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Thursday, October 08, 2020

Into the Twilight: Pay your Credit Cards on Time or Else

Twilight Zone 

           We're back dipping into the "Twilight Zone" another one from the 1985 series, because it's a fun series with different segments to talk about. This time, we are talking about an episode called "The Card" This is the first segment of the 13th episode of season 2.  (Lucky number 13) That first aired on February 21, 1987.

          You know those episodes of shows, usually in kids' media, where a kid gets a credit card, usually for emergencies and ends up going on a spending spree? This episode is that minus the kid,and instead of like parents helping them out at the end; it's darker.

                 A woman named Linda Wolfe is a mother and wife (This is important) and has been invited to a credit card company called The Card.  (That's  sign you might not want to join such a place) A woman working for the card tells Linda (and us) that she has a bad credit record, having been canceled by actual credit card companies.The woman talks about the facts of penalties and she has to pay weekly. Linda doesn't read the fine print.
If you take our pens we'll charge you $10,000

             Linda's husband warns her to be careful.  It's been a week, and that condition is that she has to pay comes up.  There the cat seen earlier has gone away and nobody but Linda remembers it existing.  Next,  she's getting a fridge and there's a problem with the credit card. The Card refuses to pay because she forgot to pay and has to pay them.  (They are tough) 
Ma`am we only take cash here

             There's a dog that we only see once, weird she was so focused on the cat. We get  hint that the Card might be the reason why things are going away.  Meanwhile, the dog is gone. The dog was named Scooby. (Is that legal?)  She still remembers the dog, but everyone else doesn't.  (This card company doesn't play) The husband thinks she needs professional help.  Linda says she doesn't plan to use the card anymore.
Mom. what's a dog ? 

           The Jeep Wagoner has other plans (I don't like how they have best car get attacked like this) She has to use the credit card, because plot reasons.   Meanwhile, at the card company they don't like that she used it and do something else.  She comes home and finds out she doesn't have children anymore.(They really want their money)  Her husband thinks she's losing her sanity.
Aah who picked this interior! 

      Eventually, she puts math together and figures out The Card might have something to do with  it. The next day, she goes to them. She sees her kids being put in the room she saw earlier. The woman at the card company says it was all in the card agreement. (Always read those things) The woman says everyone will be put in better environments. Linda writes a check and it has to clear, if not more penalties. Her husband is mad and he canceled the check.  Eventually, everything starts disappearing even her husband. Her card has her unmarried name on it.   She cuts the credit car but, that's no use and everything including her is gone.
The card 

      That episode was dark. The moral is read the fine print or don't have credit cards? If there is a moral.   The episode is interesting probably even more now, where terms and conditions are written and ignored, and cashless payment has increased.Though, many people use debit systems versus credit it still has a lot going with how modern the episode can feel.  It's an interesting episode.

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we ask for you to pay us your debts or your cat and dog are gone!

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