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NETWORK TV Fall 2024

It's that time of year again! The networks are releasing their fall line ups

Fall Line up: FOX NBC CBS ABC The CW

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Happy New Year, Charlie Brown!

New Year's Holidays 

             I could make a joke about the idea of their being a Peanuts special for everything because there kind of is one for almost anything.  New Year's doesn't have as many specials really, compared to Christmas and other holidays. It's kind of hard to think of an idea for a  New Year's special.  Peanuts has one because, sure alright.

        "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown" first aired on CBS on January 1st 1986, ABC currently reruns it with  "She's a Good Skate, Charlie Brown" .   Let's talk about it.

       It starts with Charlie Brown (and Linus ) waiting for Christmas vacation and the teacher decides to assign a book report, but not of any book. The teacher has chosen "War and Peace".  Which is the weirdest thing to assign to kids who are like what eight?   Charles Schulz did insert a lot of references to Leo Tolstoy into  Peanuts.  It's still kind of weird to give children a report on "War and Peace" not only because it's thick book, but it's also above the age range. 
            That is the main conflict of the special, Charlie Brown struggles with this huge book. It's something  that many people might have gone through themselves in childhood, or maybe even later.  Charlie Brown tries to read the book but it doesn't interest him in any way and it's a long dense read. I like the gag of him using a cart to wheel the book around.  I am confused as why Linus wasn't working on the assignment when he was shown to be in the same class. Now, he could have already known the book since, he seemed to know everything about Leo Tolstoy.

               The New Year's planning is in the background. Peppermint Patty is having a party and invites everyone. She still doesn't listen to Chuck on the phone, except when he mentions Heather/ The Little Red Haired girl. (Funnily enough)  There is a some light comedy like the Rerun blowing balloons in to square shapes. Peanuts isn't prominently comedy so, that's fine. 

          It is unfair to compare to the other Peanuts holiday specials, that proceeded it but, it does a good job with the holiday it was given to have fun with.  It was sad that Charlie Brown didn't get to dance with the little red haired girl/ Heather, even though he did ask her , for once. Linus for some reason didn't see him right over there on the bench sleeping in front of the house.  The songs are good, it was nice to see Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown practice dancing.  The musical chairs song was fun as well.

         The sense of stretching for time does happen, where you can really feel they were trying to fit it to the standard time. Charlie Brown reading pieces of "War and Peace",for example, does give it a drag. As  Peanuts special over all for ranking, I'd put it in mid-range, it's not the worst but, not in the best. It's an alright special to give your time to. If you watch it on television, watch the Peppermint Patty special after it too!

   That's it from us, have a Happy New Year!


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