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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Halloween: So Weird: Boo

Halloween  Disney 


We talked about an episode of "So Weird" before and we are back because it's Halloween time! (OOOOH sppooky)  You can read that here if you haven't or want read it again. 

         This is episode is from season 2 its called "Boo" not like Boo! it sucks!  It's Boo like boo, the scary one. (If someone boos you that is scary!)   It's the 7th episode but for the focus of this , it's a Halloween episode, which is why it's called Boo.   
        Fi, the main character, starts voicing over that Halloween wasn't created by the candy companies. (Duh, it was invented by Ben Franklin, he got drunk one night and started banging on doors and people just gave him candy to make him go away.  And That's why there's an America)  It was actually invented by the Druids in Ireland and it was night for spirits to walk among the living.  We get a cool grave's  eye view. (I  think Fi was buried alive, oh well, series over, let's go home! )
Many people die to come here/ Copyright Disney 

           It's Halloween on the show, if you couldn't tell,they mention it.   In season 2 of the show, Erik von Detten wasn't there to play Clu because he was busy working on two ABC shows that nobody remembers. (They will be blog posts topics probably in the future)  They had Eric Lively play Clu's older brother, Carey. You may know Eric from the 1999 music video for  "Walk Me Home" by Mandy Moore.  (You could have mentioned something else)
Clu has an older brother because science/ Copyright Disney 


       They make it to this weird town in New England (always New England) called  Rhiannon. (This town rings a bell through the night, great!) There's woman's place they are staying at , her name is Mary.  Fi, Jack, and Carey notice the town is not very decorated for Halloween, also Fi doesn't like Halloween because it makes mockery of what she wants people to take seriously. (Candy?)  The Candy man who gives the kids candy is surprised that today is Halloween. (On a side note, he's got his taxes done)  He hears giggles and leaves his candy on the ground and runs away. The Candy is then eaten and burped.  
Die-t candy/ Copyright Disney 


           The show that everyone was there for was canceled. (BOO!) Molly seems fine, she says maybe they need a break. Irene is un happy, because she's sane.  The house has no locks, because locks are bad. (Give me your passwords!)  Mary ran off somewhere and nobody can find her. Then some children who got lost making a Disney Channel movie show up. They have black eyes and look pale. (They really should have eaten their vegetables)  Molly thinks they are trick or treaters because it is Halloween. (This is Halloween, Halloween) The kids are gone so, never mind, but there are crows. (Not as scary as ravens) 
I see dead people/ Copyright Disney 

                   Molly and Fi wander Rhiannon seeing the town looking kind of strange.  The kids show up and go away again. Henry Winkler shows up. (He did work on this show)  He's playing Mary's husband named  Fergus McGarrity.  Henry Winkler makes this episode weirder and better than it was before. Something's happening at midnight. (It's always midnight) 
Hereeee's Henry/ Copyright Disney 

                Fi thinks something strange is happening. (The show is called So Weird) Henry Winkler (yeah he has a name but we are using Henry Winkler)  goes and find Mary. Fi over hears that Mary had got the Molly and crew to be there to be replacements.  Fergus has been dead for awhile. (He's very lively for a dead guy)  Fi decides to pop out after she hears something happening at 5 of midnight. Mary won't let Henry Winkler in the house. 
I said no solicitors  and no celebrities/ Copyright Disney 

         The weird people in  Rhiannon isn't alive ,they are spirits.  Fergus explains the spirits mess up things for a night and bring the town good fortune. (Like college students) He also explains the spirits  must take a few living people with them to the spirit realm because rules.  So Fergus is alive, just smells dead.   Fi goes back to her mother and lies that nothing is going on is  weird.  (No Weird)  She convinces her them to go down to a party. 

               The creepy kids show up to Fergus and he brings them to find the So weird gang. The So Weird gang, fake being dead to not get taken a way.  Good thing the spirits are idiots and think they are dead and take Fergus away.  
Same/ Copyright Disney 

             Molly is confused and Fi tells her the truth and that happened. They drive away and the final shot is Fergus' grave and him whining about the smell. 

            Fi's introduction gives away what the episode is going for, but that's fine. The first half of the episode builds up the tense-ness, and making you wonder what's going on. Henry Winkler coming in to the episode turns the wheel into goofiness. You can't get mad at it because it's Henry Winkler and you are just laughing at the ride.  He's  does have a good reason to want someone to take his place,his wife is kind of mean though.  Then again, you can understand why she would be happy that he's gone for  a year or more. 

      It does change the entire tone of the episode, because Henry Winkler's presence is present. It takes it from tense and spooky to goofy.  Then again, many comedic series take darker routes on Halloween, so why can't "So Weird" being a normally dark series, go goofy on Halloween? It's a fun episode, really enjoyed it. 

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we wonder what happens when it only Thunders when it's raining.  



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