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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Monday, December 09, 2019

Christmas : Frosty Returns (1992)

Christmas The Flashback 

   So, you are watching one or both of the two showing of "Frosty the Snowman" on CBS and it's a 30 minute special. Then you see something called "Frosty Returns" come on and you might be befuddled at what this is special.

  It's NOT  a direct sequel of "Frosty the Snowman" from Rankin Bass , but CBS doesn't have rights (as of this writing to that special) they do have rights this one!  From 1992, this is "Frosty Returns".

      This special's animation looks like a Peanuts special and that's not because some random dude was trying to rip-off Peanuts. The animation is done by  Bill Melendez  and his production company. The same Bill Melendez who did the Peanuts specials.  The music sounds like Rugrats, why does it sound like that, because it's done by Mark Mothersbaugh, who also did music on "Rugrats". 

 On the special!

        They do copy the hallmarks of a Rankin Bass special by having a narrator. In this case it's narrated by Johnathan Winters.  This narrator can ride snow flakes because science.  I cut here before we get to rest of the special, it's not going to mention Christmas, there's some winter carnival so it can  place anytime between December and March. (That means a)using the Christmas tag was a weird thing for me to do, and b) I can watch this special in March) I'm only mentioning this now, not because it bugs me , but to make sure you know that it doesn't mention Christmas.

          At first there's a song with kids singing how much they love snow (yeah pro-snow agenda) while, the adults complaining about it in the same song.  Our main character is Holly DeCarlo  and she also has this friend who looks like Marcie from Peanuts had a son. His name is Charles so I have my own ideas.
Charlie Brown and Marcie had a son?/ Copyright CBS 

More after the jump

      Anyways, she practices trying to saw Charles in half ,for her magic act when her hat flies out of the house. (Guess what happens?) She finds her hat on a snowman who alive. (Dark arts!)  His name is Spencer... alright fine it's Frosty. (duh)   Holly's mom shows off a new invention that she bought  this a spray can called "Summer Wheeze" that makes snow melt in a disturbing way.  This is part of the main plot. You can guess spray that can somehow make snow disappear isn't good for a snowman. (Tell me!)
You're an alive snowman! / Copyright CBS 

        It's from some old rich guy's company, he's our villain, his name is Mr. Twitchell. The town ,Beansboro, is now mostly snow free because of the stuff being sprayed all over the place.  Holly decides the best thing to do for Frosty is stick him in her freezer.  Meanwhile at school, Charles is talking about how important snow is for our environment. (Pro-snow agenda is our agenda too!) The other kids start dismissing the power of snow, with one girl saying that it would give them ten months of summer vacation. (She knows kids go to school in warm weather right? Education System has failed!)  Everyone but Charles and Holly start cheering  "No more Snow!".   (Also MTV joke, that no longer is relevant , so I'm sad.)
Summer Wheeze makes me feel good/ Copyright CBS 

       Holly has skipped school (she wasn't learning anything anyway) and finds Frosty outside. Now, it's Frosty's turn to sing a song.  He's trying to help Holly speak what she feels. "Let there be Snow" (It's a fairly enjoyable song)    Yes, Mr. Twitchell gets a villain song  connected to Frosty's song, I call this CONTRAST. (Other people call it that too; I didn't make it up myself.)   Charles meets Frosty and is confused on how the magic snow man is alive!
Frosty meet Charlies, Charles meet Frosty / Copyright CBS

        The villain sees Frosty and tries to eliminate him (this special is dark). Charles help fill Frosty's whole. He gave up his experiment snow (that was nice of him).   The winter carnival is coming, and Holly has a plan. Mr. Twichell shows up  first to get rid of the snow and also spays some in people faces. (Great, they are going to die)  Holly confronts the old guy and makes the case for snow.  She shows everyone Frosty to make everyone see the magic of snow. (Good thing they didn't call her a witch)
Move over, nobody wants to see the old man in the water/ Copyright CBS 

    He gets the town to enjoy the snow. Mr.Twitchell falls in cold-ice water. (and dies of hypothermia?  Frosty was made king of the carnival. (yay)  Holly offers a kind gesture to Mr. Twitchell.  Holly sees that Frosty is leaving and she doesn't want him to leave but he does.  The town likes winter again.

        I'm not going to compare it the original "Frosty the Snowman" because I think that would an unfair comparison.  This special has three messages to it, one promoting an environmental message that snow and winter are just as important to our environment.  The next message is about friendship more where it doesn't matter how many friends you have; just the quality of them. Like Charles and Holly. and Frosty and Holly, and all three. (Why did I write that like that?)  Third message, is speak up when you feel something is wrong and stand up for yourself.  I like how it melds three of those together in a somewhat alright fashion.  Also, a light touch of magic being a moral but not too much to count.

          John Goodman does a fairly alright voice for Frosty. Singing isn't 10/10 though. This is one comparison to Frosty from the Rankin Bass Universe.  While. their Frosty had more a naive and trusting nature; this one has more a knowledgeable almost cynical nature.  John Goodman does a good job of selling that personality. This Frosty also has a shaper edge to him again fitting 90's media.

      Holly replaces Karen.  She seems to be more unpopular and lacks some self confidence to give her character development in the special to become more confident.  She does grow a  good friend ship with Frosty through  the duration. She cares about him not dying, and he helps her with some of her problems. 
       The animation is interesting to talk about. I've seen reviews of this special where someone says that this looks like a Peanuts/Charlie Brown knock off. Which because of the person who was in charge of animating i it's not because it's Peanuts animation in the first place. I think it does give it nice charm where it fits.

       Some of the criticisms do try and link to the 1969 special and like I said, that's unfair because it's not trying to be Frosty 2, even with the title. It kind of makes me wonder if CBS had them use the title because they didn't have writes to Frosty 2 from Rankin-Bass,("Frosty's Winter Wonderland) I would take points off for Old man rapping, because what?

    Now my personal bias time: I do like this special, I  can see it as separate from the charm of the original.  It has  own charm and cringe, because there is that.    That's my look, tune in next time when  Summer wheeze really makes me feel fine,Blowing through the jasmine in my mind,Summer Wheeze makes me feel fine.


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