesn't like Charlie Brown's scolding him so he takes off his color to quiet him. (naked dog!)  The next day, Snoopy did promise Peppermint Patty he'd see her at the beach again. (Because romantic subplot?)  The beach apparently added a new rule : No dogs allowed. (Nude people are allowed though)  If you ever heard this song that says "No Dogs Allowed" with a deep voice, it's from this movie first.

             So Snoopy decides to write a strongly worded letter to get things changed. Later Snoopy,Charlie Brown, and Sally go to the library and he brings it upon himself because of his behavior and causes dogs not be allowed at the library.  Up next, another hallmark where Snoopy tries to take Linus' blanket.  (movie had time for this)

          Then Snoopy and Lucy get into a boxing match (I'm glad movie had time for this though). I think Snoopy lost though. Meanwhile in the hospital there's a girl she writes a letter. while the background music seems solemn. (probably because she's a sick kid ,you jerk)  She apparently sent the letter to Snoopy and Charlie Brown complains nobody writes him a letter. (Because he complains too much, it's always his needs, what about my needs, Charlie Brown, my needs!)

Does this count as dog fighting?/ Copyright Peanuts 

         Snoopy decides to pack up and go. (He's been drafted, darn war!)  Charlie Brown wonders what is going on (Your dog is going to Vietnam, Charlie Brown)  Anyway, Snoopy can't take a bus because NO DOGS ALLOWED.   So, he has to walk. Charlie Brown is sad that Snoopy is missing and doesn't know who Lila is (everyone knows who she is , Charlie Brown is dumb. Who's Lila?)
Lila! Copyright Peanuts 

              Now a girl that looks like Marcie's twin takes Snoopy as her own dog and ties him up  and she also grabs Woodstock as her own too.  She also gets a song. This also takes a part of the movie.  Eventually, Snoopy gets free and and frees Woodstock.  First though, there was a "Scooby-Doo" chance scene because of course. Now, that Snoopy is free he can go back to what he was doing which was (looks at notes) oh yeah, going to see Lila.

Is Snoopy dead? Copyright Peanuts 

               Snoopy and Woodstock first have time to have a  little music campfire in the woods. (Hey they need to rest for their long journey!)  Meanwhile, Lucy tells Charlie Brown he should dis-own Snoopy and get a new dog. (She's helpful not really) Peppermint Patty hits on Chuck and asks him to the fair.  Movie has time for this too, but it's  a nice scene to see Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty hanging out.

      Now Snoopy went to No Dogs Allowed Trains  and has to walk some more.  When more No Dogs Allowed signs show up he decides to go a different way to see Lila in the hospital and sneaks around but he gets thrown out. So, he tries again because he has to see Lila.  Finally, the guy sees Lila. The other peanuts characters seem down that Snoopy is gone. (Even Lucy) Charlie Brown had a tear, now I'm sad. 

      Charlie Brown gives the origin story of how he got Snoopy.  Lila and Snoopy spend time together and it's sweet.  She also wants him to come home with her in the future to which Snoopy cries. Linus calls the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm who apparently gives away all their information to random callers. Anyway, Snoopy used to be Lila's dog and they couldn't keep him because they had to move so they returned him and Charlie Brown picked him. (You've got a used dog ,Charlie Brown)

        Snoopy makes the decision not  to stay with Lila but it's too sad for him and her. He does seem conflicted and she convinces him to go back home and tell his family goodbye which he does. (Dang this Peanuts movie is dark in it's own way)  He gives Charlie Brown his resignation letter. (Snoopy is a legal dog)  They even do a farewell party for Snoopy.  Even Lucy cries.

   Charlie Brown doesn't take this well at all. It's quite a sad montage to see Charlie Brown looking this way.   When Snoopy heads to Lila's he's pretty sad but when he sees No Dogs Allowed sign he's quite over joyed. Lila isn't but he says goodbye and runs back to Charlie Brown.  He also wants his stuff back or he'll sue.  Everything back to normal, so happy ending or something.

       This movie as a follow up to "A Boy Named, Charlie Brown"  in the sense of being the 2nd movie of the Peanuts in theaters seems as good as that film. That doesn't mean it's bad. The music is showcased well in the movie and does really make it enjoyable, some parts of it feel like it was kind of trying to fill time than follow the plot.

   I do like how the movie uses the device of "NO DOGS ALLOWED" as plot device for the ending to be status quo of Snoopy coming back to Charlie Brown. The last parts of the movie are quite somber because Snoopy was heart-wrenched on trying to figure out if he wants to be with Lila, his first owner, or Charlie Brown.  It was also nice to see how much the other characters care and do love the beagle.
Yay !  Copyrights Peanuts 
     The animation quality is really nice, though they don't seem to experiment as much with the animation as done in the first movie, but that's fun.  For my cons, all Peanuts movies have some off plot filler where they are trying to fill some time, this happens in some specials as well that's not a bad thing per say, but it does feel more drag-y in this film.  I did enjoy the Snoopy v. Lucy boxing scene. 


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