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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

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Friday, December 06, 2019

Christmas: Frosty the Snowman (1969)

Christmas   The Flashback 

    One of my problems is that I kind of assumed everyone knows about  the same collective things, case in point: this special. I at least assumed everyone has seen this special and really , I shouldn't. That's one of the reasons why I never really jumped on this special to write about. I also really do like looking up stuff people really probably haven't seen or I've not seen my self to show my thoughts to all.    Since this is a special year for this special, I think it's time to write about it.

  Now This is "Frosty the Snowman"

       So, this special premiered on December 7th 1969 on CBS and has aired there ,as of this writing, for all 50 years. (In Canada it airs on CBC)    This special is based off the song of the same name written by Walter "Jack" Rollins and Steve Nelson.  The history of the song is for a different blog, for this blog, I'm going to be writing about how Rankin-Bass (The Kings of Christmas)  took that song and figured out how to write a whole dang story around it. 

      Per tradition in Rankin Bass Christmas specials there is a narrator , this time it's Jimmy Durante!  So, it's the day before Christmas and kids are in school while the first snow of winter has fallen. (Why are the kids in school on Christmas eve? I don't know)   The teacher hires a Professor Hinkle, a magician, to come to the class Christmas party. He's not a very good magician. (He also has a rabbit named Hocus Pocus, who is best rabbit.)  Anyway, school's out (FOR SUMMER, I mean Christmas)  and the children , the main girl is named Karen, start to make a snowman.  (Also the kids are dressed in shorts and short dresses because people were tougher in the old days--weakling!)
Tougher Days/ Copyright NBC Universal 

More after the Jump

        They have to figure out a name of the snowman so they go through a list of names, like corn flakes (Kellogg's could sue them)  and decide on Frosty. (Thankfully, or else this would be a badly named special) The kids start singing the Frosty song. (did they plan this, how'd they know?) Then professor Hinkle's hat ends up on the snowman.  It is funny to see the children's reaction be "oh look he's alive" and not be freaked out a little, they just go with , "yeah it's magic".

Witchcraft!/ Copyright NBC Universal 

    Setting up the conflict of the special, Hinkle wants his hat so he can make riches or something and the kids want the hat to have Frosty be all living.  The theme music starts in about 5 minutes into this special.  Hocus Pocus, the rabbit, takes the hat back to the kids and they get Frosty alive again.   The kids spend time with ole Frosty.  Rather quickly, it gets warmer and Frosty worries about the worst thing to happen to snowmen, melting. (The 2nd worst thing are dogs) Karen decides to take him to the North Pole.  (what?)
I said were going to the North Pole! / Copyright NBC Universal 

        Karen and Frosty couldn't afford a train trip to the North Pole so, they hitch a ride in a refrigerator car.  I like that Karen says her mother won't mind her being on a train ride to the North Pole as long as she gets back before dinner. (Ah the good ole days)  Karen gets cold in the car so, Frosty helps her find some place warm. It shows his caring personality and this comes more into play later.   Frosty helps Karen get into a green house but, the magician locks him inside, thus causing one of the saddest scenes with Karen crying over the melted Frosty.
Copyright NBC Universal 

           After the sad montage. Santa tells Karen that snow (Christmas snow) truly never goes away fully.  Which is a nice message in away like how the water cycle works and that those who are gone memories still are still around. We really couldn't end a special that way because whoa, that would a little to depressing to end our "Frosty the Snowman" with dead snowman, and doesn't fit the ending of the song.    Santa makes Hinkle apologize and not allowed to take the hat. Also , Santa leaves Karen on her roof.
UHHHHH someone help her? / Copyright NBC Universal 

     I think this special is well regarded with good reason.  Rankin Bass did a great job taking the around 3 minute long song and making a great story from that. Nothing felt to drawn out or rushed.  I like how Frosty's personality was crafted. He's caring even though he's slow witted because snowman.
    They give a great impression of childhood wonder over snow storms that, I think adults kind of lose.  Frosty and Karen's friendship is well shown and feels genuine, even though they are animated. So,if you have never seen this special somehow, please do watch it, and if you haven't watched it in sometime please do.

      It's been running 50 years for a reason because it is that good, and top tier Rankin Bass. The animation is nice. I like how it has a retro feel to it, even more than it being from 1969, but it has a look to give it a fluid timelessness.  Jackie Vernon's voice is perfect for the character they made, he really made it feel like I were to make a snowman right now and it was living, it should sound like him.  Jimmy Durante was a great narrator and love his voice especially, for a version of the popular song.

   That's it for now, tune in next time after we defeat this evil snowman we made, help us!

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